
by jason-tan-swe
import { BaseService } from '@/services/base.service.js'; import { createSuccessResponse, createErrorResponse, formatError } from '@/utils/responses.js'; export class VariableService extends BaseService { public constructor() { super(); } async listVariables(projectId: string, environmentId: string, serviceId?: string) { try { const variables = await this.client.variables.getVariables(projectId, environmentId, serviceId); if (Object.keys(variables).length === 0) { return createSuccessResponse({ text: serviceId ? "No variables found for this service in this environment." : "No shared variables found in this environment.", data: {} }); } const context = serviceId ? "service variables" : "shared environment variables"; const formattedVars = Object.entries(variables) .map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${value}`) .join('\n'); return createSuccessResponse({ text: `Current ${context}:\n\n${formattedVars}`, data: variables }); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error listing variables: ${formatError(error)}`); } } async upsertVariable(projectId: string, environmentId: string, name: string, value: string, serviceId?: string) { try { await this.client.variables.upsertVariable({ projectId, environmentId, name, value, serviceId }); const variableType = serviceId ? "service variable" : "shared environment variable"; return createSuccessResponse({ text: `Successfully set ${variableType} "${name}"` }); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error setting variable: ${formatError(error)}`); } } async deleteVariable(projectId: string, environmentId: string, name: string, serviceId?: string) { try { await this.client.variables.deleteVariable({ projectId, environmentId, name, serviceId }); const variableType = serviceId ? "service variable" : "shared environment variable"; return createSuccessResponse({ text: `Successfully deleted ${variableType} "${name}"` }); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error deleting variable: ${formatError(error)}`); } } async bulkUpsertVariables(projectId: string, environmentId: string, variables: Record<string, string>, serviceId?: string) { try { const inputs = Object.entries(variables).map(([name, value]) => ({ projectId, environmentId, name, value, serviceId })); await this.client.variables.upsertVariables(inputs); const variableType = serviceId ? "service variables" : "shared environment variables"; return createSuccessResponse({ text: `Successfully updated ${inputs.length} ${variableType}` }); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error updating variables: ${formatError(error)}`); } } async copyVariables(projectId: string, sourceEnvironmentId: string, targetEnvironmentId: string, serviceId?: string, overwrite: boolean = false) { try { // Get variables from source environment const sourceVars = await this.client.variables.getVariables(projectId, sourceEnvironmentId, serviceId); if (Object.keys(sourceVars).length === 0) { return createSuccessResponse({ text: "No variables found in source environment to copy.", data: { copied: 0 } }); } // Get variables from target environment const targetVars = await this.client.variables.getVariables(projectId, targetEnvironmentId, serviceId); // If not overwriting, filter out variables that already exist in target const varsToSet = overwrite ? sourceVars : Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(sourceVars).filter(([key]) => !(key in targetVars)) ); if (Object.keys(varsToSet).length === 0) { return createSuccessResponse({ text: "All variables already exist in target environment.", data: { copied: 0 } }); } // Bulk update the variables await this.bulkUpsertVariables(projectId, targetEnvironmentId, varsToSet, serviceId); const variableType = serviceId ? "service variables" : "shared environment variables"; return createSuccessResponse({ text: `Successfully copied ${Object.keys(varsToSet).length} ${variableType} to target environment`, data: { copied: Object.keys(varsToSet).length } }); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error copying variables: ${formatError(error)}`); } } } // Initialize and export the singleton instance export const variableService = new VariableService();