MCP Memory Service

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Mentioned as a potential cloud storage option where users should ensure sync is complete before accessing from another device.

MCP Memory Service

An MCP server providing semantic memory and persistent storage capabilities for Claude Desktop using ChromaDB and sentence transformers. This service enables long-term memory storage with semantic search capabilities, making it ideal for maintaining context across conversations and instances.


  • Semantic search using sentence transformers
  • Natural language time-based recall (e.g., "last week", "yesterday morning")
  • Tag-based memory retrieval system
  • Persistent storage using ChromaDB
  • Automatic database backups
  • Memory optimization tools
  • Exact match retrieval
  • Debug mode for similarity analysis
  • Database health monitoring
  • Duplicate detection and cleanup
  • Customizable embedding model
  • Cross-platform compatibility (Apple Silicon, Intel, Windows, Linux)
  • Hardware-aware optimizations for different environments
  • Graceful fallbacks for limited hardware resources


UV is a fast, reliable Python package installer and resolver. Using UV with mcp-memory-service provides:

  • Faster dependency resolution, especially for complex dependencies like PyTorch
  • More reliable environment management
  • Better compatibility with different platforms
# Install UV if not already installed pip install uv # Clone the repository git clone cd mcp-memory-service # Create and activate a virtual environment with UV uv venv # On Windows .venv\Scripts\activate # On Unix/macOS source .venv/bin/activate # Install dependencies with UV uv pip install -r requirements.txt # Install the package uv pip install -e . # Run with UV uv run memory

For an even simpler experience, use our UV wrapper:

# After activating your virtual environment python

Alternative: Traditional Installation

The enhanced installation script automatically detects your system and installs the appropriate dependencies:

# Clone the repository git clone cd mcp-memory-service # Create and activate a virtual environment python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate # Run the installation script python

The script will:

  1. Detect your system architecture and available hardware accelerators
  2. Install the appropriate dependencies for your platform
  3. Configure the optimal settings for your environment
  4. Verify the installation and provide diagnostics if needed

Windows Installation (Special Case)

Windows users may encounter PyTorch installation issues due to platform-specific wheel availability.

We recommend using UV (see above) which handles these complexities automatically. Alternatively, use our Windows-specific wrapper:

# After activating your virtual environment python # UV-based wrapper (recommended) # OR python # Traditional wrapper

This script handles:

  1. Detecting CUDA availability and version
  2. Installing the appropriate PyTorch version from the correct index URL
  3. Installing other dependencies without conflicting with PyTorch
  4. Verifying the installation

Installing via Smithery

To install Memory Service for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @doobidoo/mcp-memory-service --client claude

Detailed Installation Guide

For comprehensive installation instructions and troubleshooting, see the Installation Guide.

Claude MCP Configuration

Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json file to use UV (recommended for best performance):

{ "memory": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "your_mcp_memory_service_directory", // e.g., "C:\\REPOSITORIES\\mcp-memory-service" "run", "memory" ], "env": { "MCP_MEMORY_CHROMA_PATH": "your_chroma_db_path", // e.g., "C:\\Users\\John.Doe\\AppData\\Local\\mcp-memory\\chroma_db" "MCP_MEMORY_BACKUPS_PATH": "your_backups_path" // e.g., "C:\\Users\\John.Doe\\AppData\\Local\\mcp-memory\\backups" } } }

For Windows users, we recommend using the wrapper script to ensure PyTorch is properly installed:

{ "memory": { "command": "python", "args": [ "C:\\path\\to\\mcp-memory-service\\" ], "env": { "MCP_MEMORY_CHROMA_PATH": "C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\AppData\\Local\\mcp-memory\\chroma_db", "MCP_MEMORY_BACKUPS_PATH": "C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\AppData\\Local\\mcp-memory\\backups" } } }

The wrapper script will:

  1. Check if PyTorch is installed and properly configured
  2. Install PyTorch with the correct index URL if needed
  3. Run the memory server with the appropriate configuration


To run the memory server directly (for testing):

# Run with UV (recommended for best performance) uv run memory # Use the UV wrapper for automatic dependency handling python # Alternative: quick run script (traditional method) python scripts/ # For isolated testing of methods python src/

Memory Operations

The memory service provides the following operations through the MCP server:

