by graphlit
Check if an asynchronous feed has completed ingesting all the available content. Accepts a feed identifier which was returned from one of the ingestion tools, like ingestGoogleDriveFiles. Returns whether the feed is done or not.
Input Schema
Name | Required | Description | Default |
id | Yes | Feed identifier. |
Input Schema (JSON Schema)
You must be authenticated.
Other Tools
- addContentsToCollection
- createCollection
- deleteCollection
- deleteContent
- deleteContents
- deleteFeed
- deleteFeeds
- describeContent
- describeImage
- extractText
- ingestBoxFiles
- ingestDiscordMessages
- ingestDropboxFiles
- ingestFile
- ingestGitHubFiles
- ingestGitHubIssues
- ingestGoogleDriveFiles
- ingestGoogleEmail
- ingestJiraIssues
- ingestLinearIssues
- ingestMicrosoftEmail
- ingestMicrosoftTeamsMessages
- ingestNotionPages
- ingestOneDriveFiles
- ingestRedditPosts
- ingestRSS
- ingestSharePointFiles
- ingestSlackMessages
- ingestText
- ingestUrl
- isContentDone
- isFeedDone
- listMicrosoftTeamsChannels
- listMicrosoftTeamsTeams
- listSharePointFolders
- listSharePointLibraries
- listSlackChannels
- removeContentsFromCollection
- retrieveSources
- screenshotPage
- webCrawl
- webMap
- webSearch