by graphlit
Deletes feeds from Graphlit knowledge base. Accepts optional feed type filter to limit the feeds which will be deleted. Also accepts optional limit of how many feeds to delete, defaults to 100. Returns the feed identifiers and feed state, i.e. Deleted.
Input Schema
Name | Required | Description | Default |
feedType | No | Feed type filter, optional. One of: Discord, Email, Intercom, Issue, MicrosoftTeams, Notion, Reddit, Rss, Search, Site, Slack, Web, YouTube, Zendesk. | |
limit | No |
Input Schema (JSON Schema)
You must be authenticated.
Other Tools
- addContentsToCollection
- createCollection
- deleteCollection
- deleteContent
- deleteContents
- deleteFeed
- deleteFeeds
- describeContent
- describeImage
- extractText
- ingestBoxFiles
- ingestDiscordMessages
- ingestDropboxFiles
- ingestFile
- ingestGitHubFiles
- ingestGitHubIssues
- ingestGoogleDriveFiles
- ingestGoogleEmail
- ingestJiraIssues
- ingestLinearIssues
- ingestMicrosoftEmail
- ingestMicrosoftTeamsMessages
- ingestNotionPages
- ingestOneDriveFiles
- ingestRedditPosts
- ingestRSS
- ingestSharePointFiles
- ingestSlackMessages
- ingestText
- ingestUrl
- isContentDone
- isFeedDone
- listMicrosoftTeamsChannels
- listMicrosoftTeamsTeams
- listSharePointFolders
- listSharePointLibraries
- listSlackChannels
- removeContentsFromCollection
- retrieveSources
- screenshotPage
- webCrawl
- webMap
- webSearch