Quickbase MCP Server

by danielbushman
#!/bin/bash echo "=========================================" echo " Quickbase MCP Integration Setup" echo " Version 1.0.0" echo "=========================================" # Check Python version python_version=$(python3 --version 2>&1 | cut -d " " -f 2) python_major=$(echo $python_version | cut -d. -f1) python_minor=$(echo $python_version | cut -d. -f2) echo "Detected Python version: $python_version" if [ "$python_major" -lt 3 ] || [ "$python_major" -eq 3 -a "$python_minor" -lt 8 ]; then echo "Error: Python 3.8 or higher is required. Found Python $python_version" exit 1 fi # Check Node.js version if ! command -v node &> /dev/null; then echo "Error: Node.js is not installed. Please install Node.js 14 or higher." exit 1 fi node_version=$(node --version | cut -c 2-) node_major=$(echo $node_version | cut -d. -f1) echo "Detected Node.js version: $node_version" if [ "$node_major" -lt 14 ]; then echo "Error: Node.js 14 or higher is required. Found Node.js $node_version" exit 1 fi echo "Environment checks passed. Proceeding with installation..." # Create virtual environment if it doesn't exist if [ ! -d "venv" ]; then echo "Creating Python virtual environment..." python3 -m venv venv fi # Activate virtual environment source venv/bin/activate # Install Python dependencies echo "Installing Python dependencies..." pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt # Install npm dependencies locally echo "Installing Node.js dependencies..." npm install # Make scripts executable echo "Setting up executables..." chmod +x src/quickbase/server.js chmod +x run_tests.sh chmod +x test_file_operations.py chmod +x test_pagination.py chmod +x test_remaining_operations.py # Create .env file if it doesn't exist if [ ! -f ".env" ]; then echo "Creating .env file from template..." cp .env.example .env echo "Please edit .env file with your Quickbase credentials." fi echo "" echo "Setup complete!" echo "" echo "Next steps:" echo "1. Edit the .env file with your Quickbase credentials" echo "2. Start the server with: node src/quickbase/server.js" echo "3. Test the connection with: python test_connection.py" echo "4. Run all tests with: ./run_tests.sh" echo "" echo "For more information, see README.md" echo "========================================="