Excel MCP Server

MIT License
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# Excel MCP Server <img src="docs/img/icon-800.png" width="128"> [![NPM Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@negokaz/excel-mcp-server)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@negokaz/excel-mcp-server) [![smithery badge](https://smithery.ai/badge/@negokaz/excel-mcp-server)](https://smithery.ai/server/@negokaz/excel-mcp-server) A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that reads and writes MS Excel data. ## Features - Read text values from MS Excel file - Write text values to MS Excel file - Read formulas from MS Excel file - Write formulas to MS Excel file - Capture screen image from MS Excel file (Windows only) For more details, see the [tools](#tools) section. ## Requirements - Node.js 20.x or later ## Supported file formats - xlsx (Excel book) - xlsm (Excel macro-enabled book) - xltx (Excel template) - xltm (Excel macro-enabled template) ## Installation ### Installing via NPM excel-mcp-server is automatically installed by adding the following configuration to the MCP servers configuration. For Windows: ```json { "mcpServers": { "excel": { "command": "cmd", "args": ["/c", "npx", "--yes", "@negokaz/excel-mcp-server"], "env": { "EXCEL_MCP_PAGING_CELLS_LIMIT": "4000" } } } } ``` For other platforms: ```json { "mcpServers": { "excel": { "command": "npx", "args": ["--yes", "@negokaz/excel-mcp-server"], "env": { "EXCEL_MCP_PAGING_CELLS_LIMIT": "4000" } } } } ``` ### Installing via Smithery To install Excel MCP Server for Claude Desktop automatically via [Smithery](https://smithery.ai/server/@negokaz/excel-mcp-server): ```bash npx -y @smithery/cli install @negokaz/excel-mcp-server --client claude ``` <h2 id="tools">Tools</h2> ### `read_sheet_names` List all sheet names in an Excel file. **Arguments:** - `fileAbsolutePath` - Absolute path to the Excel file ### `read_sheet_data` Read data from Excel sheet with pagination. **Arguments:** - `fileAbsolutePath` - Absolute path to the Excel file - `sheetName` - Sheet name in the Excel file - `range` - Range of cells to read in the Excel sheet (e.g., "A1:C10"). [default: first paging range] - `knownPagingRanges` - List of already read paging ranges ### `read_sheet_formula` Read formulas from Excel sheet with pagination. **Arguments:** - `fileAbsolutePath` - Absolute path to the Excel file - `sheetName` - Sheet name in the Excel file - `range` - Range of cells to read in the Excel sheet (e.g., "A1:C10"). [default: first paging range] - `knownPagingRanges` - List of already read paging ranges ### `read_sheet_image` **[Windows only]** Read data as an image from the Excel sheet with pagination. **Arguments:** - `fileAbsolutePath` - Absolute path to the Excel file - `sheetName` - Sheet name in the Excel file - `range` - Range of cells to read in the Excel sheet (e.g., "A1:C10"). [default: first paging range] - `knownPagingRanges` - List of already read paging ranges ### `write_sheet_data` Write data to the Excel sheet. **Arguments:** - `fileAbsolutePath` - Absolute path to the Excel file - `sheetName` - Sheet name in the Excel file - `range` - Range of cells to read in the Excel sheet (e.g., "A1:C10"). - `data` - Data to write to the Excel sheet ### `write_sheet_formula` Write formulas to the Excel sheet. **Arguments:** - `fileAbsolutePath` - Absolute path to the Excel file - `sheetName` - Sheet name in the Excel file - `range` - Range of cells to read in the Excel sheet (e.g., "A1:C10"). - `formulas` - Formulas to write to the Excel sheet (e.g., "=A1+B1") <h2 id="tools">Configuration</h2> You can change the MCP Server behaviors by the following environment variables: ### `EXCEL_MCP_PAGING_CELLS_LIMIT` The maximum number of cells to read in a single paging operation. [default: 4000] ## License Copyright (c) 2025 Kazuki Negoro excel-mcp-server is released under the [MIT License](LICENSE)