MCP Paradex Server

by sv
# Smithery configuration file: startCommand: type: stdio configSchema: # JSON Schema defining the configuration options for the MCP. type: object properties: paradexEnvironment: type: string default: prod description: The Paradex environment to use (e.g. testnet or prod). paradexAccountPrivateKey: type: string description: Your Paradex account private key. commandFunction: # A JS function that produces the CLI command based on the given config to start the MCP on stdio. |- (config) => ({ command: 'mcp-paradex', args: ['--transport', 'stdio'], env: { 'PARADEX_ENVIRONMENT': config.paradexEnvironment, 'PARADEX_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY': config.paradexAccountPrivateKey } }) exampleConfig: paradexEnvironment: testnet paradexAccountPrivateKey: abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890