Logseq MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides direct integration with Logseq's knowledge base, enabling interaction with Logseq graphs, creating pages, managing blocks, and organizing information programmatically.

  • Supports Markdown as a page format option when creating new pages in Logseq.

  • Supports Org format as a page format option when creating new pages in Logseq.

Logseq MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol server that provides direct integration with Logseq's knowledge base. This server enables LLMs to interact with Logseq graphs, create pages, manage blocks, and organize information programmatically.

Usage with Claude Desktop

{ "mcpServers": { "logseq": { "command": "uvx", "args": ["mcp-server-logseq"], "env": { "LOGSEQ_API_TOKEN": "<YOUR_KEY>", "LOGSEQ_API_URL": "" } } } }

Available Tools

Block Operations

  • logseq_insert_block - Create new blocks in Logseq Parameters:
    • parent_block (string): Parent block UUID or page name
    • content (string, required): Block content
    • is_page_block (boolean): Create as page-level block
    • before (boolean): Insert before parent block
    • custom_uuid (string): Custom UUIDv4 for block
  • logseq_edit_block - Enter block editing mode Parameters:
    • src_block (string, required): Block UUID
    • pos (number): Cursor position
  • logseq_exit_editing_mode - Exit editing mode Parameters:
    • select_block (boolean): Keep block selected

Page Operations

  • logseq_create_page - Create new pages Parameters:
    • page_name (string, required): Page name
    • properties (object): Page properties
    • journal (boolean): Create as journal page
    • format (string): Page format (markdown/org)
  • logseq_get_page - Get page details Parameters:
    • src_page (string, required): Page identifier
    • include_children (boolean): Include child blocks
  • logseq_get_all_pages - List all pages Parameters:
    • repo (string): Repository name

Content Retrieval

  • logseq_get_current_page - Get active page/block Parameters: None
  • logseq_get_current_blocks_tree - Current page's block hierarchy Parameters: None
  • logseq_get_editing_block_content - Get content of active block Parameters: None
  • logseq_get_page_blocks_tree - Get page's block structure Parameters:
    • src_page (string, required): Page identifier



Create a new block in Logseq Arguments:

  • parent_block: Parent block reference (page name or UUID)
  • content: Block content
  • is_page_block: Set true for page-level blocks


Create a new Logseq page Arguments:

  • page_name: Name of the page
  • properties: Page properties as JSON
  • journal: Set true for journal pages


Using pip

pip install mcp-server-logseq

From source

git clone https://github.com/dailydaniel/logseq-mcp.git cd logseq-mcp cp .env.example .env uv sync

Run the server:

python -m mcp_server_logseq



  1. Generate API token in Logseq: API → Authorization tokens
  2. Set environment variable:
export LOGSEQ_API_TOKEN=your_token_here

Or pass via command line:

python -m mcp_server_logseq --api-key=your_token_here

Graph Configuration

Default URL: http://localhost:12315 To customize:

python -m mcp_server_logseq --url=http://your-logseq-instance:port


Create meeting notes page

Create new page "Team Meeting 2024-03-15" with properties: - Tags: #meeting #engineering - Participants: Alice, Bob, Charlie - Status: pending

Add task block to existing page

Add task to [[Project Roadmap]]: - [ ] Finalize API documentation - Due: 2024-03-20 - Priority: high

Create journal entry with first block

Create journal entry for today with initial content: - Morning standup completed - Started work on new authentication system


npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector uv --directory . run mcp-server-logseq


We welcome contributions to enhance Logseq integration:

  • Add new API endpoints (page linking, query support)
  • Improve block manipulation capabilities
  • Add template support
  • Enhance error handling
security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A server that enables LLMs to programmatically interact with Logseq knowledge graphs, allowing creation and management of pages and blocks.

  1. Usage with Claude Desktop
    1. Available Tools
      1. Block Operations
      2. Page Operations
      3. Content Retrieval
    2. Prompts
      1. logseq_insert_block
      2. logseq_create_page
    3. Installation
      1. Using pip
      2. From source
    4. Configuration
      1. API Key
      2. Graph Configuration
    5. Examples
      1. Create meeting notes page
        1. Add task block to existing page
        2. Create journal entry with first block
      2. Debugging
        1. Contributing