
by winor30
import { z } from 'zod' /** * Zod schemas for validating input parameters for Datadog host management operations. * These schemas define the expected shape and types of data for each host-related tool. */ /** * Schema for muting a host in Datadog. * Defines required and optional parameters for temporarily silencing a host's alerts. * * @param hostname - Required. Identifies the host to be muted * @param message - Optional. Adds context about why the host is being muted * @param end - Optional. Unix timestamp defining when the mute should automatically expire * @param override - Optional. Controls whether to replace an existing mute's end time */ export const MuteHostZodSchema = z.object({ hostname: z.string().describe('The name of the host to mute'), message: z .string() .optional() .describe('Message to associate with the muting of this host'), end: z .number() .int() .optional() .describe('POSIX timestamp for when the mute should end'), override: z .boolean() .optional() .default(false) .describe( 'If true and the host is already muted, replaces existing end time', ), }) /** * Schema for unmuting a host in Datadog. * Defines parameters for re-enabling alerts for a previously muted host. * * @param hostname - Required. Identifies the host to be unmuted */ export const UnmuteHostZodSchema = z.object({ hostname: z.string().describe('The name of the host to unmute'), }) /** * Schema for retrieving active host counts from Datadog. * Defines parameters for querying the number of reporting hosts within a time window. * * @param from - Optional. Time window in seconds to check for host activity * Defaults to 7200 seconds (2 hours) */ export const GetActiveHostsCountZodSchema = z.object({ from: z .number() .int() .optional() .default(7200) .describe( 'Number of seconds from which you want to get total number of active hosts (defaults to 2h)', ), }) /** * Schema for listing and filtering hosts in Datadog. * Defines comprehensive parameters for querying and filtering host information. * * @param filter - Optional. Search string to filter hosts * @param sort_field - Optional. Field to sort results by * @param sort_dir - Optional. Sort direction ('asc' or 'desc') * @param start - Optional. Pagination offset * @param count - Optional. Number of hosts to return (max 1000) * @param from - Optional. Unix timestamp to start searching from * @param include_muted_hosts_data - Optional. Include muting information * @param include_hosts_metadata - Optional. Include detailed host metadata */ export const ListHostsZodSchema = z.object({ filter: z.string().optional().describe('Filter string for search results'), sort_field: z.string().optional().describe('Field to sort hosts by'), sort_dir: z.string().optional().describe('Sort direction (asc/desc)'), start: z.number().int().optional().describe('Starting offset for pagination'), count: z .number() .int() .max(1000) .optional() .describe('Max number of hosts to return (max: 1000)'), from: z .number() .int() .optional() .describe('Search hosts from this UNIX timestamp'), include_muted_hosts_data: z .boolean() .optional() .describe('Include muted hosts status and expiry'), include_hosts_metadata: z .boolean() .optional() .describe('Include host metadata (version, platform, etc)'), })