by madosh
// Simple test script for MCP ITSM tools const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const readline = require('readline'); // Start the index.js process const proc = spawn('node', ['index.js']); // Create readline interface for the process const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: proc.stdout, output: process.stdout, terminal: false }); // Handle process output rl.on('line', (line) => { try { const response = JSON.parse(line); console.log('Received response:', JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)); } catch (error) { console.log('Received output:', line); } }); // Handle process errors proc.stderr.on('data', (data) => { console.error(`stderr: ${data}`); }); // Test functions const testFunctions = [ { type: 'function', name: 'create_ticket', arguments: { title: 'Test Ticket', description: 'This is a test ticket', priority: 'medium', system: 'jira' } }, { type: 'function_call', id: '123', function_call: { name: 'create_ticket', arguments: { title: 'Test Ticket (function_call format)', description: 'This is a test ticket using function_call format', priority: 'high', system: 'servicenow' } } }, { type: 'tool_call', id: '456', data: { name: 'create_ticket', parameters: { title: 'Test Ticket (tool_call format)', description: 'This is a test ticket using tool_call format', priority: 'low', system: 'zendesk' } } } ]; // Send test functions with delay let index = 0; const sendNextTest = () => { if (index < testFunctions.length) { const test = testFunctions[index++]; console.log(`\nSending test ${index}:`, JSON.stringify(test, null, 2)); proc.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(test) + '\n'); setTimeout(sendNextTest, 1000); } else { console.log('\nAll tests sent. Press Ctrl+C to exit.'); } }; // Start testing after a short delay console.log('Starting tests in 1 second...'); setTimeout(sendNextTest, 1000); // Handle process exit process.on('SIGINT', () => { console.log('Terminating test...'); proc.kill(); process.exit(); });