
by v4lheru
/** * Board Service * * Service for interacting with Trello boards. * Provides methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting boards. */ import { TrelloService } from './trello-service.js'; import { TrelloBoard, CreateBoardData, UpdateBoardData, BoardFilters, TrelloList } from '../types/trello-types.js'; /** * Service for interacting with Trello boards */ export class BoardService { private trelloService: TrelloService; /** * Creates a new BoardService instance * @param trelloService - The TrelloService instance */ constructor(trelloService: TrelloService) { this.trelloService = trelloService; } /** * Get all boards for the authenticated user * @param filters - Optional filters to apply * @returns Promise resolving to an array of boards */ async getBoards(filters?: BoardFilters): Promise<TrelloBoard[]> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloBoard[]>('/members/me/boards', filters); } /** * Get a specific board by ID * @param boardId - ID of the board to retrieve * @returns Promise resolving to the board */ async getBoard(boardId: string): Promise<TrelloBoard> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloBoard>(`/boards/${boardId}`); } /** * Create a new board * @param data - Board creation data * @returns Promise resolving to the created board */ async createBoard(data: CreateBoardData): Promise<TrelloBoard> { return<TrelloBoard>('/boards', data); } /** * Update an existing board * @param boardId - ID of the board to update * @param data - Board update data * @returns Promise resolving to the updated board */ async updateBoard(boardId: string, data: UpdateBoardData): Promise<TrelloBoard> { return this.trelloService.put<TrelloBoard>(`/boards/${boardId}`, data); } /** * Delete a board * @param boardId - ID of the board to delete * @returns Promise resolving when deletion is complete */ async deleteBoard(boardId: string): Promise<void> { return this.trelloService.delete<void>(`/boards/${boardId}`); } /** * Get all lists on a board * @param boardId - ID of the board * @param filter - Optional filter (all, closed, none, open) * @returns Promise resolving to an array of lists */ async getLists(boardId: string, filter: 'all' | 'closed' | 'none' | 'open' = 'open'): Promise<TrelloList[]> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloList[]>(`/boards/${boardId}/lists`, { filter }); } /** * Close (archive) a board * @param boardId - ID of the board to close * @returns Promise resolving to the updated board */ async closeBoard(boardId: string): Promise<TrelloBoard> { return this.updateBoard(boardId, { closed: true }); } /** * Reopen a closed board * @param boardId - ID of the board to reopen * @returns Promise resolving to the updated board */ async reopenBoard(boardId: string): Promise<TrelloBoard> { return this.updateBoard(boardId, { closed: false }); } /** * Get boards that belong to an organization * @param organizationId - ID of the organization * @param filters - Optional filters to apply * @returns Promise resolving to an array of boards */ async getOrganizationBoards(organizationId: string, filters?: BoardFilters): Promise<TrelloBoard[]> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloBoard[]>(`/organizations/${organizationId}/boards`, filters); } /** * Get boards that the authenticated user is a member of * @param filters - Optional filters to apply * @returns Promise resolving to an array of boards */ async getMemberBoards(filters?: BoardFilters): Promise<TrelloBoard[]> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloBoard[]>('/members/me/boards', filters); } /** * Get starred boards for the authenticated user * @returns Promise resolving to an array of starred boards */ async getStarredBoards(): Promise<TrelloBoard[]> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloBoard[]>('/members/me/boards', { filter: 'starred' }); } }