
import path from "path"; import axios from "axios"; import { RepoContents, fetchLocalRepoContents, fetchGitHubRepoContents, } from "./repoHandlers.js"; import { McpError, ErrorCode } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; export interface ComponentInfo { name: string; type: "page" | "layout" | "component"; filePath: string; imports: string[]; children: ComponentInfo[]; } export async function parseUIFlow( contents: RepoContents[], isLocal: boolean, fileExtensions: string[] = ["js", "jsx", "ts", "tsx"] ): Promise<string> { console.log( `[MCP] Parsing UI flow with extensions: ${fileExtensions.join(", ")}` ); const components: { [key: string]: ComponentInfo } = {}; async function processContents( currentContents: RepoContents[], currentPath: string = "" ) { for (const item of currentContents) { if ( item.type === "file" && fileExtensions.some((ext) => item.name.endsWith(`.${ext}`)) ) { let content: string; if (isLocal) { content = item.content || ""; } else { try { const response = await axios.get(item.download_url || ""); content = response.data; } catch (error) { console.warn( `[MCP] Failed to fetch content for ${item.name}: ${error}` ); continue; } } const componentName = item.name.split(".")[0]; const componentPath = path.join(currentPath, componentName); const componentType = getComponentType(componentPath); components[componentPath] = { name: componentName, type: componentType, filePath: path.join(currentPath, item.name), imports: [], children: [], }; // Analyze import statements const importMatches = content.match( /import\s+(\w+|\{[^}]+\})\s+from\s+['"]([^'"]+)['"]/g ); if (importMatches) { importMatches.forEach((match) => { const [, importedComponent, importPath] = match.match( /import\s+(\w+|\{[^}]+\})\s+from\s+['"]([^'"]+)['"]/ ) || []; if (importedComponent) { const cleanedImport = importedComponent .replace(/[{}]/g, "") .trim(); const resolvedPath = path.join( currentPath, path.dirname(importPath), cleanedImport ); components[componentPath].imports.push(resolvedPath); } }); } } else if (item.type === "dir") { const subContents = isLocal ? await fetchLocalRepoContents(item.path) : await fetchGitHubRepoContents( item.owner || "", item.repo || "", item.path ); await processContents(subContents, path.join(currentPath, item.name)); } } } await processContents(contents); // Build component hierarchy const rootComponents: ComponentInfo[] = []; Object.values(components).forEach((component) => { component.imports.forEach((importPath) => { if (components[importPath]) { components[importPath].children.push(component); } }); if (component.imports.length === 0) { rootComponents.push(component); } }); return JSON.stringify(rootComponents, null, 2); } function getComponentType( componentPath: string ): "page" | "layout" | "component" { // Special handling for App component if (componentPath.toLowerCase().includes("app")) { return "page"; } // Detect pages based on common patterns if ( componentPath.includes("pages") || componentPath.includes("views") || componentPath.toLowerCase().includes("meals") ) { return "page"; } // Detect layouts based on common patterns if ( componentPath.includes("layouts") || componentPath.toLowerCase().includes("header") ) { return "layout"; } // Default to component return "component"; } export function generateMermaidFlowchart(components: ComponentInfo[]): string { let chart = "flowchart TD\n"; // Create a map of all components for quick lookup const componentMap = new Map<string, ComponentInfo>(); components.forEach((component) => { componentMap.set(component.name, component); }); // Create nodes with proper styling and hierarchy const createNode = (component: ComponentInfo, depth: number = 0): string => { const nodeId = component.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_"); const indent = " ".repeat(depth); // Determine node style based on type let nodeStyle = ""; switch (component.type) { case "page": nodeStyle = "(( ))"; break; case "layout": nodeStyle = "{{ }}"; break; default: nodeStyle = "[/ /]"; } // Add node with proper indentation chart += `${indent}${nodeId}${nodeStyle}["${component.name} (${component.type})"]\n`; // Recursively process children component.children.forEach((child) => { const childComponent = componentMap.get(child.name); if (childComponent) { createNode(childComponent, depth + 1); } }); return nodeId; }; // Find root components (those with no parents) const rootComponents = components.filter( (component) => !components.some((c) => c.children.some((child) => child.name === component.name) ) ); // Start building the chart from root components rootComponents.forEach((component) => { createNode(component); }); // Create relationships with labels components.forEach((component) => { const parentId = component.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_"); component.children.forEach((child) => { const childId = child.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_"); const relationshipType = determineRelationshipType(component, child); chart += ` ${parentId} -->|${relationshipType}| ${childId}\n`; }); }); // Validate Mermaid.js syntax try { // Basic validation - check for required elements if (!chart.includes("flowchart TD")) { throw new Error("Missing flowchart declaration"); } if (!chart.match(/\[.*\]/)) { throw new Error("Missing node definitions"); } if (!chart.match(/-->|--/)) { throw new Error("Missing relationship definitions"); } } catch (error) { console.error("[MCP] Mermaid.js validation error:", error); throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Failed to generate valid Mermaid.js chart: ${error}` ); } return chart; } function determineRelationshipType( parent: ComponentInfo, child: ComponentInfo ): string { if (parent.type === "layout" && child.type === "page") { return "contains"; } if (parent.type === "page" && child.type === "component") { return "uses"; } if (parent.type === "component" && child.type === "component") { return "composes"; } return "relates to"; }