Code Context MCP Server

by fkesheh
import { simpleGit } from "simple-git"; import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import db from "./db.js"; import { extensionToSplitter, splitDocument } from "./codeSplitter.js"; import config from "../config.js"; import { generateOllamaEmbeddings } from "./ollamaEmbeddings.js"; /** * Clone a git repository if it doesn't exist locally * @param repoUrl URL of the git repository * @param localPath Local path to clone to * @returns Path to the cloned repository */ export const cloneRepository = async ( repoUrl: string, localPath: string ): Promise<string> => { // Extract repository name from URL const repoName = path.basename(repoUrl, ".git"); const fullPath = path.join(localPath, repoName); // Check if repository already exists if (fs.existsSync(fullPath)) { console.error(`Repository already exists at ${fullPath}`); return fullPath; } // Clone the repository console.error(`Cloning repository ${repoUrl} to ${fullPath}`); const git = simpleGit(); await git.clone(repoUrl, fullPath); return fullPath; }; /** * Register a repository in the database * @param repoPath Path to the local repository * @returns Repository ID */ export const registerRepository = (repoPath: string): number => { const repoName = path.basename(repoPath); // Insert repository into database const result = "INSERT INTO repository (name, path) VALUES (:name, :path) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET last_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP RETURNING id", { name: repoName, path: repoPath } ); // If no id was returned, get it if (!result.lastInsertRowid) { const repo = db.get("SELECT id FROM repository WHERE path = :path", { path: repoPath, }) as { id: number }; return; } return result.lastInsertRowid as number; }; /** * Register a branch in the database * @param branchName Name of the branch * @param repoId Repository ID * @param commitSha Latest commit SHA * @returns Branch ID */ export const registerBranch = ( branchName: string, repoId: number, commitSha: string ): number => { // Insert branch into database const result = `INSERT INTO branch (name, repository_id, last_commit_sha, status) VALUES (:name, :repoId, :commitSha, 'pending') ON CONFLICT(name, repository_id) DO UPDATE SET last_commit_sha = :commitSha, status = CASE WHEN last_commit_sha <> :commitSha THEN 'pending' ELSE status END RETURNING id`, { name: branchName, repoId, commitSha } ); // If no id was returned, get it if (!result.lastInsertRowid) { const branch = db.get( "SELECT id FROM branch WHERE name = :name AND repository_id = :repoId", { name: branchName, repoId } ) as { id: number }; return; } return result.lastInsertRowid as number; }; interface RepositoryFile { path: string; name: string; sha: string; } interface RepositoryFilesResult { files: RepositoryFile[]; commitSha: string; } /** * Get the files in a repository branch * @param repoPath Path to the repository * @param branchName Name of the branch * @returns List of files with their metadata */ export const getRepositoryFiles = async ( repoPath: string, branchName: string ): Promise<RepositoryFilesResult> => { const git = simpleGit(repoPath); // Checkout the branch await git.checkout(branchName); // Get the latest commit SHA const latestCommit = await git.revparse([branchName]); // Get the file tree const files: RepositoryFile[] = []; // Use git ls-tree to get all files recursively const result = await git.raw(["ls-tree", "-r", branchName]); const stdout = result.toString(); // Parse the output const lines = stdout.split("\n").filter((line) => line.trim() !== ""); for (const line of lines) { // Format: <mode> <type> <object> <file> const [info, filePath] = line.split("\t"); const [, , sha] = info.split(" "); if (filePath) { files.push({ path: filePath, name: path.basename(filePath), sha, }); } } return { files, commitSha: latestCommit }; }; /** * Process files for a branch * @param branchId Branch ID * @param repoId Repository ID * @param repoPath Path to the repository * @param branchName Name of the branch */ export const processRepositoryFiles = async ( branchId: number, repoId: number, repoPath: string, branchName: string ): Promise<void> => { // Get files in the repository const { files, commitSha } = await getRepositoryFiles(repoPath, branchName); // Process each file db.transaction((db) => { for (const file of files) { // Insert file information const fileResult = `INSERT INTO file (repository_id, path, sha, name, status) VALUES (:repoId, :path, :sha, :name, :status) ON CONFLICT(repository_id, path, sha) DO NOTHING