BigQuery MCP Server

by takuya0206
# - Guidelines for Bun MCP Server ## Implementation Rules - See [mcp.mdc](.cursor/rules/mcp.mdc) at first and learn how to implement a MCP Server. - Generate a appropriate package name and overwrite package.json - Some examples using `setRequestHandler()` to implement a tool or resource, but it's deprecated. Use `server.tool()` or `server.resource()` instead. - You can add a thrid party package if needed to meet the requirements. - You can use Bun runtime features. Bun provides many built-in functions. See [bun-file.mdc](.cursor/rules/bun-file.mdc), [bun-test.mdc](.cursor/rules/bun-test.mdc), [bun-glob.mdc](.cursor/rules/bun-glob.mdc), [bun-utils.mdc](.cursor/rules/bun-utils.mdc) ## Build Commands - `bun run build` - Build the MCP server executable - `bun run show-package-name` - Display the package name for installation - Install with: `cp dist/$npm_package_name $HOME/bin/` ## Code Style Guidelines ### Imports & Organization - Use named imports from MCP SDK: `import { McpServer, ResourceTemplate } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js"` - Group imports by external packages first, then internal modules ### TypeScript & Types - Use Zod for parameter validation in tools and resources - Prefer TypeScript strict mode with explicit type annotations - Use async/await for asynchronous operations ### Naming Conventions - CamelCase for variables and functions - PascalCase for classes and types - Use descriptive names for resources, tools and prompts ### MCP Best Practices - Resources should be pure and not have side effects (like GET endpoints) - Tools should handle specific actions with well-defined parameters (like POST endpoints) - Write a enough description for tool and each parameters. - Use ResourceTemplate for parameterized resources - Properly handle errors in tool implementations and return isError: true ### Error Handling - Use try/catch blocks with specific error types - Return proper error responses with descriptive messages - Always close connections and free resources in finally blocks ## References - [Basic Examples](.cursor/rules/basic.mdc) ## Another Examples - [@modelcontextprotocol/server-memory]( - [@modelcontextprotocol/server-filesystem]( - [redis](