
import axios from "axios"; import fs from "fs/promises"; import path from "path"; import { McpError, ErrorCode } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; export interface RepoContents { name: string; path: string; type: string; content?: string; download_url?: string; owner?: string; repo?: string; } export async function fetchGitHubRepoContents( owner: string, repo: string, repoPath: string = "" ): Promise<RepoContents[]> { console.log( `[MCP] Fetching GitHub repo contents for ${owner}/${repo}${ repoPath ? `/${repoPath}` : "" }` ); const githubToken = process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN; if (!githubToken) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, "GitHub token is required. Set GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable." ); } try { const response = await axios.get( `https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/contents/${repoPath}`, { headers: { Accept: "application/vnd.github.v3+json", Authorization: `token ${githubToken}`, "User-Agent": "UIFlowChartCreator-MCP", }, } ); if (!response.data) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `No data returned from GitHub API for ${owner}/${repo}` ); } const excludeList = [ "node_modules", ".git", "dist", "build", ".vscode", ".idea", "test", "__tests__", ]; const excludeFiles = [ ".env", ".gitignore", "package-lock.json", "yarn.lock", ]; return response.data.filter((item: RepoContents) => { if (item.type === "dir" && excludeList.includes(item.name)) { return false; } if (item.type === "file" && excludeFiles.includes(item.name)) { return false; } return true; }); } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `GitHub API error: ${error.response?.data?.message || error.message}` ); } throw error; } } export async function fetchLocalRepoContents( repoPath: string ): Promise<RepoContents[]> { console.log(`[MCP] Fetching local repo contents from ${repoPath}`); try { const contents: RepoContents[] = []; const items = await fs.readdir(repoPath, { withFileTypes: true }); const excludeList = [ "node_modules", ".git", "dist", "build", ".vscode", ".idea", "test", "__tests__", ]; const excludeFiles = [ ".env", ".gitignore", "package-lock.json", "yarn.lock", ]; for (const item of items) { if ( excludeList.includes(item.name) || (item.isFile() && excludeFiles.includes(item.name)) ) continue; const itemPath = path.join(repoPath, item.name); if (item.isDirectory()) { contents.push({ name: item.name, path: itemPath, type: "dir", }); } else if (item.isFile()) { const content = await fs.readFile(itemPath, "utf-8"); contents.push({ name: item.name, path: itemPath, type: "file", content, }); } } return contents; } catch (error) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Failed to read local repository: ${ error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) }` ); } }