by graphlit
Ingests text as content into Graphlit knowledge base. Accepts a name for the content object, the text itself, and an optional text type (Plain, Markdown, Html). Defaults to Markdown text type. Can use for storing long-term textual memories or the output from LLM or other tools as content resources, which can be later searched or retrieved. Executes synchronously and returns the content identifier.
Input Schema
Name | Required | Description | Default |
name | Yes | ||
text | Yes | ||
textType | No | MARKDOWN |
Input Schema (JSON Schema)
You must be authenticated.
Other Tools
- addContentsToCollection
- createCollection
- deleteCollection
- deleteContent
- deleteContents
- deleteFeed
- deleteFeeds
- describeContent
- describeImage
- extractText
- ingestBoxFiles
- ingestDiscordMessages
- ingestDropboxFiles
- ingestFile
- ingestGitHubFiles
- ingestGitHubIssues
- ingestGoogleDriveFiles
- ingestGoogleEmail
- ingestJiraIssues
- ingestLinearIssues
- ingestMicrosoftEmail
- ingestMicrosoftTeamsMessages
- ingestNotionPages
- ingestOneDriveFiles
- ingestRedditPosts
- ingestRSS
- ingestSharePointFiles
- ingestSlackMessages
- ingestText
- ingestUrl
- isContentDone
- isFeedDone
- listMicrosoftTeamsChannels
- listMicrosoftTeamsTeams
- listSharePointFolders
- listSharePointLibraries
- listSlackChannels
- removeContentsFromCollection
- retrieveSources
- screenshotPage
- webCrawl
- webMap
- webSearch