
by kbsooo


Atom of Thoughts (AoT) is a tool for solving complex problems by decomposing them into independent, reusable atomic units of thought. Unlike traditional sequential thinking, this tool enables more powerful problem solving by allowing atomic units of thought to form dependencies with each other.

When to use:

  • Solving problems requiring complex reasoning
  • Generating hypotheses that need verification from multiple perspectives
  • Deriving high-confidence conclusions in scenarios where accuracy is crucial
  • Minimizing logical errors in critical tasks
  • Decision-making requiring multiple verification steps

Atom types:

  • premise: Basic assumptions or given information for problem solving
  • reasoning: Logical reasoning process based on other atoms
  • hypothesis: Proposed solutions or intermediate conclusions
  • verification: Process to evaluate the validity of other atoms (especially hypotheses)
  • conclusion: Verified hypotheses or final problem solutions

Parameter descriptions:

  • atomId: Unique identifier for the atom (e.g., 'A1', 'H2')
  • content: Actual content of the atom
  • atomType: Type of atom (one of: premise, reasoning, hypothesis, verification, conclusion)
  • dependencies: List of IDs of other atoms this atom depends on
  • confidence: Confidence level of this atom (value between 0-1)
  • isVerified: Whether this atom has been verified
  • depth: Depth level of this atom (in the decomposition-contraction process)

Additional features:

  1. Decomposition-Contraction mechanism:
    • Decompose atoms into smaller sub-atoms and contract back after verification
    • startDecomposition(atomId): Start atom decomposition
    • addToDecomposition(decompositionId, atomId): Add sub-atom to decomposition
    • completeDecomposition(decompositionId): Complete decomposition process
  2. Automatic termination mechanism:
    • Automatically terminate when reaching maximum depth or finding high-confidence conclusion
    • getTerminationStatus(): Return termination status and reason
    • getBestConclusion(): Return highest confidence conclusion

Usage method:

  1. Understand the problem and define necessary premise atoms
  2. Create reasoning atoms based on premises
  3. Create hypothesis atoms based on reasoning
  4. Create verification atoms to verify hypotheses
  5. Derive conclusion atoms based on verified hypotheses
  6. Use atom decomposition to explore deeper when necessary
  7. Present the high-confidence conclusion atom as the final answer

Input Schema

atomIdYesUnique identifier for the atom
atomTypeYesType of atom
confidenceYesConfidence level of this atom (value between 0-1)
contentYesActual content of the atom
dependenciesYesList of IDs of other atoms this atom depends on
depthNoDepth level of this atom in the decomposition-contraction mechanism
isVerifiedNoWhether this atom has been verified

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "atomId": { "description": "Unique identifier for the atom", "type": "string" }, "atomType": { "description": "Type of atom", "enum": [ "premise", "reasoning", "hypothesis", "verification", "conclusion" ], "type": "string" }, "confidence": { "description": "Confidence level of this atom (value between 0-1)", "maximum": 1, "minimum": 0, "type": "number" }, "content": { "description": "Actual content of the atom", "type": "string" }, "dependencies": { "description": "List of IDs of other atoms this atom depends on", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "depth": { "description": "Depth level of this atom in the decomposition-contraction mechanism", "type": "number" }, "isVerified": { "description": "Whether this atom has been verified", "type": "boolean" } }, "required": [ "atomId", "content", "atomType", "dependencies", "confidence" ], "type": "object" }

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