SolarWinds Logs MCP Server

import { format, parseISO, startOfMinute, startOfHour, startOfDay } from 'date-fns'; import { formatInTimeZone } from 'date-fns-tz'; import { LogsEvent, HistogramData, HistogramOptions } from './types.js'; /** * Generate histogram data from SolarWinds Observability logs * @param events Array of log events * @param options Histogram options * @returns Histogram data */ export function generateHistogram( events: any[], // Accept any array type for backward compatibility options: HistogramOptions ): HistogramData { if (events.length === 0) { return { data: [], total: 0, startTime: '', endTime: '', options, }; } // Sort events by time // Handle both old PapertrailEvent (received_at) and new LogsEvent (time) formats const sortedEvents = [].sort( (a, b) => { const timeA = a.time || a.received_at; const timeB = b.time || b.received_at; return new Date(timeA).getTime() - new Date(timeB).getTime(); } ); // Get the time field based on the event format const getEventTime = (event: any): string => event.time || event.received_at; const startTime = parseISO(getEventTime(sortedEvents[0])); const endTime = parseISO(getEventTime(sortedEvents[sortedEvents.length - 1])); // Group events by time bucket const buckets = new Map<string, number>(); for (const event of sortedEvents) { const date = parseISO(getEventTime(event)); let bucketDate: Date; // Determine the start of the time bucket based on the interval switch (options.interval) { case 'minute': bucketDate = startOfMinute(date); break; case 'hour': bucketDate = startOfHour(date); break; case 'day': bucketDate = startOfDay(date); break; default: bucketDate = startOfHour(date); } // Format the bucket key based on the interval and timezone preference let bucketKey: string; if (options.useUtc) { // For UTC, use formatInTimeZone instead of format with timeZone option bucketKey = formatInTimeZone(bucketDate, 'UTC', getFormatPattern(options.interval)); } else { bucketKey = formatInTimeZone(bucketDate, Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone, getFormatPattern(options.interval)); } // Increment the count for this bucket buckets.set(bucketKey, (buckets.get(bucketKey) || 0) + 1); } // Convert the buckets map to an array of data points const data = Array.from(buckets.entries()) .map(([time, count]) => ({ time, count })) .sort((a, b) => a.time.localeCompare(b.time)); // Format the start and end times const timeFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'; const timeZone = options.useUtc ? 'UTC' : Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; const formattedStartTime = formatInTimeZone(startTime, timeZone, options.useUtc ? `${timeFormat} 'UTC'` : `${timeFormat} z`); const formattedEndTime = formatInTimeZone(endTime, timeZone, options.useUtc ? `${timeFormat} 'UTC'` : `${timeFormat} z`); return { data, total: events.length, startTime: formattedStartTime, endTime: formattedEndTime, options, }; } /** * Get the format pattern for a given interval * @param interval Time interval * @returns Format pattern */ function getFormatPattern(interval: string): string { switch (interval) { case 'minute': return 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'; case 'hour': return 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:00'; case 'day': return 'yyyy-MM-dd'; default: return 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'; } } /** * Generate an ASCII chart from histogram data * @param histogramData Histogram data * @returns ASCII chart as a string */ export function generateAsciiChart(histogramData: HistogramData): string { if ( === 0) { return 'No data available for histogram'; } const { data, total, startTime, endTime, options } = histogramData; // Find the maximum count to scale the chart const maxCount = Math.max( => d.count)); const chartWidth = 50; // Width of the chart in characters let chart = `Histogram of log events (${options.interval} intervals, ${options.useUtc ? 'UTC' : 'local time'})\n`; chart += `Time range: ${startTime} to ${endTime}\n`; chart += `Total events: ${total}\n\n`; // Generate the chart for (const point of data) { const barLength = Math.max(1, Math.round((point.count / maxCount) * chartWidth)); const bar = '█'.repeat(barLength); chart += `${point.time.padEnd(20)} | ${bar} ${point.count}\n`; } return chart; }