Quickbase MCP Server

by danielbushman
# Claude Guidelines for Quickbase-MCP-connector ## Build/Run/Test Commands - Setup: `./setup.sh` - Install dependencies - Start server: `npm start` or `node src/quickbase/server.js` - Run all tests: `./run_tests.sh` - Run specific test: `python tests/run_tests.py connection` (options: connection, file, pagination, validate, remaining, create, table, app) - Run all tests with details: `python tests/run_tests.py --all` ## Code Style - Python: PEP 8, typed with annotations (Python 3.8+) - JavaScript: Node.js standard style (Node 14+) - Docstrings: Use triple quotes with param descriptions - Error handling: Use try/except with specific exceptions - Logging: Use logging_utils.py for API logging with sensitive data redaction - Imports: Standard library first, then third-party, then local modules - Naming: snake_case for Python, camelCase for JavaScript - API calls: Use retry.py decorator for handling transient errors ## Testing - New features require corresponding tests - Tests should be isolated and idempotent - Include proper error handling and validation in tests