SolarWinds Logs MCP Server
by jakenuts
- src
- utils
* Type definitions for the SolarWinds Observability MCP server
import { z } from 'zod';
* SolarWinds Observability API client configuration
export interface SolarWindsConfig {
/** SolarWinds Observability API token */
apiToken: string;
* SolarWinds Observability logs search parameters schema
export const searchParamsSchema = {
filter: z.string().optional().describe('A search query string. Use AND/OR operators to combine terms (e.g., "error AND timeout"). The search is performed across all fields including message, hostname, program, and nested JSON fields like Context.CorrelationId. Field-specific queries like "field:value" are not supported.'),
group: z.string().optional().describe('Filter logs by a specific group name'),
entityId: z.string().optional().describe('Filter logs by a specific entity ID'),
startTime: z.string().optional().describe('UTC start time (ISO 8601 format)'),
endTime: z.string().optional().describe('UTC end time (ISO 8601 format)'),
direction: z.enum(['backward', 'forward', 'tail']).default('backward').describe('Sort order: backward (oldest to newest), forward (newest to oldest), or tail (oldest to newest)'),
pageSize: z.number().optional().default(50).describe('Maximum messages to return per page'),
skipToken: z.string().optional().describe('Token to skip to the next page of results')
} as const;
* SolarWinds Observability logs search parameters
export interface SolarWindsSearchParams {
/** A search query string */
filter?: string;
/** Filter logs by a specific group name */
group?: string;
/** Filter logs by a specific entity ID */
entityId?: string;
/** UTC start time (ISO 8601 format) */
startTime?: string;
/** UTC end time (ISO 8601 format) */
endTime?: string;
/** Sort order: backward (oldest to newest), forward (newest to oldest), or tail (oldest to newest) */
direction?: 'backward' | 'forward' | 'tail';
/** Maximum messages to return per page */
pageSize?: number;
/** Token to skip to the next page of results */
skipToken?: string;
* SolarWinds Observability log event
export interface LogsEvent {
/** Unique log event ID */
id: string;
/** Time of the log event (ISO 8601 timestamp) */
time: string;
/** Log message */
message: string;
/** Hostname of the message */
hostname: string;
/** Severity level */
severity: string;
/** Program or source of the log */
program: string;
* SolarWinds Observability page info
export interface PageInfo {
/** URL for the previous page */
prevPage: string;
/** URL for the next page */
nextPage: string;
* SolarWinds Observability logs search response
export interface SolarWindsSearchResponse {
/** An array of log events */
logs: LogsEvent[];
/** Pagination information */
pageInfo: PageInfo;
* SolarWinds Observability log archive
export interface LogsArchive {
/** Unique identifier of the log archive */
id: string;
/** Name of the log archive */
name: string;
/** Download URL of the log archive */
downloadUrl: string;
/** Timestamp of when the log archive was created */
archivedTimestamp: string;
/** Size of the archive in bytes */
archiveSize: number;
* SolarWinds Observability log archives response
export interface LogsArchivesResponse {
/** An array of log archives */
logArchives: LogsArchive[];
/** Pagination information */
pageInfo: PageInfo;
* Histogram data point
export interface HistogramDataPoint {
/** Time bucket (formatted according to interval) */
time: string;
/** Number of events in this time bucket */
count: number;
* Histogram visualization options schema
export const histogramOptionsSchema = {
interval: z.enum(['minute', 'hour', 'day']).default('hour').describe('Time interval for histogram buckets'),
startTime: z.string().optional().describe('UTC start time (ISO 8601 format), defaults to 24 hours ago'),
endTime: z.string().optional().describe('UTC end time (ISO 8601 format), defaults to current time'),
filter: z.string().optional().describe('A search query string'),
group: z.string().optional().describe('Filter logs by a specific group name'),
entityId: z.string().optional().describe('Filter logs by a specific entity ID'),
pageSize: z.number().optional().default(1000).describe('Maximum messages to analyze'),
use_utc: z.boolean().optional().default(false).describe('Use UTC time instead of local time'),
format: z.enum(['text', 'json']).optional().default('text').describe('Output format: text for ASCII chart, json for Claude visualization')
} as const;
* Histogram visualization options
export interface HistogramOptions {
/** Time interval for histogram buckets (minute, hour, day) */
interval: 'minute' | 'hour' | 'day';
/** Whether to use UTC time (default: false, use local time) */
useUtc?: boolean;
* Histogram visualization data
export interface HistogramData {
/** Array of data points */
data: HistogramDataPoint[];
/** Total number of events */
total: number;
/** Start time of the histogram */
startTime: string;
/** End time of the histogram */
endTime: string;
/** Options used to generate the histogram */
options: HistogramOptions;