BigQuery MCP Server

by takuya0206
# Contributing to BigQuery MCP Server Thank you for your interest in contributing to the BigQuery MCP Server! This document provides guidelines and instructions for contributing. ## Code of Conduct Please be respectful and considerate of others when contributing to this project. ## How to Contribute ### Reporting Bugs If you find a bug, please create an issue with the following information: - A clear, descriptive title - Steps to reproduce the issue - Expected behavior - Actual behavior - Any relevant logs or error messages - Your environment (OS, Node.js version, etc.) ### Suggesting Features Feature suggestions are welcome! Please create an issue with: - A clear, descriptive title - A detailed description of the proposed feature - Any relevant examples or use cases - If possible, an implementation approach ### Pull Requests 1. Fork the repository 2. Create a new branch for your changes 3. Make your changes 4. Run tests to ensure your changes don't break existing functionality 5. Submit a pull request ## Development Setup 1. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone cd bigquery-mcp-server ``` 2. Install dependencies: ```bash bun install ``` 3. Build the server: ```bash bun run build ``` 4. Run tests: ```bash bun test ``` ## Project Structure - `index.ts` - Main server implementation - `examples/` - Example client implementations - `test/` - Test scripts - `dist/` - Compiled output (generated) ## Coding Standards - Use TypeScript for all new code - Follow the existing code style - Write clear, descriptive comments - Include tests for new functionality ## Testing - All new features should include tests - Run existing tests before submitting a pull request - Tests should be clear and maintainable ## License By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's [MIT License](LICENSE).