OBS MCP Server

by royshil

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Utilizes Node.js as the runtime environment for the MCP server, with Node.js 16+ being a requirement for operation.

  • Connects to OBS Studio via the WebSocket protocol, providing tools for scene management, source control, streaming/recording control, transitions, and general operations in OBS.

OBS MCP Server

An MCP server for OBS Studio that provides tools to control OBS via the OBS WebSocket protocol.


  • Connect to OBS WebSocket server
  • Control OBS via MCP tools
  • Provides tools for:
    • General operations
    • Scene management
    • Source control
    • Scene item manipulation
    • Streaming and recording
    • Transitions


npm install npm run build


  1. Make sure OBS Studio is running with WebSocket server enabled (Tools > WebSocket Server Settings). Note the password for the WS.
  2. Set the WebSocket password in environment variable (if needed):
export OBS_WEBSOCKET_PASSWORD="your_password_here"
  1. Run the OBS MCP server to see that it is able to build and connect:
npm run build npm run start
  1. Provision you Claude desktop with the MCP server settings:
{ "mcpServers": { "obs": { "command": "node", "args": [ "<obs-mcp_root>/build/index.js" ], "env": { "OBS_WEBSOCKET_PASSWORD": "<password_from_obs>" } } } }
  1. Use Claude to control your OBS!

Available Tools

The server provides tools organized by category:

  • General tools: Version info, stats, hotkeys, studio mode
  • Scene tools: List scenes, switch scenes, create/remove scenes
  • Source tools: Manage sources, settings, audio levels, mute/unmute
  • Scene item tools: Manage items in scenes (position, visibility, etc.)
  • Streaming tools: Start/stop streaming, recording, virtual camera
  • Transition tools: Set transitions, durations, trigger transitions

Environment Variables

  • OBS_WEBSOCKET_URL: WebSocket URL (default: ws://localhost:4455)
  • OBS_WEBSOCKET_PASSWORD: Password for authenticating with OBS WebSocket (if required)


  • Node.js 16+
  • OBS Studio 31+ with WebSocket server enabled
  • Claude desktop


See the LICENSE file for details.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A server that provides tools to control OBS Studio remotely via the OBS WebSocket protocol, enabling management of scenes, sources, streaming, and recording through an MCP client interface.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Usage
        1. Available Tools
          1. Environment Variables
            1. Requirements
              1. License