Code Context MCP Server

by fkesheh
import { RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter, TextSplitter, } from "@langchain/textsplitters"; import fs from "fs"; class SQLSchemaSplitter extends TextSplitter { private maxCharacters: number; constructor(maxCharacters: number) { super(); this.maxCharacters = maxCharacters; } // Helper function to parse INSERT statements parseValues(valuesPart: string): string[] { let valuesArray: string[] = []; let currentTuple = ""; let nestingLevel = 0; let inString: boolean = false; let stringChar = ""; let escapeNext = false; for (let i = 0; i < valuesPart.length; i++) { const char = valuesPart[i]; currentTuple += char; if (escapeNext) { escapeNext = false; } else if (char === "\\") { escapeNext = true; } else if (char === "'" || char === '"') { if (inString && char === stringChar) { inString = false; } else if (!inString) { inString = true; stringChar = char; } } else if (!inString) { if (char === "(") { nestingLevel += 1; } else if (char === ")") { nestingLevel -= 1; if (nestingLevel === 0) { valuesArray.push(currentTuple.trim()); currentTuple = ""; // Skip any commas and spaces while ( i + 1 < valuesPart.length && (valuesPart[i + 1] === "," || valuesPart[i + 1] === " " || valuesPart[i + 1] === "\n") ) { i++; } } } } } return valuesArray; } // Split long INSERT statements splitInsertStatement(statement: string): string[] { const insertIndex = statement.toUpperCase().indexOf("VALUES"); if (insertIndex === -1) { // Cannot split, return the statement as is return [statement]; } const insertIntoPart = statement.slice(0, insertIndex + "VALUES".length) + " "; const valuesPart = statement.slice(insertIndex + "VALUES".length); const valuesArray = this.parseValues(valuesPart); const insertStatements: string[] = []; let currentValues = ""; for (const valueTuple of valuesArray) { const newStatementLength = insertIntoPart.length + currentValues.length + valueTuple.length + 1; // +1 for ',' or ';' if (newStatementLength <= this.maxCharacters) { if (currentValues !== "") { currentValues += "," + valueTuple; } else { currentValues = valueTuple; } } else { // Create a new INSERT statement const newStatement = insertIntoPart + currentValues + ";"; insertStatements.push(newStatement); currentValues = valueTuple; } } if (currentValues !== "") { const newStatement = insertIntoPart + currentValues + ";"; insertStatements.push(newStatement); } return insertStatements; } /** * Enhanced function to split SQL script into statements while handling various SQL constructs, * including custom keywords like BBEGI/EEN and EEXCEPTIO/EEN. */ splitSQLStatements(text: string): string[] { const statements: string[] = []; let currentStatement = ""; let index = 0; let insideString: boolean = false; let stringChar = ""; let insideComment = false; let commentType = ""; let insideFunction = false; let insideProcedure = false; let insideView = false; let insideBlock = false; let blockLevel = 0; const upperText = text.toUpperCase(); // Define mappings for custom keywords to standard ones const beginKeywords = ["BEGIN", "BBEGI", "BEGINN"]; const endKeywords = ["END", "EEN"]; const exceptionKeywords = ["EXCEPTION", "EEXCEPTIO"]; while (index < text.length) { const char = text[index]; const remainingText = upperText.substring(index); currentStatement += char; if (insideString) { if (char === stringChar) { insideString = false; } else if (char === "\\") { // Skip escaped characters index++; if (index < text.length) { currentStatement += text[index]; } } } else if (insideComment) { if (commentType === "--" && (char === "\n" || char === "\r")) { insideComment = false; } else if (commentType === "/*" && remainingText.startsWith("*/")) { insideComment = false; currentStatement += "*/"; index += 1; // Skip '/' } } else if (char === "'" || char === '"') { insideString = true; stringChar = char; } else if (remainingText.startsWith("/*")) { insideComment = true; commentType = "/*"; currentStatement += "/*"; index += 1; // Skip '*' } else if (remainingText.startsWith("--")) { insideComment = true; commentType = "--"; currentStatement += "--"; index += 1; // Skip second '-' } else if ( !insideFunction && !insideProcedure && !insideView && !insideBlock ) { if ( remainingText.startsWith("CREATE FUNCTION") || remainingText.startsWith("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION") ) { insideFunction = true; blockLevel = 0; } else if ( remainingText.startsWith("CREATE PROCEDURE") || remainingText.startsWith("CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE") ) { insideProcedure = true; blockLevel = 0; } else if ( remainingText.startsWith("CREATE VIEW") || remainingText.startsWith("CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW") ) { insideView = true; } else if (beginKeywords.some((kw) => remainingText.startsWith(kw))) { insideBlock = true; blockLevel = 1; const matchedBegin = beginKeywords.find((kw) => remainingText.startsWith(kw) ); if (matchedBegin && matchedBegin.length > "BEGIN".length) { index += matchedBegin.length - "BEGIN".length; currentStatement += matchedBegin.substring("BEGIN".length); } } } if (insideFunction || insideProcedure || insideBlock) { // Check for BEGIN keywords to increase block level const matchedBegin = beginKeywords.find((kw) => remainingText.startsWith(kw) ); if (matchedBegin) { blockLevel++; index += matchedBegin.length - 1; currentStatement += matchedBegin.substring(1); continue; } // Check for END keywords to decrease block level const matchedEnd = endKeywords.find((kw) => remainingText.startsWith(kw) ); if ( matchedEnd && (matchedEnd.length === "END".length || matchedEnd.length === "END;".length) ) { blockLevel--; index += matchedEnd.length - 1; currentStatement += matchedEnd.substring(1); if (blockLevel === 0) { if (insideFunction) { insideFunction = false; statements.push(currentStatement.trim()); currentStatement = ""; } else if (insideProcedure) { insideProcedure = false; statements.push(currentStatement.trim()); currentStatement = ""; } else if (insideBlock) { insideBlock = false; statements.push(currentStatement.trim()); currentStatement = ""; } } continue; } } else if (insideView) { if (char === ";") { insideView = false; statements.push(currentStatement.trim()); currentStatement = ""; } } else if ( char === ";" && !insideFunction && !insideProcedure && !insideView && !insideBlock ) { statements.push(currentStatement.trim()); currentStatement = ""; } index++; } if (currentStatement.trim() !== "") { statements.push(currentStatement.trim()); } return statements; } // Helper method to match keywords from a list at the start of the given text. // Returns the matched keyword or null. matchKeyword(text: string, keywords: string[]): string | null { for (const keyword of keywords) { if (text.startsWith(keyword)) { return keyword; } } return null; } async splitText(text: string): Promise<string[]> { const statements = this.splitSQLStatements(text); const splits: string[] = []; for (const statement of statements) { // Check if the statement is an INSERT statement if ( statement.toUpperCase().includes("INSERT INTO") && statement.toUpperCase().includes("VALUES") ) { // Split long INSERT statements const splitInserts = this.splitInsertStatement(statement); splits.push(...splitInserts); } else { // For other statements, check if they are too long if (statement.length <= this.maxCharacters) { splits.push(statement); } else { // For long statements, split them into chunks let currentSplit = ""; const lines = statement.split("\n"); for (const line of lines) { if (currentSplit.length + line.length + 1 <= this.maxCharacters) { currentSplit += (currentSplit ? "\n" : "") + line; } else { if (currentSplit) { splits.push(currentSplit); } currentSplit = line; } } if (currentSplit) { splits.push(currentSplit); } } } } return splits; } } export function extensionToSplitter(extension: string): string { if (!extension) { return "text"; } const extensionLower = extension.toLowerCase(); switch (extensionLower) { // C/C++ extensions case "c++": case "cpp": case "c": case "h": case "hpp": case "m": case "mm": return "cpp"; // Go case "go": return "go"; // Java case "java": return "java"; // JavaScript and related case "js": case "ts": case "typescript": case "tsx": case "jsx": case "javascript": case "json": case "pbxproj": return "js"; // YAML and related case "yaml": case "yml": case "toml": case "ini": case "cfg": case "conf": case "props": case "env": case "plist": case "gemfile": case "dockerfile": case "podfile": case "patch": return "text"; // Shell scripts and related case "sh": case "bash": case "zsh": case "fish": case "bat": case "cmd": return "text"; // Properties and XSD case "properties": case "xsd": return "text"; // SQL case "sql": return "sql"; // PHP case "php": return "php"; // Protocol buffers case "proto": return "proto"; // Python case "py": case "python": return "python"; // reStructuredText case "rst": return "rst"; // Ruby case "rb": case "ruby": return "ruby"; // Rust case "rs": case "rust": return "rust"; // Scala case "scala": return "scala"; // Swift case "swift": return "swift"; // Markdown case "md": case "markdown": return "markdown"; // LaTeX case "tex": case "latex": return "latex"; // HTML and related case "html": case "htm": case "xml": case "xsl": case "xdt": case "xcworkspacedata": case "xcprivacy": case "xcsettings": case "xcscheme": return "html"; // Solidity case "sol": case "solidity": return "sol"; // Text case "text": case "txt": case "lst": case "reg": return "text"; // Additional file extensions case "jpr": case "jws": case "iml": return "html"; case "lock": case "jpg": case "jpeg": case "png": case "gif": case "bmp": case "svg": case "ico": case "webp": case "tiff": case "bin": case "exe": case "dll": case "so": case "dylib": case "obj": case "o": case "zip": case "tar": case "gz": case "rar": case "7z": case "jar": case "war": case "ear": case "class": return "ignore"; default: return "text"; } } export const splitDocument = (filename: string, code: string) => { const extension = filename.split(".").pop(); const splitType = extensionToSplitter(extension || ""); if (splitType === "ignore") { return []; } const CHUNK_SIZE_TOKENS = 7000; const CHUNK_OVERLAP_TOKENS = 200; const CHUNK_SIZE_CHARACTERS = CHUNK_SIZE_TOKENS * 3.25; const CHUNK_OVERLAP_CHARACTERS = CHUNK_OVERLAP_TOKENS * 3.25; let splitter; if (splitType !== "text" && splitType !== "sql") { splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.fromLanguage( splitType as | "cpp" | "go" | "java" | "js" | "php" | "proto" | "python" | "rst" | "ruby" | "rust" | "scala" | "swift" | "markdown" | "latex" | "html" | "sol", { chunkSize: CHUNK_SIZE_CHARACTERS, chunkOverlap: CHUNK_OVERLAP_CHARACTERS, } ); } else if (splitType === "sql") { splitter = new SQLSchemaSplitter(CHUNK_SIZE_CHARACTERS); } else { splitter = new RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter({ chunkSize: CHUNK_SIZE_CHARACTERS, chunkOverlap: CHUNK_OVERLAP_CHARACTERS, }); } return splitter.createDocuments([code], [], { chunkHeader: `FILE NAME: ${filename}\n\n---\n\n`, appendChunkOverlapHeader: true, }); };