MCP Prompts Server

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Supports deployment using Docker and Docker Compose for containerized deployment

  • Built on Node.js with support for Node.js 18 or later

  • Provides integration with PostgreSQL databases for storing prompts, with export/import functionality and synchronization between file storage and database

MCP Prompts Server

An MCP server for managing prompts and templates with project orchestration capabilities. Part of the Model Context Protocol ecosystem.

This server provides a simple way to store, retrieve, and apply templates for AI prompts, making it easier to maintain consistent prompting patterns across your AI applications.

Table of Contents


  • Store and retrieve prompts
  • Create and use templates with variables
  • List prompts with filtering by tags
  • Apply variables to templates
  • Multiple storage backends (file system, PostgreSQL, and MDC format)
  • Easy to use with Claude and other AI assistants
  • Project orchestration capabilities
  • Health check endpoints


npx -y @sparesparrow/mcp-prompts

Global installation

npm install -g @sparesparrow/mcp-prompts

Using Docker

docker run -p 3003:3003 -v ~/mcp/data:/app/data sparesparrow/mcp-prompts:latest

Verifying Installation

After installation, you can verify that the server is working by:

  1. Opening Claude Desktop
  2. Typing "/" in the chat input to see if prompts from the server appear
  3. Testing with a simple tool call:
    use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "prompt-manager", tool_name: "list_prompts", arguments: {} });


The server can be configured using environment variables:

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault
SERVER_NAMEServer nameMCP Prompts Server
SERVER_VERSIONServer versionpackage.json version
STORAGE_TYPEStorage type: 'file', 'postgres', or 'mdc'file
PROMPTS_DIRDirectory for storing prompts~/mcp/data/prompts
BACKUPS_DIRDirectory for backups~/mcp/data/backups
PORTPort for HTTP server3003
LOG_LEVELLogging levelinfo
HTTP_SERVEREnable HTTP serverfalse
HOSTHost for HTTP server0.0.0.0

PostgreSQL settings (required if STORAGE_TYPE=postgres)

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault
PG_HOSTPostgreSQL hostlocalhost
PG_PORTPostgreSQL port5432
PG_DATABASEPostgreSQL database namemcp_prompts
PG_USERPostgreSQL usernamepostgres
PG_PASSWORDPostgreSQL password
PG_SSLUse SSL for PostgreSQL connectionfalse
POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRINGFull PostgreSQL connection string (overrides individual settings)

MDC settings (required if STORAGE_TYPE=mdc)

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault
MDC_RULES_DIRDirectory for MDC rules./.cursor/rules


Using with Claude

In Claude 3 Desktop app, you can configure the MCP Prompts server in your claude_desktop_config.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "prompts": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@sparesparrow/mcp-prompts" ], "env": { "STORAGE_TYPE": "file", "PROMPTS_DIR": "/path/to/your/prompts/directory", "LOG_LEVEL": "debug" } } } }

Available Tools

The MCP Prompts server provides the following tools:

  • add_prompt: Add a new prompt
  • get_prompt: Get a prompt by ID
  • update_prompt: Update an existing prompt
  • list_prompts: List all prompts
  • delete_prompt: Delete a prompt by ID
  • apply_template: Apply variables to a prompt template

API Usage Examples

Listing Available Prompts

To see what prompts are available:

use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "prompt-manager", tool_name: "list_prompts", arguments: {} });

To filter by tags:

use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "prompt-manager", tool_name: "list_prompts", arguments: { tags: ["development"] } });

Getting a Specific Prompt

To retrieve a specific prompt by ID:

use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "prompt-manager", tool_name: "get_prompt", arguments: { id: "development-workflow" } });

Using a Template Prompt

To apply variables to a template prompt:

use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "prompt-manager", tool_name: "apply_template", arguments: { id: "development-system-prompt", variables: { "project_type": "web frontend", "language": "JavaScript/React", "project_name": "TaskManager", "project_goal": "create a task management application with drag-and-drop functionality", "technical_context": "Using React 18, TypeScript, and Material UI" } } });

