Genesis MCP Server
by dustland
- genesis-mcp
- tests
"""Tests for the simulation service."""
import sys
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
import pytest
from src.genesis_mcp.models import SimulationResult
from import SimulationService
def service():
"""Create a simulation service with mocked Genesis World."""
with patch("") as mock_gw:
service = SimulationService()
# Replace the gw attribute with our mock = mock_gw
yield service
def test_run_simulation_success(service):
"""Test successfully running a simulation."""
# Test code
code = """
result = {"test": "value"}
print("Test log")
# Run the simulation
result = service.run_simulation(code)
# Check result
assert isinstance(result, SimulationResult)
assert result.result == {"test": "value"}
assert "Test log" in result.logs
def test_run_simulation_with_parameters(service):
"""Test running a simulation with parameters."""
# Test code that uses parameters
code = """
result = {"param_value": parameters["test_param"]}
print(f"Parameter: {parameters['test_param']}")
# Run the simulation with parameters
parameters = {"test_param": "test_value"}
result = service.run_simulation(code, parameters)
# Check result
assert result.result == {"param_value": "test_value"}
assert "Parameter: test_value" in result.logs
def test_run_simulation_error(service):
"""Test handling errors in simulation."""
# Test code with error
code = """
raise ValueError("Test error")
# Run the simulation
result = service.run_simulation(code)
# Check result
assert "error" in result.result
assert "Test error" in result.result["error"]
assert any("Error: Test error" in log for log in result.logs)
def test_get_world_info(service):
"""Test getting world info."""
# Set up mock for __version__ = "test-version"
# Set up module, class, and function for inspection
mock_module = MagicMock()
mock_class = MagicMock()
mock_function = MagicMock()
# Configure inspect.getmembers to return our mocks
with patch("") as mock_inspect:
mock_inspect.getmembers.side_effect = [
[("test_module", mock_module)], # First call returns modules
[("test_class", mock_class)], # Second call returns classes
[("test_method", mock_function)] # Third call returns functions
mock_inspect.ismodule.return_value = True
mock_inspect.isclass.return_value = True
mock_inspect.isfunction.return_value = True
mock_inspect.getdoc.return_value = "Test documentation"
# Mock signature
mock_param = MagicMock()
mock_param.default = "default_value"
mock_param.annotation = str
mock_signature = MagicMock()
mock_signature.parameters = {"param1": mock_param}
mock_inspect.signature.return_value = mock_signature
# Get world info
world_info = service.get_world_info()
# Check result
assert world_info["version"] == "test-version"
assert "modules" in world_info
assert "examples" in world_info