Filesystem MCP Server

import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import * as analysis from '../../operations/analysis.js'; import { TEST_DIR, createTestFile, createTestDir } from '../setup.js'; describe('Analysis Operations', () => { describe('calculateHash', () => { it('should calculate file hash with default algorithm (sha256)', async () => { const content = 'test content'; const filePath = await createTestFile('hash-test.txt', content); const hash = await analysis.calculateHash(filePath); // Known SHA256 hash for 'test content' const expectedHash = '4e67d16de9c154b7e8d708436f9ecc700548354ad04f76e97c669a2d3dec84ea'; expect(hash).toBe(expectedHash); }); it('should calculate file hash with specified algorithm', async () => { const content = 'test content'; const filePath = await createTestFile('hash-test.txt', content); const md5Hash = await analysis.calculateHash(filePath, 'md5'); const sha1Hash = await analysis.calculateHash(filePath, 'sha1'); // Known hashes for 'test content' expect(md5Hash).toBe('9473fdd0d880a43c21b7778d34872157'); expect(sha1Hash).toBe('1eebdf4fdc9fc7bf283031b93f9aef3338de9052'); }); }); describe('analyzeTextFile', () => { it('should analyze text file content', async () => { const content = 'Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3'; const filePath = await createTestFile('analyze-test.txt', content); const analysis_result = await analysis.analyzeTextFile(filePath); expect(analysis_result.lineCount).toBe(3); expect(analysis_result.wordCount).toBe(6); expect(analysis_result.charCount).toBe(17); expect(analysis_result.encoding).toBe('ASCII'); expect(analysis_result.mimeType).toBe('text/plain'); }); it('should handle empty file', async () => { const filePath = await createTestFile('empty.txt', ''); const analysis_result = await analysis.analyzeTextFile(filePath); expect(analysis_result.lineCount).toBe(1); expect(analysis_result.wordCount).toBe(0); expect(analysis_result.charCount).toBe(0); }); }); describe('searchInFile', () => { it('should find matches in file', async () => { const content = 'Line with test\nAnother test line\nNo match here\nFinal test'; const filePath = await createTestFile('search-test.txt', content); const matches = await analysis.searchInFile(filePath, /test/); expect(matches).toHaveLength(3); expect(matches[0].line).toBe(1); expect(matches[0].content).toBe('Line with test'); expect(matches[1].line).toBe(2); expect(matches[1].content).toBe('Another test line'); expect(matches[2].line).toBe(4); expect(matches[2].content).toBe('Final test'); }); it('should return empty array when no matches found', async () => { const content = 'Line one\nLine two\nLine three'; const filePath = await createTestFile('no-match.txt', content); const matches = await analysis.searchInFile(filePath, /test/); expect(matches).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('findDuplicates', () => { it('should find duplicate files', async () => { const content1 = 'test content'; const content2 = 'different content'; await createTestFile('file1.txt', content1); await createTestFile('file2.txt', content1); // Duplicate of file1 await createTestFile('file3.txt', content2); await createTestFile('file4.txt', content2); // Duplicate of file3 const duplicates = await analysis.findDuplicates(TEST_DIR); expect(duplicates).toHaveLength(2); // Two groups of duplicates // Each group should have 2 files expect(duplicates[0].files).toHaveLength(2); expect(duplicates[1].files).toHaveLength(2); // Files in each group should have the same hash const group1Files = duplicates[0] => path.basename(f)).sort(); const group2Files = duplicates[1] => path.basename(f)).sort(); // One group should contain file1 and file2 if (group1Files.includes('file1.txt')) { expect(group1Files).toEqual(['file1.txt', 'file2.txt']); expect(group2Files).toEqual(['file3.txt', 'file4.txt']); } else { expect(group1Files).toEqual(['file3.txt', 'file4.txt']); expect(group2Files).toEqual(['file1.txt', 'file2.txt']); } }); it('should handle directory with no duplicates', async () => { await createTestFile('unique1.txt', 'content 1'); await createTestFile('unique2.txt', 'content 2'); await createTestFile('unique3.txt', 'content 3'); const duplicates = await analysis.findDuplicates(TEST_DIR); expect(duplicates).toHaveLength(0); }); it('should handle empty directory', async () => { const duplicates = await analysis.findDuplicates(TEST_DIR); expect(duplicates).toHaveLength(0); }); it('should handle nested directories', async () => { const content = 'duplicate content'; await createTestFile('file1.txt', content); await createTestDir('subdir'); await createTestFile(path.join('subdir', 'file2.txt'), content); const duplicates = await analysis.findDuplicates(TEST_DIR); expect(duplicates).toHaveLength(1); expect(duplicates[0].files).toHaveLength(2); }); }); });