Managing Prompts

Adding a New Prompt

To add a new prompt:

use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "prompt-manager", tool_name: "add_prompt", arguments: { name: "Bug Report Template", description: "Template for submitting bug reports", content: "## Bug Report\n\n### Description\n{{description}}\n\n### Steps to Reproduce\n{{steps}}\n\n### Expected Behavior\n{{expected}}\n\n### Actual Behavior\n{{actual}}\n\n### Environment\n{{environment}}", isTemplate: true, variables: ["description", "steps", "expected", "actual", "environment"], tags: ["bug", "template", "documentation"] } });

Editing an Existing Prompt

To edit an existing prompt:

use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "prompt-manager", tool_name: "edit_prompt", arguments: { id: "development-workflow", content: "Updated workflow content here...", tags: ["development", "workflow", "python", "updated"] } });

Using Prompts in Your Workflow

Development Workflow Example

When starting work on a new feature:

  1. Request the development system prompt template
  2. Fill in the template with your project details
  3. Use the resulting system prompt to guide Claude's assistance

Code Review Example

When reviewing code:

  1. Request the code review template
  2. Provide the code to be reviewed
  3. Claude will provide a structured review

Prompt Format

A prompt has the following structure:

{ "id": "unique-id", "name": "Prompt Name", "description": "Optional description", "content": "The prompt content with {{variables}}", "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"], "isTemplate": true, "variables": ["variable1", "variable2"], "metadata": { "author": "Your Name", "version": "1.0.0" } }

Multi-Format Prompt Support

The MCP Prompts Server includes a powerful MutablePrompt interface that allows prompts to be converted between multiple formats:

  • JSON Format: Standard internal format used by the server
  • MDC Format: Cursor Rules Markdown format (.mdc files)
  • PGAI Format: Format with embedding support for PostgreSQL AI
  • Template Format: Dynamic format with variable placeholders

Converting Between Formats

The MutablePrompt interface provides methods to convert prompts between these formats:

// Create a mutable prompt const factory = new MutablePromptFactoryImpl(); const prompt = factory.create({ name: "API Design Guide", description: "Template for designing RESTful APIs", content: "# API Design for {{service_name}}\n\n## Endpoints\n\n{{endpoints}}\n\n## Authentication\n\n{{auth_method}}", isTemplate: true, variables: ["service_name", "endpoints", "auth_method"], tags: ["api", "design", "rest", "glob:*.md"] }); // Convert to MDC format const mdcContent = prompt.toMdc({ includeVariables: true }); // Convert to PGAI format with embeddings const pgaiData = prompt.toPgai({ generateEmbeddings: true, collection: "prompts", vectorConfig: { dimension: 1536, metric: "cosine" } }); // Convert to template format with dollar-style variables const templateContent = prompt.toTemplate({ delimiterStyle: "dollar" });

Applying Templates

You can easily apply variables to template prompts:

const result = prompt.applyVariables({ service_name: "User Management API", endpoints: "GET /users, POST /users, GET /users/{id}, PUT /users/{id}, DELETE /users/{id}", auth_method: "JWT Bearer Token" });

Extracting Variables

Extract variables from template content:

const variables = prompt.extractVariables(); // Returns ["service_name", "endpoints", "auth_method"]

Creating from Different Formats

You can also create prompts from various formats:

// From MDC format const mdcContent = `--- description: Template for code reviews globs: ["*.js", "*.ts"] --- # Code Review Template ## Context {{context}} ## Patterns {{patterns}} ## Variables - \`context\`: Description of the code being reviewed - \`patterns\`: Common patterns to look for `; const promptFromMdc = factory.fromMdc(mdcContent); // From PGAI format const pgaiData = { id: "api-design", name: "API Design Guide", content: "# API Design Guide\n\nUse this guide...", metadata: { description: "Comprehensive API design guide", tags: ["api", "rest"], isTemplate: false } }; const promptFromPgai = factory.fromPgai(pgaiData);

