
by v4lheru
/** * Card Service * * Service for interacting with Trello cards. * Provides methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting cards. */ import { TrelloService } from './trello-service.js'; import { TrelloCard, CreateCardData, UpdateCardData, CardFilters, TrelloCheckItem, TrelloChecklist, TrelloAttachment, TrelloLabel } from '../types/trello-types.js'; /** * Service for interacting with Trello cards */ export class CardService { private trelloService: TrelloService; /** * Creates a new CardService instance * @param trelloService - The TrelloService instance */ constructor(trelloService: TrelloService) { this.trelloService = trelloService; } /** * Get a specific card by ID * @param cardId - ID of the card to retrieve * @returns Promise resolving to the card */ async getCard(cardId: string): Promise<TrelloCard> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloCard>(`/cards/${cardId}`); } /** * Create a new card * @param data - Card creation data * @returns Promise resolving to the created card */ async createCard(data: CreateCardData): Promise<TrelloCard> { return<TrelloCard>('/cards', data); } /** * Update an existing card * @param cardId - ID of the card to update * @param data - Card update data * @returns Promise resolving to the updated card */ async updateCard(cardId: string, data: UpdateCardData): Promise<TrelloCard> { return this.trelloService.put<TrelloCard>(`/cards/${cardId}`, data); } /** * Delete a card * @param cardId - ID of the card to delete * @returns Promise resolving when deletion is complete */ async deleteCard(cardId: string): Promise<void> { return this.trelloService.delete<void>(`/cards/${cardId}`); } /** * Archive a card * @param cardId - ID of the card to archive * @returns Promise resolving to the updated card */ async archiveCard(cardId: string): Promise<TrelloCard> { return this.updateCard(cardId, { closed: true }); } /** * Unarchive a card * @param cardId - ID of the card to unarchive * @returns Promise resolving to the updated card */ async unarchiveCard(cardId: string): Promise<TrelloCard> { return this.updateCard(cardId, { closed: false }); } /** * Move a card to a different list * @param cardId - ID of the card to move * @param listId - ID of the destination list * @returns Promise resolving to the updated card */ async moveCardToList(cardId: string, listId: string): Promise<TrelloCard> { return this.updateCard(cardId, { idList: listId }); } /** * Add a member to a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param memberId - ID of the member to add * @returns Promise resolving to the updated card */ async addMember(cardId: string, memberId: string): Promise<TrelloCard> { return<TrelloCard>(`/cards/${cardId}/idMembers`, { value: memberId }); } /** * Remove a member from a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param memberId - ID of the member to remove * @returns Promise resolving to the updated card */ async removeMember(cardId: string, memberId: string): Promise<TrelloCard> { return this.trelloService.delete<TrelloCard>(`/cards/${cardId}/idMembers/${memberId}`); } /** * Add a label to a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param labelId - ID of the label to add * @returns Promise resolving to the updated card */ async addLabel(cardId: string, labelId: string): Promise<TrelloCard> { return<TrelloCard>(`/cards/${cardId}/idLabels`, { value: labelId }); } /** * Remove a label from a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param labelId - ID of the label to remove * @returns Promise resolving to the updated card */ async removeLabel(cardId: string, labelId: string): Promise<TrelloCard> { return this.trelloService.delete<TrelloCard>(`/cards/${cardId}/idLabels/${labelId}`); } /** * Add a comment to a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param text - Comment text * @returns Promise resolving to the created comment */ async addComment(cardId: string, text: string): Promise<any> { return<any>(`/cards/${cardId}/actions/comments`, { text }); } /** * Get all comments on a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @returns Promise resolving to an array of comments */ async getComments(cardId: string): Promise<any[]> { return this.trelloService.get<any[]>(`/cards/${cardId}/actions`, { filter: 'commentCard' }); } /** * Get all attachments on a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @returns Promise resolving to an array of attachments */ async getAttachments(cardId: string): Promise<TrelloAttachment[]> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloAttachment[]>(`/cards/${cardId}/attachments`); } /** * Add an attachment to a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param url - URL of the attachment * @param name - Optional name for the attachment * @returns Promise resolving to the created attachment */ async addAttachment(cardId: string, url: string, name?: string): Promise<TrelloAttachment> { return<TrelloAttachment>(`/cards/${cardId}/attachments`, { url, name }); } /** * Delete an attachment from a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param attachmentId - ID of the attachment to delete * @returns Promise resolving when deletion is complete */ async deleteAttachment(cardId: string, attachmentId: string): Promise<void> { return this.trelloService.delete<void>(`/cards/${cardId}/attachments/${attachmentId}`); } /** * Get all checklists on a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @returns Promise resolving to an array of checklists */ async getChecklists(cardId: string): Promise<TrelloChecklist[]> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloChecklist[]>(`/cards/${cardId}/checklists`); } /** * Add a checklist to a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param name - Name of the checklist * @returns Promise resolving to the created checklist */ async addChecklist(cardId: string, name: string): Promise<TrelloChecklist> { return<TrelloChecklist>(`/cards/${cardId}/checklists`, { name }); } /** * Get a specific checklist item on a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param checkItemId - ID of the checklist item * @returns Promise resolving to the checklist item */ async getCheckItem(cardId: string, checkItemId: string): Promise<TrelloCheckItem> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloCheckItem>(`/cards/${cardId}/checkItem/${checkItemId}`); } /** * Update a checklist item on a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param checkItemId - ID of the checklist item * @param state - New state for the checklist item * @returns Promise resolving to the updated checklist item */ async updateCheckItemState(cardId: string, checkItemId: string, state: 'complete' | 'incomplete'): Promise<TrelloCheckItem> { return this.trelloService.put<TrelloCheckItem>(`/cards/${cardId}/checkItem/${checkItemId}`, { state }); } /** * Get all labels on a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @returns Promise resolving to an array of labels */ async getLabels(cardId: string): Promise<TrelloLabel[]> { const card = await this.getCard(cardId); return card.labels || []; } /** * Set the due date for a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param due - Due date (ISO string or null to remove) * @returns Promise resolving to the updated card */ async setDueDate(cardId: string, due: string | null): Promise<TrelloCard> { return this.updateCard(cardId, { due }); } /** * Set the due complete status for a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param dueComplete - Whether the due date is complete * @returns Promise resolving to the updated card */ async setDueComplete(cardId: string, dueComplete: boolean): Promise<TrelloCard> { return this.updateCard(cardId, { dueComplete }); } }