RETURNING id`, { repoId, path: file.path, sha: file.sha, name:, status: "pending", } ); let fileId; if (fileResult.lastInsertRowid) { fileId = fileResult.lastInsertRowid; } else { // Get the existing file ID const existingFile = db.get( "SELECT id FROM file WHERE repository_id = :repoId AND path = :path AND sha = :sha", { repoId, path: file.path, sha: file.sha, } ) as { id: number }; fileId =; } // Associate file with branch "INSERT INTO branch_file_association (branch_id, file_id) VALUES (:branchId, :fileId) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", { branchId, fileId, } ); // Update branch status "UPDATE branch SET last_commit_sha = :commitSha, status = :status WHERE id = :branchId", { commitSha, status: "files_processed", branchId, } ); } }); }; interface PendingFile { id: number; path: string; sha: string; } interface FileChunk { id: number; chunk_number: number; content: string; file_id: number; } /** * Process file content and split into chunks * @param branchName Branch name * @param repoPath Repository path */ export const processFileContents = async ( branchName: string, repoPath: string ): Promise<void> => { const git = simpleGit(repoPath); // Checkout the branch await git.checkout(branchName); // Get repository and branch IDs const repo = db.get("SELECT id FROM repository WHERE path = :path", { path: repoPath, }) as { id: number }; const branch = db.get( "SELECT id FROM branch WHERE name = :name AND repository_id = :repoId", { name: branchName, repoId: } ) as { id: number }; // Get all pending files for the branch const pendingFiles = db.all( `SELECT, f.path, f.sha FROM file f JOIN branch_file_association bfa ON = bfa.file_id WHERE f.status = 'pending' AND bfa.branch_id = :branchId`, { branchId: } ) as PendingFile[]; for (const file of pendingFiles) { console.error(`Processing file: ${file.path}`); const extension = file.path.split(".").pop()?.toLowerCase(); const splitType = extension ? extensionToSplitter(extension) : "ignore"; if (splitType !== "ignore") { try { // Get file content const filePath = path.join(repoPath, file.path); // Skip if file doesn't exist (might have been deleted) if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) { console.error(`File ${file.path} doesn't exist, skipping`); continue; } let content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf-8"); // Check for null bytes in the content if (content.includes("\0")) { console.error( `File ${file.path} contains null bytes. Removing them.` ); content = content.replace(/\0/g, ""); } // Check if the content is valid UTF-8 try { new TextDecoder("utf-8", { fatal: true }).decode( new TextEncoder().encode(content) ); } catch (e) { console.error( `File ${file.path} contains invalid UTF-8 characters. Replacing them.` ); content = content.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, ""); // Remove non-ASCII characters } // Truncate content if it's too long const maxLength = 1000000; // Adjust this value based on your database column size if (content.length > maxLength) { console.error( `File ${file.path} content is too long. Truncating to ${maxLength} characters.` ); content = content.substring(0, maxLength); } // Split the document const chunks = await splitDocument(file.path, content); // Store chunks in the database db.transaction((db) => { for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { `INSERT INTO file_chunk (file_id, content, chunk_number) VALUES (:fileId, :content, :chunkNumber) ON CONFLICT(file_id, chunk_number) DO NOTHING`, { fileId:, content: chunks[i].pageContent, chunkNumber: i + 1, } ); } // Update file status to 'fetched'"UPDATE file SET status = :status WHERE id = :fileId", { status: "fetched", fileId:, }); }); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error processing file ${file.path}:`, error); } } else { // Update file status to 'done' for ignored files"UPDATE file SET status = :status WHERE id = :fileId", { status: "done", fileId:, }); } } }; /** * Generate embeddings for file chunks * @param branchName Branch name * @param repoPath Repository path */ export const generateEmbeddings = async ( branchName: string, repoPath: string ): Promise<void> => { // Get repository ID const repo = db.get("SELECT id FROM repository WHERE path = :path", { path: repoPath, }) as { id: number }; if (!repo) { throw new Error(`Repository not found at path ${repoPath}`); } // Get branch ID const branch = db.get( "SELECT id FROM branch WHERE name = :name AND repository_id = :repoId", { name: branchName, repoId: } ) as { id: number }; if (!branch) { throw new Error(`Branch ${branchName} not found in repository`); } // Update branch status to processing"UPDATE branch SET status = 'processing_embeddings' WHERE id = :id", { id:, }); // Get chunks that need embeddings const chunks = db.all( `SELECT, fc.content FROM file_chunk fc JOIN file f ON fc.file_id = JOIN branch_file_association bfa ON = bfa.file_id WHERE bfa.branch_id = :branchId AND fc.embedding IS NULL`, { branchId: } ) as { id: number; content: string }[]; console.error(`Found ${chunks.length} chunks without embeddings`); // Process in batches for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i += config.BATCH_SIZE) { const batchChunks = chunks.slice(i, i + config.BATCH_SIZE); const batchTexts = => chunk.content); try { // Generate embeddings with HuggingFace const embeddings = await generateOllamaEmbeddings(batchTexts); // Update chunks with embeddings db.transaction((db) => { for (let j = 0; j < batchChunks.length; j++) { const chunkId = batchChunks[j].id; const embedding = JSON.stringify(embeddings[j]); `UPDATE file_chunk SET embedding = :embedding, model_version = :modelVersion, token_count = :tokenCount, updated_at = :updatedAt WHERE id = :id`, { embedding, modelVersion: config.EMBEDDING_MODEL.model, tokenCount: batchTexts[j].length, updatedAt: new Date().toISOString(), id: chunkId, } ); } })(); console.error( `Processed embeddings for batch ${ i / config.BATCH_SIZE + 1 }/${Math.ceil(chunks.length / config.BATCH_SIZE)}` ); } catch (error) { console.error("Error generating embeddings:", error); throw error; } } // Update branch status to complete"UPDATE branch SET status = 'complete' WHERE id = :id", { id:, }); }; /** * Get the default branch of a repository * @param owner GitHub repository owner * @param repo GitHub repository name * @returns Default branch name (usually main or master) */ export const getDefaultBranch = async ( owner: string, repo: string ): Promise<string> => { try { // Check if we have this repo locally // Note: Repository is stored with just the repo name, not in owner/repo structure const repoDir = path.join(config.REPO_CACHE_DIR, repo); if (fs.existsSync(repoDir)) { console.error(`Found local repo at ${repoDir}, determining default branch`); // If we have the repo locally, use git to determine the default branch const git = simpleGit(repoDir); // Fetch the latest info from the remote await git.fetch(); // Get the symbolic-ref of HEAD const headRef = await git.raw([ "symbolic-ref", "refs/remotes/origin/HEAD", ]); // Extract the branch name const branchMatch = headRef.trim().match(/refs\/remotes\/origin\/(.+)$/); if (branchMatch && branchMatch[1]) { console.error(`Found default branch: ${branchMatch[1]}`); return branchMatch[1]; } } else { console.error(`Repository not found at ${repoDir}`); } // Fallback to main as the default branch console.error(`Fallback to 'main' as default branch`); return "main"; } catch (error) { console.error("Error getting default branch:", error); // Default to 'main' if there's an error return "main"; } }; /** * Query a repository using embeddings to find relevant code * @param query Search query text * @param owner Repository owner * @param repo Repository name * @param branch Branch name * @param topK Number of results to return * @returns Array of matching code chunks with metadata */ export const queryRepository = async ( query: string, owner: string, repo: string, branch: string, topK: number = 5 ): Promise<any[]> => { // Generate embedding for the query const queryEmbeddingList = await generateOllamaEmbeddings([query]); const queryEmbedding = queryEmbeddingList[0]; // Get repository metadata from the database const repoResult = db.get("SELECT id FROM repository WHERE name = :repo", { repo, }) as { id: number } | undefined; if (!repoResult) { throw new Error(`Repository ${owner}/${repo} not found in database`); } const repoId =; // Get branch metadata const branchResult = db.get( "SELECT id FROM branch WHERE name = :branch AND repository_id = :repoId", { branch, repoId } ) as { id: number } | undefined; if (!branchResult) { throw new Error( `Branch ${branch} not found in repository ${owner}/${repo}` ); } // Query for similar chunks using vector similarity const chunkResults = db.all( `SELECT, c.content, c.chunk_number, f.path, vector_similarity(c.embedding, :queryEmbedding) as similarity FROM chunk c JOIN file f ON c.file_id = JOIN branch b ON b.repository_id = f.repository_id WHERE = :branchId AND f.repository_id = :repoId AND c.embedding IS NOT NULL ORDER BY similarity DESC LIMIT :topK`, { branchId:, repoId, queryEmbedding, topK, } ); return chunkResults; };