
by jovezhong

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • The MCP server is available as a package on PyPI, allowing users to install it using package managers.

Timeplus MCP Server

An MCP server for Timeplus.



  • generate_sql to give LLM more knowledge about how to query Timeplus via SQL


  • run_sql
    • Execute SQL queries on your Timeplus cluster.
    • Input: sql (string): The SQL query to execute.
    • By default, all Timeplus queries are run with readonly = 1 to ensure they are safe. If you want to run DDL or DML queries, you can set the environment variable TIMEPLUS_READ_ONLY to false.
  • list_databases
    • List all databases on your Timeplus cluster.
  • list_tables
    • List all tables in a database.
    • Input: database (string): The name of the database.
  • list_kafka_topics
    • List all topics in a Kafka cluster
  • explore_kafka_topic
    • Show some messages in the Kafka topic
    • Input: topic (string): The name of the topic. message_count (int): The number of messages to show, default to 1.
  • create_kafka_stream
    • Setup a streaming ETL in Timeplus to save the Kafka messages locally
    • Input: topic (string): The name of the topic.


First, ensure you have the uv executable installed. If not, you can install it by following the instructions here.

  1. Open the Claude Desktop configuration file located at:
    • On macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
    • On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  2. Add the following:
{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-timeplus": { "command": "uvx", "args": ["mcp-timeplus"], "env": { "TIMEPLUS_HOST": "<timeplus-host>", "TIMEPLUS_PORT": "<timeplus-port>", "TIMEPLUS_USER": "<timeplus-user>", "TIMEPLUS_PASSWORD": "<timeplus-password>", "TIMEPLUS_SECURE": "false", "TIMEPLUS_VERIFY": "true", "TIMEPLUS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT": "30", "TIMEPLUS_SEND_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT": "30", "TIMEPLUS_READ_ONLY": "false", "TIMEPLUS_KAFKA_CONFIG": "{\"bootstrap.servers\":\"\", \"sasl.mechanism\":\"SCRAM-SHA-256\",\"sasl.username\":\"avnadmin\", \"sasl.password\":\"thePassword\",\"security.protocol\":\"SASL_SSL\",\"enable.ssl.certificate.verification\":\"false\"}" } } } }

Update the environment variables to point to your own Timeplus service.

  1. Restart Claude Desktop to apply the changes.

You can also try this MCP server with other MCP clients, such as 5ire.


  1. In test-services directory run docker compose up -d to start a Timeplus Proton server. You can also download it via curl | sh, then start with ./proton server.
  2. Add the following variables to a .env file in the root of the repository.
TIMEPLUS_HOST=localhost TIMEPLUS_PORT=8123 TIMEPLUS_USER=default TIMEPLUS_PASSWORD= TIMEPLUS_SECURE=false TIMEPLUS_VERIFY=true TIMEPLUS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=30 TIMEPLUS_SEND_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT=30 TIMEPLUS_READ_ONLY=false TIMEPLUS_KAFKA_CONFIG={"bootstrap.servers":"", "sasl.mechanism":"SCRAM-SHA-256","sasl.username":"avnadmin", "sasl.password":"thePassword","security.protocol":"SASL_SSL","enable.ssl.certificate.verification":"false"}
  1. Run uv sync to install the dependencies. Then do source .venv/bin/activate.
  2. For easy testing, you can run mcp dev mcp_timeplus/ to start the MCP server. Click the "Connect" button to connect the UI with the MCP server, then switch to the "Tools" tab to run the available tools.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are used to configure the Timeplus connection:

Required Variables

  • TIMEPLUS_HOST: The hostname of your Timeplus server
  • TIMEPLUS_USER: The username for authentication
  • TIMEPLUS_PASSWORD: The password for authentication

Optional Variables

  • TIMEPLUS_PORT: The port number of your Timeplus server
    • Default: 8443 if HTTPS is enabled, 8123 if disabled
    • Usually doesn't need to be set unless using a non-standard port
  • TIMEPLUS_SECURE: Enable/disable HTTPS connection
    • Default: "false"
    • Set to "true" for secure connections
  • TIMEPLUS_VERIFY: Enable/disable SSL certificate verification
    • Default: "true"
    • Set to "false" to disable certificate verification (not recommended for production)
  • TIMEPLUS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: Connection timeout in seconds
    • Default: "30"
    • Increase this value if you experience connection timeouts
  • TIMEPLUS_SEND_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT: Send/receive timeout in seconds
    • Default: "300"
    • Increase this value for long-running queries
  • TIMEPLUS_DATABASE: Default database to use
    • Default: None (uses server default)
    • Set this to automatically connect to a specific database
  • TIMEPLUS_READ_ONLY: Enable/disable read-only mode
    • Default: "true"
    • Set to "false" to enable DDL/DML
  • TIMEPLUS_KAFKA_CONFIG: A JSON string for the Kafka configuration. Please refer to librdkafka configuration or take the above example as a reference.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

Integration with Timeplus, a database for streaming data, such as Apache Kafka/Pulsar

  1. Features
    1. Prompts
    2. Tools
  2. Configuration
    1. Development
      1. Environment Variables