Code Context MCP Server

by fkesheh
import Database from "better-sqlite3"; import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import config from "../config.js"; // Ensure the data directory exists const DATA_DIR = config.DATA_DIR; if (!fs.existsSync(DATA_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(DATA_DIR, { recursive: true }); } const DB_PATH = path.join(DATA_DIR, "code_context.db"); const db = new Database(DB_PATH); // Enable foreign keys db.pragma("foreign_keys = ON"); // SQL schema for the database export const SCHEMA_SQL = ` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS repository ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, path TEXT NOT NULL, last_updated TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, UNIQUE(path) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS branch ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, repository_id INTEGER NOT NULL, last_commit_sha TEXT NOT NULL, status TEXT CHECK(status IN ('pending', 'files_processed', 'embeddings_generated')) DEFAULT 'pending', created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (repository_id) REFERENCES repository(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, UNIQUE(name, repository_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS file ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, repository_id INTEGER NOT NULL, path TEXT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, sha TEXT NOT NULL, status TEXT CHECK(status IN ('pending', 'fetched', 'ingested', 'done')) DEFAULT 'pending', created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (repository_id) REFERENCES repository(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, UNIQUE(repository_id, path, sha) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS branch_file_association ( branch_id INTEGER NOT NULL, file_id INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (branch_id, file_id), FOREIGN KEY (branch_id) REFERENCES branch(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES file(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS file_chunk ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, file_id INTEGER NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, chunk_number INTEGER NOT NULL, embedding TEXT, model_version TEXT, token_count INTEGER, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES file(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, UNIQUE(file_id, chunk_number) ); `; // Initialize the database export const initializeDatabase = () => { try { // Split the schema SQL into individual statements const statements = SCHEMA_SQL.split(";").filter( (stmt) => stmt.trim().length > 0 ); // Execute each statement for (const statement of statements) { db.exec(statement + ";"); } } catch (error) { console.error("Error initializing database:", error); throw error; } }; // Helper function to run queries with parameters const run = (sql: string, params: any = {}) => { return db.prepare(sql).run(params); }; // Helper function to get a single row const get = (sql: string, params: any = {}) => { return db.prepare(sql).get(params); }; // Helper function to get all rows const all = (sql: string, params: any = {}) => { return db.prepare(sql).all(params); }; // Define a type for the database operations that can be performed in a transaction export interface DatabaseOperations { prepare: (sql: string) => { run: (params?: any) => any; get: (params?: any) => any; all: (params?: any) => any; }; } // Create a transaction function that's compatible with the existing code const transaction = (cb: (dbOps: any) => any): any => { const runTransaction = db.transaction(cb); return runTransaction(db); }; // Define a public interface for our database module export interface DatabaseInterface { run: (sql: string, params?: any) => any; get: (sql: string, params?: any) => any; all: (sql: string, params?: any) => any; transaction: (cb: (dbOps: any) => any) => any; close: () => void; } // Initialize the database initializeDatabase(); // Export the database interface const dbInterface: DatabaseInterface = { run, get, all, transaction, close: () => db.close(), }; export default dbInterface;