Genesis MCP Server

by dustland
@echo off echo Setting up Genesis MCP environment using lock file... REM Check if uv is installed where uv >nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo Error: uv package manager is not installed. echo Install it with: pip install uv exit /b 1 ) REM Remove uv.lock if it exists to avoid conflicts with mcp dev if exist uv.lock ( echo Removing uv.lock to avoid conflicts with mcp dev... del uv.lock ) REM Force recreate the virtual environment to ensure it's clean echo Creating fresh virtual environment with uv... if exist .venv rmdir /s /q .venv uv venv .venv REM Ensure proper activation by using the absolute path echo Activating virtual environment... call "%CD%\.venv\Scripts\activate.bat" REM Verify Python interpreter is working echo Verifying Python interpreter... where python REM Install PyTorch (required by genesis-world) echo Installing PyTorch (required for genesis-world)... uv pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url REM Create requirements.lock if it doesn't exist if not exist requirements.lock ( echo Creating requirements.lock from pyproject.toml... uv pip compile pyproject.toml -o requirements.lock ) REM Install from the lock file echo Installing dependencies from lock file... uv pip install -r requirements.lock REM Install the package in development mode echo Installing the package in development mode... uv pip install -e . REM Uninstall pygel3d to avoid conflict with taichi echo Uninstalling pygel3d to avoid conflict with taichi... uv pip uninstall -y pygel3d REM Install mcp without dependencies echo Installing mcp package without dependencies... uv pip install "mcp[cli]==1.4.1" --no-deps REM Install mcp dependencies except pydantic echo Installing mcp dependencies except pydantic... uv pip install anyio httpx httpx-sse pydantic-settings sse-starlette "starlette<0.39.0,>=0.37.2" uvicorn REM Ensure correct typing-extensions version echo Installing correct version of typing-extensions... uv pip install typing-extensions==4.12.0 REM Check if npm is installed where npm >nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel% equ 0 ( echo Installing MCP Inspector using Taobao npm registry for faster installation in China... npm install -g @modelcontextprotocol/inspector@0.6.0 --registry= ) else ( echo WARNING: npm not found. MCP Inspector will not be installed. echo You can install it manually with: npm install -g @modelcontextprotocol/inspector@0.6.0 --registry= ) echo. echo Setup completed successfully! echo. echo To activate the virtual environment: echo call "%CD%\.venv\Scripts\activate.bat" echo. echo To start the server: echo mcp run echo. echo Happy hacking!