MCP Prompts Server

#!/bin/bash # Exit on error set -e # Get the absolute path to the project directory PROJECT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" BUILD_DIR="$PROJECT_DIR/build" echo "Building the project..." bash "$PROJECT_DIR/" # Get the platform-specific Claude configuration directory if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then # macOS CONFIG_DIR="$HOME/Library/Application Support/Claude" elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then # Linux CONFIG_DIR="$HOME/.config/Claude" else # Windows (untested) CONFIG_DIR="$APPDATA/Claude" fi echo "Detected Claude configuration directory: $CONFIG_DIR" # Create the configuration directory if it doesn't exist mkdir -p "$CONFIG_DIR" # Create or update the Claude configuration CONFIG_FILE="$CONFIG_DIR/claude_desktop_config.json" if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then echo "Found existing Claude configuration, updating..." # Create a backup of the existing configuration cp "$CONFIG_FILE" "$CONFIG_FILE.backup" # Check if the configuration already has an mcpServers section if grep -q "\"mcpServers\"" "$CONFIG_FILE"; then # Replace or add the prompt-manager entry TMP_FILE=$(mktemp) jq ".mcpServers.\"prompt-manager\" = {\"command\": \"node\", \"args\": [\"$BUILD_DIR/index.js\"]}" "$CONFIG_FILE" > "$TMP_FILE" mv "$TMP_FILE" "$CONFIG_FILE" else # Add the mcpServers section TMP_FILE=$(mktemp) jq ". += {\"mcpServers\": {\"prompt-manager\": {\"command\": \"node\", \"args\": [\"$BUILD_DIR/index.js\"]}}}" "$CONFIG_FILE" > "$TMP_FILE" mv "$TMP_FILE" "$CONFIG_FILE" fi else echo "Creating new Claude configuration..." # Create a new configuration file echo "{\"mcpServers\": {\"prompt-manager\": {\"command\": \"node\", \"args\": [\"$BUILD_DIR/index.js\"]}}}" > "$CONFIG_FILE" fi echo "Configuration updated successfully:" cat "$CONFIG_FILE" echo "Installation complete! Please restart Claude Desktop to use the Prompt Manager."