Unsplash MCP Server

by hellokaton

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides advanced image search capabilities for Unsplash's photo library, allowing filtering by keyword relevance, color schemes, orientation options, with custom sorting and pagination.

Unsplash MCP Server

English | įŽ€äŊ“中文

A simple MCP server for seamless Unsplash image integration and search capabilities.

📋 Overview

Unsplash MCP Server is used for searching rich, high-quality images. It's ideal for developers who want to integrate Unsplash functionality into their own applications.

✨ Features

  • Advanced Image Search: Search Unsplash's extensive photo library with filters for:
    • Keyword relevance
    • Color schemes
    • Orientation options
    • Custom sorting and pagination

🔑 Obtaining Unsplash Access Key

Before installing this server, you'll need to obtain an Unsplash API Access Key:

  1. Create a developer account at Unsplash
  2. Register a new application
  3. Get your Access Key from the application details page
  4. Use this key in the configuration steps below

For more details, refer to the official Unsplash API documentation.

🚀 Installation

To install Unsplash Image Integration Server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

IDE Setup

Cursor IDE

npx -y @smithery/cli@latest install @hellokaton/unsplash-mcp-server --client cursor --config "{\"unsplashAccessKey\":\"YOUR_ACCESS_KEY\"}"


npx -y @smithery/cli@latest install @hellokaton/unsplash-mcp-server --client windsurf --config "{\"unsplashAccessKey\":\"YOUR_ACCESS_KEY\"}"


npx -y @smithery/cli@latest install @hellokaton/unsplash-mcp-server --client cline --config "{\"unsplashAccessKey\":\"YOUR_ACCESS_KEY\"}"

Manual Installation

# Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/hellokaton/unsplash-mcp-server.git # Navigate to project directory cd unsplash-mcp-server # Create virtual environment uv venv # Install dependencies uv pip install .

Cursor Editor Integration

Add the following configuration to your Cursor editor's settings.json:

⚠ī¸ Note: Please adjust the following configuration according to your actual installation:

  • If uv is not in your system PATH, use an absolute path (e.g., /path/to/uv)
  • ./server.py should be modified to the actual location of your server script (can use absolute path or path relative to workspace)
{ "mcpServers": { "unsplash": { "command": "uv", "args": ["run", "--with", "fastmcp", "fastmcp", "run", "./server.py"], "env": { "UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY": "${YOUR_ACCESS_KEY}" } } } }

Using in Cursor

🛠ī¸ Available Tools

Search Photos

{ "tool": "search_photos", "query": "mountain", "per_page": 5, "orientation": "landscape" }

🔄 Other Implementations

📄 License

MIT License

đŸ“Ŧ Contact

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A lightweight server that enables seamless integration with Unsplash's image library, allowing developers to search for high-quality photos with various filters directly from the Cursor editor.

  1. 📋 Overview
    1. ✨ Features
      1. 🔑 Obtaining Unsplash Access Key
        1. 🚀 Installation
          1. IDE Setup
          2. Manual Installation
          3. Using in Cursor
        2. 🛠ī¸ Available Tools
          1. Search Photos
        3. 🔄 Other Implementations
          1. 📄 License
            1. đŸ“Ŧ Contact