Bazel MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Exposes Bazel build system functionality, allowing for building targets, querying dependency graphs, running tests, listing available targets, fetching external dependencies, and setting the workspace path at runtime.

Bazel MCP Server

A local MCP server that exposes functionality of the Bazel build system to MCP-enabled AI agents.

This is helpful when MCP environments either don't have an existing command-line tool, or where the invoked shell has a misconfigured environment that prevents Bazel from being used.


The Bazel MCP Server provides the following tools:

  • bazel_build_target: Build specified Bazel targets
  • bazel_query_target: Query the dependency graph for targets matching a pattern
  • bazel_test_target: Run tests for specified targets
  • bazel_list_targets: List all available targets in the workspace (requires path parameter, use "//" for all targets)
  • bazel_fetch_dependencies: Fetch external dependencies
  • bazel_set_workspace_path: Change the Bazel workspace path at runtime

Each command (except bazel_set_workspace_path) supports an optional additionalArgs parameter that allows passing additional arguments to the underlying Bazel command. This is useful for specifying flags like --verbose_failures or --test_output=all.



Using with Cursor

Add the following to .cursor/mcp.json.

You don't need to provide the workspace path, as the LLM can use set_workspace_path to change the workspace path at runtime.

The bazel binary usually gets picked up automatically, but if you run into issues, you can provide the path to the bazel binary using the --bazel_path flag.

:warning: Note that this will not work when using Cursor with Remote SSH sessions, since it runs the MCP server locally.

{ "mcpServers": { "bazel": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "github:nacgarg/bazel-mcp-server", // If you need to specify the bazel binary path "--bazel_path", "/absolute/path/to/your/bazel/binary", // If you need to specify the workspace path "--workspace_path", "/absolute/path/to/your/bazel/workspace" // See Configuration Table below for more options ] } } }

Using with Claude Desktop

You can use the same configuration as above with Claude Desktop.

Launching standalone

# Run directly from GitHub (no installation needed) npx -y github:nacgarg/bazel-mcp-server # From source git clone cd bazel-mcp-server npm install npm run build dist/index.js


This MCP server allows a couple different configuration methods. They will be used in the following order:

  1. Command line arguments
  2. Environment variables
  3. Configuration file

Configuration Table

CLI ArgumentEnvironment VariableConfiguration File KeyDescription
--bazel_pathMCP_BAZEL_PATHbazel_pathThe path to the Bazel binary to use.
--workspace_pathMCP_WORKSPACE_PATHworkspace_pathThe path to the Bazel workspace to use.
--workspace_configMCP_WORKSPACE_CONFIGworkspace_configThe configuration of the workspace to use. By default, this uses the .bazelrc file in the workspace root.
--log_pathMCP_LOG_PATHlog_pathThe path to write server logs to.


Set the DEBUG=true environment variable to enable verbose logging to the console.

Setting the log path is also helpful for debugging with clients that don't print logs to the console (looking at you, Cursor).


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A local MCP server that exposes Bazel build system functionality to AI agents, allowing them to build, test, query, and manage Bazel projects through natural language even in environments where Bazel can't be directly accessed.

  1. Tools
    1. Usage
      1. Installation
      2. Configuration
      3. Configuration Table
    2. Debugging
      1. License