MCP Prompts Server

#!/bin/bash # Make the script executable chmod +x "$0" # Exit on error set -e SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" # Make executable chmod +x # Run the build script ./ # Check if the build was successful if [ ! -d "./build" ]; then echo "Error: Build failed, build directory not found" exit 1 fi # Update the Claude configuration to use this server CONFIG_FILE="$HOME/.config/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json" if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then echo "Updating Claude configuration for prompt-manager..." # Create a backup of the existing configuration cp "$CONFIG_FILE" "${CONFIG_FILE}.backup" # Check if jq is installed if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then echo "Warning: jq is not installed. Skipping automated configuration update." echo "Please manually add prompt-manager configuration to $CONFIG_FILE" else # Add/update the prompt-manager configuration jq ".mcpServers.\"prompt-manager\" = {\"command\": \"node\", \"args\": [\"$SCRIPT_DIR/build/index.js\"]}" "$CONFIG_FILE" > "$CONFIG_FILE.tmp" mv "$CONFIG_FILE.tmp" "$CONFIG_FILE" echo "Configuration updated successfully." fi else echo "Warning: Claude configuration file not found at $CONFIG_FILE" echo "Please manually create the configuration file." fi echo "Installation complete!" echo "Please restart Claude Desktop to use the Prompt Manager MCP server."