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import pypandoc from mcp.server.models import InitializationOptions import mcp.types as types from mcp.server import NotificationOptions, Server from pydantic import AnyUrl import mcp.server.stdio import os server = Server("mcp-pandoc") @server.list_tools() async def handle_list_tools() -> list[types.Tool]: """ List available tools. Each tool specifies its arguments using JSON Schema validation. """ return [ types.Tool( name="convert-contents", description=( "Converts content between different formats. Transforms input content from any supported format " "into the specified output format.\n\n" "🚨 CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS - PLEASE READ:\n" "1. PDF Conversion:\n" " * You MUST install TeX Live BEFORE attempting PDF conversion:\n" " * Ubuntu/Debian: `sudo apt-get install texlive-xetex`\n" " * macOS: `brew install texlive`\n" " * Windows: Install MiKTeX or TeX Live from or\n" " * PDF conversion will FAIL without this installation\n\n" "2. File Paths - EXPLICIT REQUIREMENTS:\n" " * When asked to save or convert to a file, you MUST provide:\n" " - Complete directory path\n" " - Filename\n" " - File extension\n" " * Example request: 'Write a story and save as PDF'\n" " * You MUST specify: '/path/to/story.pdf' or 'C:\\Documents\\story.pdf'\n" " * The tool will NOT automatically generate filenames or extensions\n\n" "3. File Location After Conversion:\n" " * After successful conversion, the tool will display the exact path where the file is saved\n" " * Look for message: 'Content successfully converted and saved to: [file_path]'\n" " * You can find your converted file at the specified location\n" " * If no path is specified, files may be saved in system temp directory (/tmp/ on Unix systems)\n" " * For better control, always provide explicit output file paths\n\n" "Supported formats:\n" "- Basic formats: txt, html, markdown\n" "- Advanced formats (REQUIRE complete file paths): pdf, docx, rst, latex, epub\n\n" "✅ CORRECT Usage Examples:\n" "1. 'Convert this text to HTML' (basic conversion)\n" " - Tool will show converted content\n\n" "2. 'Save this text as PDF at /documents/story.pdf'\n" " - Correct: specifies path + filename + extension\n" " - Tool will show: 'Content successfully converted and saved to: /documents/story.pdf'\n\n" "❌ INCORRECT Usage Examples:\n" "1. 'Save this as PDF in /documents/'\n" " - Missing filename and extension\n" "2. 'Convert to PDF'\n" " - Missing complete file path\n\n" "When requesting conversion, ALWAYS specify:\n" "1. The content or input file\n" "2. The desired output format\n" "3. For advanced formats: complete output path + filename + extension\n" "Example: 'Convert this markdown to PDF and save as /path/to/output.pdf'\n\n" "Note: After conversion, always check the success message for the exact file location." ), inputSchema={ "type": "object", "properties": { "contents": { "type": "string", "description": "The content to be converted (required if input_file not provided)" }, "input_file": { "type": "string", "description": "Complete path to input file including filename and extension (e.g., '/path/to/')" }, "input_format": { "type": "string", "description": "Source format of the content (defaults to markdown)", "default": "markdown", "enum": ["markdown", "html", "pdf", "docx", "rst", "latex", "epub", "txt"] }, "output_format": { "type": "string", "description": "Desired output format (defaults to markdown)", "default": "markdown", "enum": ["markdown", "html", "pdf", "docx", "rst", "latex", "epub", "txt"] }, "output_file": { "type": "string", "description": "Complete path where to save the output including filename and extension (required for pdf, docx, rst, latex, epub formats)" } }, "oneOf": [ {"required": ["contents"]}, {"required": ["input_file"]} ], "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "output_format": { "enum": ["pdf", "docx", "rst", "latex", "epub"] } } }, "then": { "required": ["output_file"] } } ] }, ) ] @server.call_tool() async def handle_call_tool( name: str, arguments: dict | None ) -> list[types.TextContent | types.ImageContent | types.EmbeddedResource]: """ Handle tool execution requests. Tools can modify server state and notify clients of changes. """ if name not in ["convert-contents"]: raise ValueError(f"Unknown tool: {name}") print(arguments) if not arguments: raise ValueError("Missing arguments") # Extract all possible arguments contents = arguments.get("contents") input_file = arguments.get("input_file") output_file = arguments.get("output_file") output_format = arguments.get("output_format", "markdown").lower() input_format = arguments.get("input_format", "markdown").lower() # Validate input parameters if not contents and not input_file: raise ValueError("Either 'contents' or 'input_file' must be provided") # Define supported formats SUPPORTED_FORMATS = {'html', 'markdown', 'pdf', 'docx', 'rst', 'latex', 'epub', 'txt'} if output_format not in SUPPORTED_FORMATS: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported output format: '{output_format}'. Supported formats are: {', '.join(SUPPORTED_FORMATS)}") # Validate output_file requirement for advanced formats ADVANCED_FORMATS = {'pdf', 'docx', 'rst', 'latex', 'epub'} if output_format in ADVANCED_FORMATS and not output_file: raise ValueError(f"output_file path is required for {output_format} format") try: # Prepare conversion arguments extra_args = [] # Handle PDF-specific conversion if needed if output_format == "pdf": extra_args.extend([ "--pdf-engine=xelatex", "-V", "geometry:margin=1in" ]) # Convert content using pypandoc if input_file: if not os.path.exists(input_file): raise ValueError(f"Input file not found: {input_file}") if output_file: # Convert file to file converted_output = pypandoc.convert_file( input_file, output_format, outputfile=output_file, extra_args=extra_args ) result_message = f"File successfully converted and saved to: {output_file}" else: # Convert file to string converted_output = pypandoc.convert_file( input_file, output_format, extra_args=extra_args ) else: if output_file: # Convert content to file pypandoc.convert_text( contents, output_format, format=input_format, outputfile=output_file, extra_args=extra_args ) result_message = f"Content successfully converted and saved to: {output_file}" else: # Convert content to string converted_output = pypandoc.convert_text( contents, output_format, format=input_format, extra_args=extra_args ) if output_file: notify_with_result = result_message else: if not converted_output: raise ValueError(f"Conversion resulted in empty output") notify_with_result = ( f'Following are the converted contents in {output_format} format.\n' f'Ask user if they expect to save this file. If so, provide the output_file parameter with complete path.\n' f'Converted Contents:\n\n{converted_output}' ) return [ types.TextContent( type="text", text=notify_with_result ) ] except Exception as e: # Handle Pandoc conversion errors error_msg = f"Error converting {'file' if input_file else 'contents'} from {input_format} to {output_format}: {str(e)}" raise ValueError(error_msg) async def main(): # Run the server using stdin/stdout streams async with mcp.server.stdio.stdio_server() as (read_stream, write_stream): await read_stream, write_stream, InitializationOptions( server_name="mcp-pandoc", server_version="0.1.0", capabilities=server.get_capabilities( notification_options=NotificationOptions(), experimental_capabilities={}, ), ), )