
by jason-tan-swe
import { BaseService } from './base.service.js'; import { TcpProxyCreateInput } from '@/types.js'; import { createSuccessResponse, createErrorResponse, formatError } from '@/utils/responses.js'; import { CallToolResult } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; export class TcpProxyService extends BaseService { public constructor() { super(); } /** * Create a new TCP proxy for a service in a specific environment * @param input TCP proxy creation parameters */ async createTcpProxy(input: TcpProxyCreateInput): Promise<CallToolResult> { try { const tcpProxy = await this.client.tcpProxies.tcpProxyCreate(input); return createSuccessResponse({ text: `TCP Proxy created successfully: - Application Port: ${tcpProxy.applicationPort} - Proxy Port: ${tcpProxy.proxyPort} - Domain: ${tcpProxy.domain} - ID: ${tcpProxy.id}`, data: tcpProxy }); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error creating TCP proxy: ${formatError(error)}`); } } /** * Delete a TCP proxy by ID * @param id TCP proxy ID to delete */ async deleteTcpProxy(id: string): Promise<CallToolResult> { try { const result = await this.client.tcpProxies.tcpProxyDelete(id); if (result) { return createSuccessResponse({ text: `TCP Proxy with ID ${id} deleted successfully`, data: { success: true } }); } else { return createErrorResponse(`Failed to delete TCP Proxy with ID ${id}`); } } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error deleting TCP proxy: ${formatError(error)}`); } } /** * List all TCP proxies for a service in a specific environment * @param environmentId Railway environment ID * @param serviceId Railway service ID */ async listTcpProxies(environmentId: string, serviceId: string): Promise<CallToolResult> { try { const proxies = await this.client.tcpProxies.listTcpProxies(environmentId, serviceId); if (proxies.length === 0) { return createSuccessResponse({ text: 'No TCP proxies found for this service.', data: [] }); } const proxyDetails = proxies.map(proxy => `- Application Port: ${proxy.applicationPort} ā†’ Proxy Port: ${proxy.proxyPort} Domain: ${proxy.domain} ID: ${proxy.id}` ).join('\n\n'); return createSuccessResponse({ text: `TCP Proxies for this service:\n\n${proxyDetails}`, data: proxies }); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error listing TCP proxies: ${formatError(error)}`); } } } export const tcpProxyService = new TcpProxyService();