Genesis MCP Server
by dustland
@echo off
echo Setting up Genesis MCP environment using lock file...
REM Check if uv is installed
where uv >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo Error: uv package manager is not installed.
echo Install it with: pip install uv
exit /b 1
REM Remove uv.lock if it exists to avoid conflicts with mcp dev
if exist uv.lock (
echo Removing uv.lock to avoid conflicts with mcp dev...
del uv.lock
REM Force recreate the virtual environment to ensure it's clean
echo Creating fresh virtual environment with uv...
if exist .venv rmdir /s /q .venv
uv venv .venv
REM Ensure proper activation by using the absolute path
echo Activating virtual environment...
call "%CD%\.venv\Scripts\activate.bat"
REM Verify Python interpreter is working
echo Verifying Python interpreter...
where python
REM Install PyTorch (required by genesis-world)
echo Installing PyTorch (required for genesis-world)...
uv pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
REM Create requirements.lock if it doesn't exist
if not exist requirements.lock (
echo Creating requirements.lock from pyproject.toml...
uv pip compile pyproject.toml -o requirements.lock
REM Install from the lock file
echo Installing dependencies from lock file...
uv pip install -r requirements.lock
REM Install the package in development mode
echo Installing the package in development mode...
uv pip install -e .
REM Uninstall pygel3d to avoid conflict with taichi
echo Uninstalling pygel3d to avoid conflict with taichi...
uv pip uninstall -y pygel3d
REM Install mcp without dependencies
echo Installing mcp package without dependencies...
uv pip install "mcp[cli]==1.4.1" --no-deps
REM Install mcp dependencies except pydantic
echo Installing mcp dependencies except pydantic...
uv pip install anyio httpx httpx-sse pydantic-settings sse-starlette "starlette<0.39.0,>=0.37.2" uvicorn
REM Ensure correct typing-extensions version
echo Installing correct version of typing-extensions...
uv pip install typing-extensions==4.12.0
REM Check if npm is installed
where npm >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo Installing MCP Inspector using Taobao npm registry for faster installation in China...
npm install -g @modelcontextprotocol/inspector@0.6.0 --registry=
) else (
echo WARNING: npm not found. MCP Inspector will not be installed.
echo You can install it manually with: npm install -g @modelcontextprotocol/inspector@0.6.0 --registry=
echo Setup completed successfully!
echo To activate the virtual environment:
echo call "%CD%\.venv\Scripts\activate.bat"
echo To start the server:
echo mcp run
echo Happy hacking!