by jason-tan-swe
- src
- services
import { BaseService } from '@/services/base.service.js';
import { DeploymentLog } from '@/types.js';
import { createSuccessResponse, createErrorResponse, formatError } from '@/utils/responses.js';
import { getStatusEmoji } from '@/utils/helpers.js';
export class DeploymentService extends BaseService {
public constructor() {
async listDeployments(projectId: string, serviceId: string, environmentId: string, limit: number = 5) {
try {
const deployments = await this.client.deployments.listDeployments({
if (deployments.length === 0) {
return createSuccessResponse({
text: "No deployments found for this service.",
data: []
const deploymentDetails = deployments.map(deployment => {
const status = deployment.status.toLowerCase();
const emoji = status === 'success' ? 'ā
' : status === 'failed' ? 'ā' : 'š';
return `${emoji} Deployment ${deployment.id}
Status: ${deployment.status}
Created: ${new Date(deployment.createdAt).toLocaleString()}
Service: ${deployment.serviceId}
${deployment.url ? `URL: ${deployment.url}` : ''}`;
return createSuccessResponse({
text: `Recent deployments:\n\n${deploymentDetails.join('\n\n')}`,
data: deployments
} catch (error) {
return createErrorResponse(`Error listing deployments: ${formatError(error)}`);
async triggerDeployment(projectId: string, serviceId: string, environmentId: string, commitSha?: string) {
try {
// Wait for 5 seconds before triggering deployment
// Seems like the LLMs like to call this function multiple times in combination
// with the health check function and the list deployments function
// so we need to wait a bit to avoid rate limiting
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
const deploymentId = await this.client.deployments.triggerDeployment({
return createSuccessResponse({
text: `Triggered new deployment (ID: ${deploymentId})`,
data: { deploymentId }
} catch (error) {
return createErrorResponse(`Error triggering deployment: ${formatError(error)}`);
async getDeploymentLogs(deploymentId: string, limit: number = 100) {
try {
// Wait for 5 seconds before fetching logs
// Seems like the LLMs like to call this function multiple times in combination
// with the health check function, so we need to wait a bit to avoid rate limiting
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
const buildLogs = await this.client.deployments.getBuildLogs(deploymentId, limit);
const deploymentLogs = await this.client.deployments.getDeploymentLogs(deploymentId, limit);
const logs: DeploymentLog[] = [...buildLogs.map(log => ({ ...log, type: 'build' as const })), ...deploymentLogs.map(log => ({ ...log, type: 'deployment' as const })) ];
if (logs.length === 0) {
return createSuccessResponse({
text: `No logs found for deployment ${deploymentId}`,
data: []
const formattedLogs = logs.map(log => {
const timestamp = new Date(log.timestamp).toLocaleString();
const severity = log.severity.toLowerCase();
const emoji = severity === 'error' ? 'ā' : severity === 'warn' ? 'ā ļø' : 'š';
return `[${log.type}] [${timestamp}] ${emoji} ${log.message}`;
return createSuccessResponse({
text: formattedLogs,
data: logs
} catch (error) {
return createErrorResponse(`Error fetching logs: ${formatError(error)}`);
async healthCheckDeployment(deploymentId: string) {
try {
// Wait for 5 seconds before checking status
// Seems like the LLMs like to call this function multiple times in combination
// with the health check function, so we need to wait a bit
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
const status = await this.client.deployments.healthCheckDeployment(deploymentId);
const emoji = getStatusEmoji(status);
return createSuccessResponse({
text: `Deployment Status: ${emoji} ${status}`,
data: { status }
} catch (error) {
return createErrorResponse(`Error checking deployment health: ${formatError(error)}`);
// Initialize and export the singleton instance
export const deploymentService = new DeploymentService();