Integration with Storage Adapters

The MutablePrompt interface works seamlessly with the existing storage adapters:

// Save a prompt in MDC format const mdcPrompt = factory.fromMdc(mdcContent); await fileAdapter.savePrompt(mdcPrompt); // Save a prompt to PostgreSQL with PGAI format const pgaiPrompt = factory.fromPgai(pgaiData); await postgresAdapter.savePrompt(pgaiPrompt);

This flexible format handling enables:

  1. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Use prompts in different tools and platforms
  2. Vector Search: Use PGAI format for semantic search capabilities
  3. IDE Integration: Direct compatibility with Cursor Rules
  4. Template Systems: Export templates for use in various programming languages

Storage Adapters

The server supports three types of storage adapters:

  1. File Adapter: Stores prompts as individual JSON files in a directory.
  2. PostgreSQL Adapter: Stores prompts in a PostgreSQL database.
  3. MDC Adapter: Stores prompts in Cursor Rules MDC format.

Storage types can be configured using the STORAGE_TYPE environment variable:

STORAGE_TYPE=file # Default STORAGE_TYPE=postgres # Requires PostgreSQL configuration STORAGE_TYPE=mdc # For Cursor Rules format

PostgreSQL Setup

When using PostgreSQL storage, configure the following environment variables:

PG_HOST=localhost PG_PORT=5432 PG_DATABASE=mcp_prompts PG_USER=postgres PG_PASSWORD=your_password PG_SSL=false

Alternatively, use a connection string:


Docker Deployment

Docker Compose Orchestration

The MCP Prompts Server offers various Docker Compose configurations for different deployment scenarios:

Simple Deployment

docker compose up -d

This will deploy the MCP Prompts server using file storage on port 3003.

PostgreSQL Deployment

docker compose -f docker-compose.postgres.yml up -d

This deploys:

  • A PostgreSQL database server
  • The MCP Prompts server configured for PostgreSQL
  • Adminer for database management at http://localhost:8080

Development Environment

docker compose -f up -d

This sets up a development environment with hot reloading. It mounts the source code from your local directory and includes Adminer.

Testing Environment

docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up --build

This creates a dedicated testing environment with:

  • A temporary PostgreSQL instance with test data
  • An isolated test runner container that executes all tests
  • Test results saved to the ./test-results directory

Docker Management Script

To simplify Docker Compose operations, use the provided management script:

# Start development environment ./scripts/ start dev # Run tests in Docker ./scripts/ test # View logs from production environment ./scripts/ logs prod # Clean up test environment ./scripts/ clean test # Show help ./scripts/ help

The management script supports the following commands:

  • start: Start Docker containers
  • stop: Stop Docker containers
  • restart: Restart Docker containers
  • logs: Show logs from containers
  • clean: Remove containers, networks, and volumes
  • build: Build Docker images
  • test: Run tests in Docker containers

And the following environments:

  • dev: Development environment (default)
  • test: Testing environment
  • prod: Production environment

Custom Configurations

You can create your own custom Docker Compose configuration by extending the base configurations:

# custom-compose.yml version: '3.8' include: - docker-compose.yml services: mcp-prompts: environment: - CUSTOM_ENV=value

Then run it with:

docker compose -f custom-compose.yml up -d


Development Workflow

Setting Up Development Environment

  1. Clone the repository
    git clone cd mcp-prompt-manager
  2. Install dependencies
    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables Create a .env file with the necessary configuration.

