MCP Paradex Server

by sv
# MCP Paradex Server [![smithery badge](]( Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation for the Paradex trading platform. ## Overview This project provides a bridge between AI assistants (like Claude) and the Paradex perpetual futures trading platform. Using the MCP standard, AI assistants can: - Retrieve market data from Paradex - Manage trading accounts and vaults - Place and manage orders - Monitor positions and balance ## Prerequisites - Python 3.10+ ## Installation ### Installing via Smithery To install mcp-paradex-py for Claude Desktop automatically via [Smithery]( ```bash npx -y @smithery/cli install @sv/mcp-paradex-py --client claude ``` ### Using pip 1. Clone this repository: ```bash git clone cd mcp-paradex-py ``` 2. Create a virtual environment: ```bash python -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate # On Windows: .venv\Scripts\activate ``` 3. Install dependencies: ```bash pip install -e . ``` ### Using uv (faster alternative) 1. Clone this repository: ```bash git clone cd mcp-paradex-py ``` 2. Create a virtual environment: ```bash uv venv source .venv/bin/activate # On Windows: .venv\Scripts\activate ``` 3. Install dependencies: ```bash uv pip install -e . ``` ### Configuration Set up your configuration: ```bash cp .env.template .env ``` Then edit the `.env` file with your Paradex credentials. ## Running the Server ### Docker (recommended) ``` docker build . -t sv/mcp-paradex-py ``` ### In Cursor add MCP as command Public only ``` docker run --rm -i sv/mcp-paradex-py ``` Allow trading ``` docker run --rm -e PARADEX_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY=0xprivatekey -i sv/mcp-paradex-py ``` ## Integration This MCP server is compatible with [](, a platform for discovering and deploying MCP servers. ### Claude Desktop Configuration To use this server with Claude Desktop via 1. Open Claude Desktop and enable Developer Mode from the menu 2. Go to Settings > Developer and click "Edit Config" 3. Add the following configuration to your `claude_desktop_config.json`: ```json { "mcpServers": { "paradex": { "command": "uvx", "args": ["--with-editable", ".", "mcp-paradex"], "env": { "PARADEX_ENVIRONMENT": "testnet", "PARADEX_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY": "your_private_key" } } } } ``` 4. Replace `your_ethereum_private_key` with your actual Paradex private key 5. Save the file and restart Claude Desktop ### Registry The server includes a `smithery.yaml` file with metadata for the registry. If you want to publish this server to, you can use the Smithery CLI: ```bash # Install Smithery CLI npm install -g @smithery/cli # Login to Smithery smithery login # Publish the server smithery publish ``` For more information about publishing to, see the [Smithery documentation]( ## Available Resources and Tools ### Resources #### System Resources - `system://status` - Get the current status of the system and Paradex connection - `system://version` - Get detailed version information about the server and dependencies - `system://health` - Perform a basic health check of the server #### Market Resources - `market://public/markets` - Get a list of available markets from Paradex - `market://public/info` - Get general market information and status #### Vault Resources - `vaults://list` - List all vaults associated with the account - `vaults://balance` - Get the balance of a specific vault - `vaults://details` - Get detailed information about a vault ### Tools #### System Tools - `check_public_api` - Check the connection to Paradex public API without authentication - `check_paradex_connection` - Verify connectivity with Paradex API using authentication #### Market Tools - `get_market_data` - Retrieve detailed market data for a specific market - `get_orderbook` - Get the current orderbook for a market - `get_recent_trades` - Retrieve recent trades for a market #### Account Tools - `get_account_info` - Get information about the connected account - `get_account_balance` - Retrieve the account balance #### Order Tools - `place_order` - Place a new order on Paradex - `cancel_order` - Cancel an existing order - `get_order_status` - Check the status of an order #### Vault Tools - `create_vault` - Create a new vault - `deposit_to_vault` - Deposit funds into a vault - `withdraw_from_vault` - Withdraw funds from a vault ## Development ### Project Structure - `src/mcp_paradex/` - Main package - `server/` - MCP server implementation - `` - FastMCP server configuration - `resources/` - Read-only data resources - `` - System status resource - `` - Market data resources - `` - Vault management resources - `tools/` - Action tools for operations - `` - System management tools - `` - Market data tools - `` - Account management tools - `` - Order management tools - `` - Vault management tools - `utils/` - Utility functions and helpers - `` - Configuration handling - `` - Paradex API client ### Development Progress - [x] **Step 1:** Create Basic Project Structure - Set up package configuration and dependencies - Create initial FastMCP server configuration - Implement basic system health checks - [x] **Step 2:** Implement Authentication Layer - Design secure API key management system - Create authentication flow for Paradex API - [x] **Step 3:** Deploy Basic Server with Health Check - Implement system status resource - Create connectivity verification tool - Add public API endpoints that don't require authentication - [x] **Step 4:** Market Data Integration - Implement market data resources - Create market data tools - Add orderbook and trade history functionality - [x] **Step 5:** Account and Order Management - Implement account information resources - Create order management tools - Add vault management capabilities - [x] **Step 6:** Add Support - Create configuration file - Add Claude Desktop configuration example - Document integration ### Code Quality Tools This project uses several tools to maintain code quality: - **Black**: Code formatter that enforces a consistent style - **Ruff**: Fast Python linter that combines functionality from multiple linting tools - **Mypy**: Static type checker for Python - **Pre-commit**: Git hook scripts to automate checks before commits ### Setup Development Environment 1. Install development dependencies: ```bash make install-dev ``` 2. Format code: ```bash make format ``` 3. Lint code: ```bash make lint ``` 4. Type check: ```bash make typecheck ``` 5. Run all checks: ```bash make check ``` 6. Run pre-commit on all files: ```bash make pre-commit ``` 7. Run tests: ```bash make test ``` 8. Run tests with coverage report: ```bash make test-cov ``` ### Testing This project uses pytest for testing. Tests are located in the `tests` directory. To run tests: ```bash pytest ``` To run tests with coverage report: ```bash pytest --cov=mcp_paradex --cov-report=html ``` This will generate an HTML coverage report in the `htmlcov` directory. ### Pre-commit Hooks Pre-commit hooks are configured to run automatically on git commit. They include: - Trailing whitespace removal - End-of-file fixer - YAML/TOML syntax checking - Black formatting - Ruff linting - Mypy type checking To manually run all pre-commit hooks on all files: ```bash pre-commit run --all-files ``` ### Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. ## License [MIT License](LICENSE)