Quickbase MCP Server

by danielbushman
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Test script for the Quickbase MCP tools, specifically focusing on cache functionality. This script tests the configure_cache tool and verifies that caching is working correctly by measuring the time it takes to execute operations with and without caching. """ import os import json import time import requests from dotenv import load_dotenv # Load environment variables load_dotenv() def get_credentials(): """Get Quickbase credentials from environment variables.""" return { "realm_hostname": os.getenv("QB_REALM_HOSTNAME"), "user_token": os.getenv("QB_USER_TOKEN") } def call_tool(name, **parameters): """ Call an MCP tool on the Quickbase server. Args: name (str): The name of the tool to call **parameters: The parameters to pass to the tool Returns: dict: The tool's response """ url = "http://localhost:3000/call_tool" payload = { "name": name, "arguments": parameters } response = requests.post(url, json=payload) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def test_configure_cache(): """Test the configure_cache tool.""" print("\n--- Testing Cache Configuration ---") # First enable caching result = call_tool("configure_cache", enabled=True, clear=True) print("Configure cache (enable):", result["content"][0]["text"]) # Test caching by measuring performance print("\nPerformance test with caching enabled:") # Get an app ID to use for testing apps = call_tool("list_tables") app_tables = json.loads(apps["content"][0]["text"].split("Result (JSON):\n")[1]) table_id = app_tables[0]["id"] if app_tables else None if not table_id: print("No tables found for testing, skipping performance test") return # Run the same query multiple times and measure time times_cached = [] for i in range(3): start = time.time() call_tool("get_table_fields", table_id=table_id) end = time.time() times_cached.append(end - start) print(f"Query {i+1} with caching: {times_cached[-1]:.4f} seconds") # Disable caching result = call_tool("configure_cache", enabled=False) print("\nConfigure cache (disable):", result["content"][0]["text"]) # Run the same query without caching print("\nPerformance test with caching disabled:") times_uncached = [] for i in range(3): start = time.time() call_tool("get_table_fields", table_id=table_id) end = time.time() times_uncached.append(end - start) print(f"Query {i+1} without caching: {times_uncached[-1]:.4f} seconds") # Calculate and print performance improvement avg_cached = sum(times_cached[1:]) / len(times_cached[1:]) # Skip first (cold) call avg_uncached = sum(times_uncached) / len(times_uncached) improvement = (avg_uncached - avg_cached) / avg_uncached * 100 print(f"\nAverage time with caching: {avg_cached:.4f} seconds") print(f"Average time without caching: {avg_uncached:.4f} seconds") print(f"Performance improvement: {improvement:.2f}%") # Re-enable caching for future tests call_tool("configure_cache", enabled=True) def main(): """Main function to run all tests.""" # Test cache configuration try: test_configure_cache() print("\nAll cache tests completed successfully!") except Exception as e: print(f"Error during testing: {str(e)}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()