MCP Atlassian

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides integration with Atlassian products (Confluence and Jira), supporting both Atlassian Cloud and Server/Data Center deployments

  • Allows searching, creating, updating, and deleting Confluence pages, as well as retrieving comments and child pages

  • Enables searching, creating, updating, and managing Jira issues, including transitions, worklogs, and epic relationships

MCP Atlassian

Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for Atlassian products (Confluence and Jira). This integration supports both Confluence & Jira Cloud and Server/Data Center deployments.

Feature Demo


ProductDeployment TypeSupport Status
ConfluenceCloud✅ Fully supported
ConfluenceServer/Data Center✅ Supported (version 7.9+)
JiraCloud✅ Fully supported
JiraServer/Data Center✅ Supported (version 8.14+)

Setup Guide

1. Authentication Setup

First, generate the necessary authentication tokens for Confluence & Jira:

For Cloud

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create API token, name it
  3. Copy the token immediately

For Server/Data Center

  1. Go to your profile (avatar) → ProfilePersonal Access Tokens
  2. Click Create token, name it, set expiry
  3. Copy the token immediately

2. Installation

Choose one of these installation methods:

# Using uv (recommended) brew install uv uvx mcp-atlassian # Using pip pip install mcp-atlassian # Using Docker git clone cd mcp-atlassian docker build -t mcp/atlassian .

3. Configuration and Usage

You can configure the MCP server using command line arguments. The server supports using either Confluence, Jira, or both services - include only the arguments needed for your use case.

Required Arguments

For Cloud:

uvx mcp-atlassian \ --confluence-url \ --confluence-username \ --confluence-token your_api_token \ --jira-url \ --jira-username \ --jira-token your_api_token

For Server/Data Center:

uvx mcp-atlassian \ --confluence-url \ --confluence-personal-token your_token \ --jira-url \ --jira-personal-token your_token

Note: You can configure just Confluence, just Jira, or both services. Simply include only the arguments for the service(s) you want to use. For example, to use only Confluence Cloud, you would only need --confluence-url, --confluence-username, and --confluence-token.

Optional Arguments

  • --transport: Choose transport type (stdio [default] or sse)
  • --port: Port number for SSE transport (default: 8000)
  • --[no-]confluence-ssl-verify: Toggle SSL verification for Confluence Server/DC
  • --[no-]jira-ssl-verify: Toggle SSL verification for Jira Server/DC
  • --confluence-spaces-filter: Comma-separated list of space keys to filter Confluence search results (e.g., "DEV,TEAM,DOC")
  • --jira-projects-filter: Comma-separated list of project keys to filter Jira search results (e.g., "PROJ,DEV,SUPPORT")
  • --read-only: Run in read-only mode (disables all write operations)
  • --verbose: Increase logging verbosity (can be used multiple times, default is WARNING level)
    • -v or --verbose: Set logging to INFO level
    • -vv or --verbose --verbose: Set logging to DEBUG level

Note: All configuration options can also be set via environment variables. See the .env.example file in the repository for the full list of available environment variables.

IDE Integration

Claude Desktop Setup

Using uvx (recommended) - Cloud:

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-atlassian": { "command": "uvx", "args": [ "mcp-atlassian", "--confluence-url=", "", "--confluence-token=your_api_token", "--jira-url=", "", "--jira-token=your_api_token" ] } } }
{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-atlassian": { "command": "uvx", "args": [ "mcp-atlassian", "--confluence-url=", "--confluence-personal-token=your_token", "--jira-url=", "--jira-personal-token=your_token" ] } } }

Note: Examples below use Cloud configuration. For Server/Data Center, use the corresponding arguments (--confluence-personal-token, --jira-personal-token) as shown in the Configuration section above.

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-atlassian": { "command": "python", "args": [ "-m", "mcp-atlassian", "--confluence-url=", "", "--confluence-token=your_api_token", "--jira-url=", "", "--jira-token=your_api_token" ] } } }

Note: Examples below use Cloud configuration. For Server/Data Center, use the corresponding arguments (--confluence-personal-token, --jira-personal-token) as shown in the Configuration section above.

