MCP Paradex Server

by sv
.PHONY: format lint typecheck install-dev pre-commit clean test test-cov # Install development dependencies install-dev: pip install -e ".[dev]" pre-commit install # Format code with black format: black src tests # Lint code with ruff lint: ruff check src tests --fix # Type check with mypy typecheck: mypy src # Run tests test: pytest # Run tests with coverage test-cov: pytest --cov=mcp_paradex --cov-report=html # Run all checks including tests check: format lint typecheck test # Run pre-commit on all files pre-commit: pre-commit run --all-files # Clean up cache files clean: find . -type d -name "__pycache__" -exec rm -rf {} + find . -type d -name "*.egg-info" -exec rm -rf {} + find . -type d -name ".ruff_cache" -exec rm -rf {} + find . -type d -name ".mypy_cache" -exec rm -rf {} + find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete