by mingzilla
#!/bin/bash bash -i ./dependencies.sh set -e # Colors for terminal output GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Configuration GITHUB_REPO="mingzilla/pi-api-mcp-server" NPM_PACKAGE="@mingzilla/pi-api-mcp-server" # Build project first echo -e "${YELLOW}Building project...${NC}" npm run build if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED}Build failed. Please fix the errors and try again.${NC}" exit 1 fi echo -e "${GREEN}Build successful!${NC}" # Get package details CURRENT_VERSION=$(node -p "require('./package.json').version") echo -e "${YELLOW}Package: ${NPM_PACKAGE}${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Current version in package.json: ${CURRENT_VERSION}${NC}" # Check if npm is logged in NPM_USER=$(npm whoami 2>/dev/null || echo "") if [ -z "$NPM_USER" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: You are not logged in to npm. Please run 'npm login' first.${NC}" exit 1 fi echo -e "${GREEN}Logged in as npm user: ${NPM_USER}${NC}" # Check the latest version on npm echo "Checking latest published version on npm..." LATEST_VERSION=$(npm view $NPM_PACKAGE version 2>/dev/null || echo "0.0.0") if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ "$LATEST_VERSION" == "" ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}No published version found. This might be the first publish.${NC}" LATEST_VERSION="0.0.0" fi echo -e "${YELLOW}Latest published version: ${LATEST_VERSION}${NC}" # Parse version components IFS='.' read -r -a CURRENT_PARTS <<< "$CURRENT_VERSION" IFS='.' read -r -a LATEST_PARTS <<< "$LATEST_VERSION" # Determine the higher version between package.json and npm registry MAJOR=${CURRENT_PARTS[0]} if [ ${LATEST_PARTS[0]} -gt $MAJOR ]; then MAJOR=${LATEST_PARTS[0]} fi MINOR=${CURRENT_PARTS[1]} if [ ${LATEST_PARTS[1]} -gt $MINOR ]; then MINOR=${LATEST_PARTS[1]} PATCH=0 else PATCH=${CURRENT_PARTS[2]} if [ ${LATEST_PARTS[2]} -gt $PATCH ]; then PATCH=${LATEST_PARTS[2]} fi fi # Increment patch version PATCH=$((PATCH + 1)) NEW_VERSION="${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${PATCH}" echo -e "${GREEN}Suggested new version: ${NEW_VERSION}${NC}" # Prompt for version confirmation or custom version read -p "Enter version to publish [$NEW_VERSION]: " USER_VERSION VERSION=${USER_VERSION:-$NEW_VERSION} # Validate semantic versioning format (basic validation) if ! [[ $VERSION =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: Version must follow semantic versioning (e.g., 1.2.3)${NC}" exit 1 fi # Update package.json with the new version echo "Updating package.json version to $VERSION..." node -e "const fs = require('fs'); const pkg = require('./package.json'); pkg.version = '$VERSION'; fs.writeFileSync('./package.json', JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2) + '\n')" # Verify files exist if [ ! -d "build" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: build directory not found. Make sure the project is built correctly.${NC}" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "build/index.js" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: build/index.js not found. Make sure the project is built correctly.${NC}" exit 1 fi # Add bin field to package.json if it doesn't exist echo "Making sure bin field is correctly set in package.json..." node -e " const fs = require('fs'); const pkg = require('./package.json'); let updated = false; if (!pkg.bin || pkg.bin !== 'build/index.js') { pkg.bin = 'build/index.js'; updated = true; } if (!pkg.name || pkg.name !== '$NPM_PACKAGE') { pkg.name = '$NPM_PACKAGE'; updated = true; } if (updated) { fs.writeFileSync('./package.json', JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2) + '\n'); console.log('Updated package.json with correct bin field and name'); } " # Make sure index.js is executable chmod +x build/index.js # Confirm before publishing echo "" echo -e "${YELLOW}Ready to publish:${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}- Package: ${NPM_PACKAGE}${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}- Version: ${VERSION}${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}- Main file: build/index.js${NC}" echo "" read -p "Publish to npm? (y/n): " CONFIRM if [[ $CONFIRM != "y" && $CONFIRM != "Y" ]]; then echo "Publish canceled." exit 0 fi # Publish to npm echo "Publishing to npm..." npm publish --access=public if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Successfully published ${NPM_PACKAGE}@${VERSION}${NC}" # Create a git tag echo "Creating git tag v${VERSION}..." git add package.json git commit -m "Bump version to ${VERSION}" git tag -a "v${VERSION}" -m "Version ${VERSION}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Remember to push the changes and tag:${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW} git push origin main${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW} git push origin v${VERSION}${NC}" echo -e "${GREEN}Users can now use your server with this config:${NC}" echo -e "{\n \"mcpServers\": {\n \"pi-api\": {\n \"command\": \"npx\",\n \"args\": [\"-y\", \"${NPM_PACKAGE}\"]\n }\n }\n}" else echo -e "${RED}Failed to publish to npm${NC}" exit 1 fi