There are two ways to configure the Docker environment:

  1. Using cli arguments directly in the config:
{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-atlassian": { "command": "docker", "args": [ "run", "--rm", "-i", "mcp/atlassian", "--confluence-url=", "", "--confluence-token=your_api_token", "--jira-url=", "", "--jira-token=your_api_token" ] } } }
  1. Using an environment file:
{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-atlassian": { "command": "docker", "args": [ "run", "--rm", "-i", "--env-file", "/path/to/your/.env", "mcp/atlassian" ] } } }

Cursor IDE Setup

  1. Open Cursor Settings
  2. Navigate to Features > MCP Servers (or directly to MCP)
  3. Click + Add new global MCP server

This will create or edit the ~/.cursor/mcp.json file with your MCP server configuration.

JSON Configuration for stdio Transport

For Cloud:

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-atlassian": { "command": "uvx", "args": [ "mcp-atlassian", "--confluence-url=", "", "--confluence-token=your_api_token", "--jira-url=", "", "--jira-token=your_api_token" ] } } }
{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-atlassian": { "command": "uvx", "args": [ "mcp-atlassian", "--confluence-url=", "--confluence-personal-token=your_token", "--jira-url=", "--jira-personal-token=your_token" ] } } }

SSE Transport Configuration

For SSE transport, first start the server:

uvx mcp-atlassian --transport sse --port 9000

Then configure in Cursor:

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-atlassian-sse": { "url": "http://localhost:9000/sse", "env": { "CONFLUENCE_URL": "", "CONFLUENCE_USERNAME": "", "CONFLUENCE_API_TOKEN": "your_api_token", "JIRA_URL": "", "JIRA_USERNAME": "", "JIRA_API_TOKEN": "your_api_token" } } } }


Note: The MCP server filters resources to only show Confluence spaces and Jira projects that the user is actively interacting with, based on their contributions and assignments.

  • confluence://{space_key}: Access Confluence spaces
  • jira://{project_key}: Access Jira projects

Available Tools

confluence_searchSearch Confluence content using CQL
confluence_get_pageGet content of a specific Confluence page
confluence_get_page_childrenGet child pages of a specific Confluence page
confluence_get_page_ancestorsGet parent pages of a specific Confluence page
confluence_get_commentsGet comments for a specific Confluence page
confluence_create_pageCreate a new Confluence page
confluence_update_pageUpdate an existing Confluence page
confluence_delete_pageDelete an existing Confluence page
jira_get_issueGet details of a specific Jira issue
jira_searchSearch Jira issues using JQL
jira_get_project_issuesGet all issues for a specific Jira project
jira_create_issueCreate a new issue in Jira
jira_update_issueUpdate an existing Jira issue
jira_delete_issueDelete an existing Jira issue
jira_get_transitionsGet available status transitions for a Jira issue
jira_transition_issueTransition a Jira issue to a new status
jira_add_worklogAdd a worklog entry to a Jira issue
jira_get_worklogGet worklog entries for a Jira issue
jira_link_to_epicLink an issue to an Epic
jira_get_epic_issuesGet all issues linked to a specific Epic

Development & Debugging

Local Development Setup

If you've cloned the repository and want to run a local version:

For Cloud:

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-atlassian": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/path/to/your/mcp-atlassian", "run", "mcp-atlassian", "--confluence-url=", "", "--confluence-token=your_api_token", "--jira-url=", "", "--jira-token=your_api_token" ] } } }

Debugging Tools

# Using MCP Inspector # For installed package npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector uvx mcp-atlassian ... # For local development version npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector uv --directory /path/to/your/mcp-atlassian run mcp-atlassian ... # View logs tail -n 20 -f ~/Library/Logs/Claude/mcp*.log


  • Never share API tokens
  • Keep .env files secure and private
  • See for best practices


Licensed under MIT - see LICENSE file. This is not an official Atlassian product.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for Atlassian Cloud products (Confluence and Jira). This integration is designed specifically for Atlassian Cloud instances and does not support Atlassian Server or Data Center deployments.

  1. Feature Demo
    1. Compatibility
      1. Setup Guide
        1. 1. Authentication Setup
        2. 2. Installation
        3. 3. Configuration and Usage
      2. IDE Integration
        1. Claude Desktop Setup
        2. Cursor IDE Setup
      3. Resources
        1. Available Tools
          1. Development & Debugging
            1. Local Development Setup
            2. Debugging Tools
          2. Security
            1. License