Filesystem MCP Server

import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import * as directory from '../../operations/directory.js'; import { TEST_DIR, createTestFile, createTestDir, testFileExists } from '../setup.js'; describe('Directory Operations', () => { describe('listDirectoryContents', () => { it('should list directory contents non-recursively', async () => { await createTestFile('file1.txt'); await createTestFile('file2.txt'); await createTestDir('subdir'); const contents = await directory.listDirectoryContents(TEST_DIR, false); expect(contents).toHaveLength(3); expect( =>['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'subdir'].sort()); expect(contents.find(c => === 'subdir')?.isDirectory).toBe(true); }); it('should list directory contents recursively', async () => { await createTestFile('file1.txt'); await createTestDir('subdir'); await createTestFile(path.join('subdir', 'file2.txt')); const contents = await directory.listDirectoryContents(TEST_DIR, true); expect(contents).toHaveLength(2); const subdir = contents.find(c => === 'subdir'); expect(subdir?.isDirectory).toBe(true); expect(subdir?.contents).toHaveLength(1); expect(subdir?.contents?.[0].name).toBe('file2.txt'); }); }); describe('makeDirectory', () => { it('should create directory', async () => { const dirPath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'newdir'); await directory.makeDirectory(dirPath); const stats = await fs.stat(dirPath); expect(stats.isDirectory()).toBe(true); }); it('should create nested directories when recursive is true', async () => { const dirPath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'nested', 'deep', 'dir'); await directory.makeDirectory(dirPath, true); const stats = await fs.stat(dirPath); expect(stats.isDirectory()).toBe(true); }); it('should throw error for nested directories when recursive is false', async () => { const dirPath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'nested', 'deep', 'dir'); await expect(directory.makeDirectory(dirPath, false)) .rejects .toThrow(); }); }); describe('removeDirectory', () => { it('should remove empty directory', async () => { const dirPath = await createTestDir('emptydir'); await directory.removeDirectory(dirPath); const exists = await testFileExists('emptydir'); expect(exists).toBe(false); }); it('should throw error for non-empty directory when recursive is false', async () => { const dirPath = await createTestDir('nonempty'); await createTestFile(path.join('nonempty', 'file.txt')); await expect(directory.removeDirectory(dirPath, false)) .rejects .toThrow(); }); it('should remove directory and contents when recursive is true', async () => { const dirPath = await createTestDir('nonempty'); await createTestFile(path.join('nonempty', 'file.txt')); await directory.removeDirectory(dirPath, true); const exists = await testFileExists('nonempty'); expect(exists).toBe(false); }); }); describe('copyDirectory', () => { it('should copy directory and contents', async () => { const sourceDir = await createTestDir('source'); await createTestFile(path.join('source', 'file1.txt'), 'content1'); await createTestDir(path.join('source', 'subdir')); await createTestFile(path.join('source', 'subdir', 'file2.txt'), 'content2'); const destPath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'dest'); await directory.copyDirectory(sourceDir, destPath); // Check directory structure const destStats = await fs.stat(destPath); expect(destStats.isDirectory()).toBe(true); const file1Path = path.join(destPath, 'file1.txt'); const file1Content = await fs.readFile(file1Path, 'utf8'); expect(file1Content).toBe('content1'); const subdirPath = path.join(destPath, 'subdir'); const subdirStats = await fs.stat(subdirPath); expect(subdirStats.isDirectory()).toBe(true); const file2Path = path.join(subdirPath, 'file2.txt'); const file2Content = await fs.readFile(file2Path, 'utf8'); expect(file2Content).toBe('content2'); }); it('should throw error when source is not a directory', async () => { const sourcePath = await createTestFile('source.txt'); const destPath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'dest'); await expect(directory.copyDirectory(sourcePath, destPath)) .rejects .toThrow('Source is not a directory'); }); it('should throw error when destination exists and overwrite is false', async () => { const sourceDir = await createTestDir('source'); const destDir = await createTestDir('dest'); await expect(directory.copyDirectory(sourceDir, destDir, false)) .rejects .toThrow('Destination directory already exists'); }); it('should overwrite destination when overwrite is true', async () => { const sourceDir = await createTestDir('source'); await createTestFile(path.join('source', 'file.txt'), 'new content'); const destDir = await createTestDir('dest'); await createTestFile(path.join('dest', 'old.txt'), 'old content'); await directory.copyDirectory(sourceDir, destDir, true); const oldExists = await testFileExists(path.join('dest', 'old.txt')); expect(oldExists).toBe(false); const newContent = await fs.readFile(path.join(destDir, 'file.txt'), 'utf8'); expect(newContent).toBe('new content'); }); }); });