Development Commands

  • Start development server with hot reloading
    npm run dev
  • Build the project
    npm run build
  • Run unit tests
    npm test
  • Run integration tests
    npm run test:integration
  • Test build process
    npm run test:build
  • Test Docker build
    npm run test:docker
  • Build Docker image
    npm run docker:build

Build Process

The build process includes several important steps:

  1. TypeScript Compilation
    npm run build
  2. Make Entry Point Executable
    chmod +x dist/index.js


Run the tests:

npm test

Run the MCP Inspector for testing:

npm run test:inspector

Comprehensive Test Scripts

For more advanced testing options, use the provided test script:

# Run all tests (unit and integration) ./scripts/ # Run only unit tests ./scripts/ --unit # Run only integration tests ./scripts/ --integration # Generate test coverage report ./scripts/ --coverage # Run tests in Docker ./scripts/ --docker # Clean up Docker resources after testing ./scripts/ --docker --clean

Docker Container Health Testing

To test the health of Docker containers:

# Run the Docker health check tests TEST_DOCKER_HEALTH=true npm test -- tests/integration/docker-health.integration.test.ts

This test verifies that the health check endpoint is working correctly when the MCP-Prompts server is running in a Docker container.

Directory Structure

The project follows a structured organization to maintain clean separation of concerns:

mcp-prompt-manager/ ├── .github/workflows/ # CI/CD workflow configurations ├── dist/ # Built files ├── src/ # Source code │ ├── adapters.ts # Storage adapters │ ├── interfaces.ts # Core types and interfaces │ └── index.ts # Main entry point ├── scripts/ # Maintenance and utility scripts ├── package.json # Project metadata and scripts └── # Project documentation

Release Process

Pre-Release Checklist

  • All TypeScript errors are resolved
  • Code linting passes with no errors
  • Code is properly formatted according to project standards
  • Unit tests pass
  • Integration tests pass
  • Build test passes
  • Docker build test passes
  • Package installation test passes
  • README is up-to-date with the latest features and changes
  • CHANGELOG is updated with all notable changes

Version Update

  • Update version in package.json according to semantic versioning
  • Ensure dependencies are up-to-date
  • Update any version references in documentation


  • Create a git tag for the new version
  • Push changes and tag to GitHub
  • Publish to npm (npm publish)
  • Build and push Docker image

Post-Release Verification

  • Verify installation from npm
  • Verify package can be run with npx
  • Verify Docker image works as expected
  • Verify integration with Claude Desktop


[1.2.20] - 2025-03-14

  • Automated version bump

[1.2.19] - 2024-03-16


  • Fixed TypeScript errors in PostgresAdapter implementation
  • Enhanced savePrompt method to properly return the created prompt
  • Added updatePrompt method to the PostgresAdapter
  • Fixed StorageAdapter interface to include listPrompts and clearAll methods
  • Improved error handling in database-tools.ts for the clearAll method
  • Enhanced health check endpoint with more detailed information


  • Added better documentation and error handling for health check endpoint

[1.2.18] - 2024-03-14


  • Added HTTP server with health check endpoint
  • Added Docker container health checks
  • Added ESM module compatibility for Node.js 18-23+
  • Enhanced database tools with better error handling


  • Improved Docker build process with multi-stage builds
  • Streamlined configuration management
  • Optimized PostgreSQL adapter connection handling
  • Updated dependencies to latest versions


  • Fixed issues with file adapter on certain file systems
  • Improved error messages for better debugging
  • Fixed template variable extraction

[1.2.0] - 2025-03-14


  • Reorganized codebase structure for better maintainability
  • Moved Docker-related files to docker/ directory
  • Moved build scripts to scripts/build/ directory
  • Moved test scripts to scripts/test/ directory
  • Updated GitHub workflows to use new file paths
  • Updated Docker Compose configuration to use new file paths
  • Added comprehensive development documentation


  • Created development documentation with detailed instructions
  • Created release checklist for release preparation
  • Added to track changes


  • Removed duplicate and redundant files
  • Removed incomplete scripts

[1.1.0] - 2024-03-01


  • PGAI vector search for semantic prompt discovery
  • Support for embeddings in PostgreSQL
  • Improved prompts collection with professional templates
  • Batch processing capabilities for prompt collections


