
by winor30
import { ExtendedTool, ToolHandlers } from '../../utils/types' import { client, v1 } from '@datadog/datadog-api-client' import { createToolSchema } from '../../utils/tool' import { ListHostsZodSchema, GetActiveHostsCountZodSchema, MuteHostZodSchema, UnmuteHostZodSchema, } from './schema' /** * This module implements Datadog host management tools for muting, unmuting, * and retrieving host information using the Datadog API client. */ /** Available host management tool names */ type HostsToolName = | 'list_hosts' | 'get_active_hosts_count' | 'mute_host' | 'unmute_host' /** Extended tool type with host-specific operations */ type HostsTool = ExtendedTool<HostsToolName> /** * Array of available host management tools. * Each tool is created with a schema for input validation and includes a description. */ export const HOSTS_TOOLS: HostsTool[] = [ createToolSchema(MuteHostZodSchema, 'mute_host', 'Mute a host in Datadog'), createToolSchema( UnmuteHostZodSchema, 'unmute_host', 'Unmute a host in Datadog', ), createToolSchema( ListHostsZodSchema, 'list_hosts', 'Get list of hosts from Datadog', ), createToolSchema( GetActiveHostsCountZodSchema, 'get_active_hosts_count', 'Get the total number of active hosts in Datadog (defaults to last 5 minutes)', ), ] as const /** Type definition for host management tool implementations */ type HostsToolHandlers = ToolHandlers<HostsToolName> /** * Implementation of host management tool handlers. * Each handler validates inputs using Zod schemas and interacts with the Datadog API. */ export const createHostsToolHandlers = ( config: client.Configuration, ): HostsToolHandlers => { const apiInstance = new v1.HostsApi(config) return { /** * Mutes a specified host in Datadog. * Silences alerts and notifications for the host until unmuted or until the specified end time. */ mute_host: async (request) => { const { hostname, message, end, override } = MuteHostZodSchema.parse( request.params.arguments, ) await apiInstance.muteHost({ hostName: hostname, body: { message, end, override, }, }) return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify( { status: 'success', message: `Host ${hostname} has been muted successfully${message ? ` with message: ${message}` : ''}${end ? ` until ${new Date(end * 1000).toISOString()}` : ''}`, }, null, 2, ), }, ], } }, /** * Unmutes a previously muted host in Datadog. * Re-enables alerts and notifications for the specified host. */ unmute_host: async (request) => { const { hostname } = UnmuteHostZodSchema.parse(request.params.arguments) await apiInstance.unmuteHost({ hostName: hostname, }) return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify( { status: 'success', message: `Host ${hostname} has been unmuted successfully`, }, null, 2, ), }, ], } }, /** * Retrieves counts of active and up hosts in Datadog. * Provides total counts of hosts that are reporting and operational. */ get_active_hosts_count: async (request) => { const { from } = GetActiveHostsCountZodSchema.parse( request.params.arguments, ) const response = await apiInstance.getHostTotals({ from, }) return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify( { total_active: response.totalActive || 0, // Total number of active hosts (UP and reporting) to Datadog total_up: response.totalUp || 0, // Number of hosts that are UP and reporting to Datadog }, null, 2, ), }, ], } }, /** * Lists and filters hosts monitored by Datadog. * Supports comprehensive querying with filtering, sorting, and pagination. * Returns detailed host information including status, metadata, and monitoring data. */ list_hosts: async (request) => { const { filter, sort_field, sort_dir, start, count, from, include_muted_hosts_data, include_hosts_metadata, } = ListHostsZodSchema.parse(request.params.arguments) const response = await apiInstance.listHosts({ filter, sortField: sort_field, sortDir: sort_dir, start, count, from, includeMutedHostsData: include_muted_hosts_data, includeHostsMetadata: include_hosts_metadata, }) if (!response.hostList) { throw new Error('No hosts data returned') } // Transform API response into a more convenient format const hosts = => ({ name:, id:, aliases: host.aliases, apps: host.apps, mute: host.isMuted, last_reported: host.lastReportedTime, meta: host.meta, metrics: host.metrics, sources: host.sources, up: host.up, url: `${}`, })) return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: `Hosts: ${JSON.stringify(hosts)}`, }, ], } }, } }