Core Memory Operations

  1. store_memory - Store new information with optional tags
  2. retrieve_memory - Perform semantic search for relevant memories
  3. recall_memory - Retrieve memories using natural language time expressions
  4. search_by_tag - Find memories using specific tags
  5. exact_match_retrieve - Find memories with exact content match
  6. debug_retrieve - Retrieve memories with similarity scores

Database Management

  1. create_backup - Create database backup
  2. get_stats - Get memory statistics
  3. optimize_db - Optimize database performance
  4. check_database_health - Get database health metrics
  5. check_embedding_model - Verify model status

Memory Management

  1. delete_memory - Delete specific memory by hash
  2. delete_by_tag - Delete all memories with specific tag
  3. cleanup_duplicates - Remove duplicate entries

Configuration Options

Configure through environment variables:

CHROMA_DB_PATH: Path to ChromaDB storage BACKUP_PATH: Path for backups AUTO_BACKUP_INTERVAL: Backup interval in hours (default: 24) MAX_MEMORIES_BEFORE_OPTIMIZE: Threshold for auto-optimization (default: 10000) SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD: Default similarity threshold (default: 0.7) MAX_RESULTS_PER_QUERY: Maximum results per query (default: 10) BACKUP_RETENTION_DAYS: Number of days to keep backups (default: 7) LOG_LEVEL: Logging level (default: INFO) # Hardware-specific environment variables PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK: Enable MPS fallback for Apple Silicon (default: 1) MCP_MEMORY_USE_ONNX: Use ONNX Runtime for CPU-only deployments (default: 0) MCP_MEMORY_USE_DIRECTML: Use DirectML for Windows acceleration (default: 0) MCP_MEMORY_MODEL_NAME: Override the default embedding model MCP_MEMORY_BATCH_SIZE: Override the default batch size

Hardware Compatibility

macOSApple Silicon (M1/M2/M3)MPS✅ Fully supported
macOSApple Silicon under Rosetta 2CPU✅ Supported with fallbacks
macOSIntelCPU✅ Fully supported
Windowsx86_64CUDA✅ Fully supported
Windowsx86_64DirectML✅ Supported
Windowsx86_64CPU✅ Supported with fallbacks
Linuxx86_64CUDA✅ Fully supported
Linuxx86_64ROCm✅ Supported
Linuxx86_64CPU✅ Supported with fallbacks
LinuxARM64CPU✅ Supported with fallbacks


# Install test dependencies pip install pytest pytest-asyncio # Run all tests pytest tests/ # Run specific test categories pytest tests/ pytest tests/ pytest tests/ # Verify environment compatibility python scripts/ # Verify PyTorch installation on Windows python scripts/ # Perform comprehensive installation verification python scripts/


See the Installation Guide for detailed troubleshooting steps.

Quick Troubleshooting Tips

  • Dependency issues: Try using UV: python scripts/
  • Windows PyTorch errors: Use python
  • macOS Intel dependency conflicts: Use UV or python --force-compatible-deps
  • Recursion errors: Run python scripts/
  • Environment verification: Run python scripts/
  • Memory issues: Set MCP_MEMORY_BATCH_SIZE=4 and try a smaller model
  • Apple Silicon: Ensure Python 3.10+ built for ARM64, set PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK=1
  • Installation testing: Run python scripts/

Project Structure

mcp-memory-service/ ├── src/mcp_memory_service/ # Core package code │ ├── │ ├── # Configuration utilities │ ├── models/ # Data models │ ├── storage/ # Storage implementations │ ├── utils/ # Utility functions │ └── # Main MCP server ├── scripts/ # Helper scripts │ ├── # Script to migrate to UV │ └── # UV installation helper ├── .uv/ # UV configuration ├── # Windows wrapper script ├── # UV-based wrapper script ├── # UV wrapper script ├── # Enhanced installation script └── tests/ # Test suite

Development Guidelines

  • Python 3.10+ with type hints
  • Use dataclasses for models
  • Triple-quoted docstrings for modules and functions
  • Async/await pattern for all I/O operations
  • Follow PEP 8 style guidelines
  • Include tests for new features


MIT License - See LICENSE file for details


  • ChromaDB team for the vector database
  • Sentence Transformers project for embedding models
  • MCP project for the protocol specification
