Email Sending MCP

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Allows sending emails through Resend's API directly from Cursor or Claude Desktop

Email sending MCP πŸ’Œ

This is a simple MCP server that sends emails using Resend's API. Why? Now you can let Cursor or Claude Desktop compose emails for you and send it right away without having to copy and paste the email content.

Built with:


  • Send plain text and HTML emails
  • Schedule emails for future delivery
  • Add CC and BCC recipients
  • Configure reply-to addresses
  • Customizable sender email (requires verification)



  1. First, you need to authorize Resend to send emails from your domain or email. Follow the steps here to set that up and get a Resend API key.
  2. Clone this project locally. Edit index.ts and replace to your own email to send emails from
  3. Run npm install, npm run build under the project dir. You should now see a /build/index.js generated - this is the MCP server script!

Then go to Cursor Settings -> MCP -> Add new MCP server

  • Name = [choose your own name]
  • Type = command

You can get Resend API key here:

Now you can test out sending emails by going to, replace the to: email address, select all in email md, and hit cmd+l. You can now tell cursor to "send this as an email" in the chat. Make sure Cursor chat is in Agent mode by selecting "Agent" on lower left side dropdown

Claude desktop

Same set up as above, and then add the following MCP config



npm install npm run build

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - not found
quality - confirmed to work

A simple MCP server that enables users to send emails using Resend's API, integrating with tools like Cursor and Claude Desktop for seamless email composition and delivery.

  1. Features