MCP Servers for Supabase
Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative, providing a PostgreSQL database, authentication, instant APIs, realtime subscriptions, and storage.
Why this server?
Enables safely interacting with Supabase databases, executing SQL queries, managing database schemas, accessing the Supabase Management API, and using the Supabase Auth Admin SDK for user management. Includes safety controls for different risk levels of operations.
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityThis server enables interaction with Supabase PostgreSQL databases through the MCP protocol, allowing seamless integration with Cursor and Windsurf IDEs for secure and validated database management.11395PythonApache 2.0Why this server?
Acts as a bridge between MCP clients and Supabase services, providing database operations, storage management, edge function invocation, project/organization management, and user authentication/management
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityAn MCP server that provides tools for interacting with Supabase databases, storage, and edge functions.1436JavaScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Provides tools for database operations in Supabase including querying data, inserting records, updating records, and deleting records, allowing interaction with Supabase tables from a NextJS application.
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityA TypeScript-based MCP server for handling a simple notes system with NextJS that supports creating and summarizing text notes using MCP concepts.43JavaScriptWhy this server?
Enables querying Supabase database tables with filtering options and generating TypeScript types from database schemas
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityEnables querying Supabase databases and generating TypeScript types through the Model Context Protocol interface, supporting features like schema selection, column filtering, and pagination.27JavaScriptWhy this server?
Provides programmatic access to the Supabase Management API, allowing AI models and other clients to manage Supabase projects and organizations. Capabilities include listing, creating and deleting projects, retrieving project API keys, and managing organizations.
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityA Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides programmatic access to the Supabase Management API. This server allows AI models and other clients to manage Supabase projects and organizations through a standardized interface.85224JavaScriptWhy this server?
Enables LLMs to perform database queries and operations on Supabase projects via PostgREST API
-securityAlicense-qualityThis is an MCP server for PostgREST. It allows LLMs perform database queries and operations on Postgres databases via PostgREST. This server works with both Supabase projects (which use PostgREST) and standalone PostgREST servers.29879TypeScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Supabase MCP Server for managing and creating projects and organisations in Supabase
Why this server?
Provides enhanced database interactions through Supabase, including SQL query processing, PostgREST API access, SQL to REST conversion, and optimized response formatting for UI components, with improved error handling and authentication.
-securityAlicense-qualityA Model Context Protocol server optimized for integrating Supabase with the Windsurf Editor, providing database interactions through natural language with enhanced error handling and response formatting.2TypeScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Connects to a Supabase PostgreSQL database, exposing table schemas as resources and providing tools for data analysis, SQL querying, and relationship exploration
-securityFlicense-qualityAn MCP server that connects to Supabase PostgreSQL databases, exposing table schemas as resources and providing tools for data analysis through SQL queries.JavaScriptWhy this server?
Stores knowledge graph data in Supabase with support for entities, relations, and database-level locking for concurrent access
-securityFlicense-qualityProvides memory/knowledge graph storage capabilities using Supabase, enabling multiple Claude instances to safely share and maintain a knowledge graph with features like entity storage, concurrent access safety, and full text search.6JavaScript