  • Enhanced prompt processing pipeline
  • Improved command-line interface with more options
  • Better error handling and validation

[1.0.0] - 2024-02-15


  • Initial release of MCP Prompts Server
  • Basic prompt management capabilities (add, edit, get, list, delete)
  • Template variable substitution
  • Tag-based organization
  • File-based storage
  • Import/export functionality
  • MCP protocol compatibility

Best Practices

  1. Organize with Tags: Use tags to categorize your prompts for easier retrieval
  2. Use Templates: Create reusable templates with variables for consistent prompting
  3. Include Metadata: Add author, version, and other metadata for better organization
  4. Regular Backups: Use the backup functionality if managing critical prompts
  5. Optimize Large Collections: Use pagination when retrieving large prompt collections
  6. Use Consistent Naming: Name prompts clearly and consistently for easy discovery
  7. Tag Effectively: Use tags to organize prompts by purpose, project, or context
  8. Templatize Reusable Prompts: Create templates for frequently used prompts with variables
  9. Update Regularly: Keep your prompts up-to-date as your needs change
  10. Share with Team: Share effective prompts with your team for consistent interactions



You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

Enables creation, management, and templating of prompts through a simplified SOLID architecture, allowing users to organize prompts by category and fill in templates at runtime.

  1. Table of Contents
    1. Features
      1. Installation
        1. Using npx (recommended)
          1. Global installation
            1. Using Docker
              1. Verifying Installation
              2. Configuration
                1. PostgreSQL settings (required if STORAGE_TYPE=postgres)
                  1. MDC settings (required if STORAGE_TYPE=mdc)
                  2. Usage
                    1. Using with Claude
                      1. Available Tools
                        1. API Usage Examples
                          1. Listing Available Prompts
                            1. Getting a Specific Prompt
                              1. Using a Template Prompt
                              2. Managing Prompts
                                1. Adding a New Prompt
                                  1. Editing an Existing Prompt
                                  2. Using Prompts in Your Workflow
                                    1. Development Workflow Example
                                      1. Code Review Example
                                    2. Prompt Format
                                      1. Multi-Format Prompt Support
                                        1. Converting Between Formats
                                          1. Applying Templates
                                            1. Extracting Variables
                                              1. Creating from Different Formats
                                                1. Integration with Storage Adapters
                                                2. Storage Adapters
                                                  1. PostgreSQL Setup
                                                  2. Docker Deployment
                                                    1. Docker Compose Orchestration
                                                      1. Simple Deployment
                                                        1. PostgreSQL Deployment
                                                          1. Development Environment
                                                            1. Testing Environment
                                                              1. Docker Management Script
                                                                1. Custom Configurations
                                                              2. Development
                                                                1. Development Workflow
                                                                  1. Setting Up Development Environment
                                                                  2. Development Commands
                                                                    1. Build Process
                                                                      1. Testing
                                                                        1. Comprehensive Test Scripts
                                                                          1. Docker Container Health Testing
                                                                          2. Directory Structure
                                                                          3. Release Process
                                                                            1. Pre-Release Checklist
                                                                              1. Version Update
                                                                                1. Publishing
                                                                                  1. Post-Release Verification
                                                                                  2. Changelog
                                                                                    1. [1.2.20] - 2025-03-14
                                                                                      1. [1.2.19] - 2024-03-16
                                                                                        1. Fixed
                                                                                          1. Added
                                                                                          2. [1.2.18] - 2024-03-14
                                                                                            1. Added
                                                                                              1. Changed
                                                                                                1. Fixed
                                                                                                2. [1.2.0] - 2025-03-14
                                                                                                  1. Changed
                                                                                                    1. Added
                                                                                                      1. Removed
                                                                                                      2. [1.1.0] - 2024-03-01
                                                                                                        1. Added
                                                                                                          1. Changed
                                                                                                          2. [1.0.0] - 2024-02-15
                                                                                                            1. Added
                                                                                                          3. Best Practices
                                                                                                            1. License