Filesystem MCP Server

import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import * as basic from '../../operations/basic.js'; import { TEST_DIR, createTestFile, readTestFile, testFileExists } from '../setup.js'; describe('Basic File Operations', () => { describe('readFileWithMetadata', () => { it('should read file content with metadata', async () => { const content = 'test content'; const filePath = await createTestFile('test.txt', content); const result = await basic.readFileWithMetadata(filePath); expect(result.content).toBe(content); expect('test.txt'); expect(result.isDirectory).toBe(false); expect(result.size).toBe(content.length); }); it('should throw error when reading directory as file', async () => { const dirPath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testdir'); await fs.mkdir(dirPath); await expect(basic.readFileWithMetadata(dirPath)) .rejects .toThrow('Cannot read directory as file'); }); }); describe('writeFile', () => { it('should write content to file', async () => { const filePath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'write-test.txt'); const content = 'test content'; await basic.writeFile(filePath, content); const written = await readTestFile('write-test.txt'); expect(written).toBe(content); }); it('should create parent directories if they don\'t exist', async () => { const filePath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'nested', 'deep', 'write-test.txt'); const content = 'test content'; await basic.writeFile(filePath, content); const written = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8'); expect(written).toBe(content); }); }); describe('appendFile', () => { it('should append content to existing file', async () => { const filePath = await createTestFile('append-test.txt', 'initial content\n'); const appendContent = 'appended content'; await basic.appendFile(filePath, appendContent); const content = await readTestFile('append-test.txt'); expect(content).toBe('initial content\nappended content'); }); it('should create file if it doesn\'t exist', async () => { const filePath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'new-append.txt'); const content = 'new content'; await basic.appendFile(filePath, content); const written = await readTestFile('new-append.txt'); expect(written).toBe(content); }); }); describe('deleteFile', () => { it('should delete existing file', async () => { const filePath = await createTestFile('delete-test.txt'); await basic.deleteFile(filePath); const exists = await testFileExists('delete-test.txt'); expect(exists).toBe(false); }); it('should throw error when deleting directory', async () => { const dirPath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testdir'); await fs.mkdir(dirPath); await expect(basic.deleteFile(dirPath)) .rejects .toThrow('Cannot delete directory as file'); }); }); describe('copyFile', () => { it('should copy file to new location', async () => { const content = 'test content'; const sourcePath = await createTestFile('source.txt', content); const destPath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'dest.txt'); await basic.copyFile(sourcePath, destPath); const copied = await readTestFile('dest.txt'); expect(copied).toBe(content); }); it('should throw error when destination exists and overwrite is false', async () => { const sourcePath = await createTestFile('source.txt'); const destPath = await createTestFile('dest.txt'); await expect(basic.copyFile(sourcePath, destPath, false)) .rejects .toThrow('Destination file already exists'); }); it('should overwrite destination when overwrite is true', async () => { const content = 'new content'; const sourcePath = await createTestFile('source.txt', content); const destPath = await createTestFile('dest.txt', 'old content'); await basic.copyFile(sourcePath, destPath, true); const copied = await readTestFile('dest.txt'); expect(copied).toBe(content); }); }); describe('moveFile', () => { it('should move file to new location', async () => { const content = 'test content'; const sourcePath = await createTestFile('source.txt', content); const destPath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'moved.txt'); await basic.moveFile(sourcePath, destPath); const sourceExists = await testFileExists('source.txt'); const movedContent = await readTestFile('moved.txt'); expect(sourceExists).toBe(false); expect(movedContent).toBe(content); }); it('should throw error when destination exists and overwrite is false', async () => { const sourcePath = await createTestFile('source.txt'); const destPath = await createTestFile('dest.txt'); await expect(basic.moveFile(sourcePath, destPath, false)) .rejects .toThrow('Destination file already exists'); }); it('should overwrite destination when overwrite is true', async () => { const content = 'new content'; const sourcePath = await createTestFile('source.txt', content); const destPath = await createTestFile('dest.txt', 'old content'); await basic.moveFile(sourcePath, destPath, true); const sourceExists = await testFileExists('source.txt'); const movedContent = await readTestFile('dest.txt'); expect(sourceExists).toBe(false); expect(movedContent).toBe(content); }); }); });