
by cuongtl1992
# MCP Database Server A Model Context Protocol (MCP) implementation for connecting to and working with various database systems. <a href=""> <img width="380" height="200" src="" /> </a> ## Supported Databases - SQLite - PostgreSQL - Microsoft SQL Server - MongoDB ## Installation ```bash npm install -g mcp-dbs ``` ## Usage The MCP Database Server can be used in two modes: ### SSE Mode (Default) By default, the server runs in SSE (Server-Sent Events) mode on port 3001: ```bash npx mcp-dbs ``` This will start an HTTP server with an SSE endpoint at `http://localhost:3001/mcp`. #### Custom Port You can specify a custom port using the `--port` option: ```bash npx mcp-dbs --port 8080 ``` ### STDIO Mode For tools that communicate over standard input/output, you can use the `--stdio` option: ```bash npx mcp-dbs --stdio ``` ## Claude Desktop Integration You can integrate mcp-dbs with Claude Desktop by adding it to your Claude configuration file. ### Configuration Steps 1. Open or create your Claude Desktop configuration file 2. Add the mcp-dbs configuration to the `mcpServers` section: ```json { "mcpServers": { "mcp-dbs": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/path/to/your/mcp-dbs/dist/cli.js", "--stdio" ], "env": { "MCP_MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://localhost:27017", "MCP_MONGODB_DATABASE": "your-database-name" } } } } ``` Replace the environment variables with your own database connection details. ### Notes - The `command` should be `node` - In `args`, provide the absolute path to the cli.js file in your mcp-dbs installation - Configure the appropriate environment variables for your database type (see the environment variables section below) - You can use environment variables for any of the supported databases (SQLite, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, or MongoDB) ### Using with Claude Once configured, Claude will be able to access your database using the MCP tools described below. You can ask Claude to: - Connect to your database - Execute queries and get results - Explore your database schema - Work with tables and data ## Tools - **connect-database**: Connect to a database - **disconnect-database**: Disconnect from a database - **execute-query**: Execute a query and return results - **execute-update**: Execute a query without returning results ## Resources - **database-schema**: Get the full database schema - **table-schema**: Get the schema for a specific table - **tables-list**: Get a list of all tables ## Using environment variables for configuration You can configure your database connections using environment variables: #### SQLite ```bash # Set these environment variables before connecting export MCP_SQLITE_FILENAME="path/to/database.db" export MCP_SQLITE_CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS="true" ``` #### PostgreSQL ```bash # Set these environment variables before connecting export MCP_POSTGRES_HOST="your-postgres-host" export MCP_POSTGRES_PORT="5432" export MCP_POSTGRES_DATABASE="your-database-name" export MCP_POSTGRES_USER="your-username" export MCP_POSTGRES_PASSWORD="your-password" export MCP_POSTGRES_SSL="false" ``` #### SQL Server ```bash # Set these environment variables before connecting export MCP_MSSQL_SERVER="your-server-address" export MCP_MSSQL_PORT="1433" export MCP_MSSQL_DATABASE="your-database-name" export MCP_MSSQL_USER="your-username" export MCP_MSSQL_PASSWORD="your-password" export MCP_MSSQL_ENCRYPT="true" export MCP_MSSQL_TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE="true" ``` #### MongoDB ```bash # Set these environment variables before connecting export MCP_MONGODB_URI="mongodb://localhost:27017" export MCP_MONGODB_DATABASE="your-database-name" export MCP_MONGODB_MAX_POOL_SIZE="10" export MCP_MONGODB_USE_UNIFIED_TOPOLOGY="true" ``` These environment variables will take precedence over any configuration passed to the connect-database tool. ## MCP Tools The server exposes the following MCP tools: ### connect-database Connect to a database. Parameters: - `connectionId`: A unique identifier for the connection - `type`: Database type (`sqlite`, `postgres`, `mssql`, or `mongodb`) Example for SQLite: ```json { "connectionId": "my-sqlite-db", "type": "sqlite" } ``` Example for PostgreSQL: ```json { "connectionId": "my-postgres-db", "type": "postgres" } ``` Example for SQL Server: ```json { "connectionId": "my-mssql-db", "type": "mssql" } ``` Example for MongoDB: ```json { "connectionId": "my-mongodb-db", "type": "mongodb" } ``` ### disconnect-database Disconnect from a database. Parameters: - `connectionId`: The connection ID to disconnect ### execute-query Execute a query that returns results. Parameters: - `connectionId`: The connection ID - `query`: SQL query or MongoDB aggregation pipeline (as JSON string) - `params`: (Optional) Array of parameters for the query. For MongoDB, the first parameter is the collection name. Example for SQL: ```json { "connectionId": "my-postgres-db", "query": "SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > $1", "params": [21] } ``` Example for MongoDB: ```json { "connectionId": "my-mongodb-db", "query": "[{\"$match\": {\"age\": {\"$gt\": 21}}}, {\"$sort\": {\"name\": 1}}]", "params": ["users"] } ``` Example for MongoDB (new format with embedded collection): ```json { "connectionId": "my-mongodb-db", "query": "{\"collection\": \"users\", \"pipeline\": [{\"$match\": {\"age\": {\"$gt\": 21}}}, {\"$sort\": {\"name\": 1}}]}" } ``` Example for MongoDB (shell syntax): ```json { "connectionId": "my-mongodb-db", "query": "db.getCollection('users').find({\"age\": {\"$gt\": 21}})" } ``` Example for MongoDB (direct collection reference shell syntax): ```json { "connectionId": "my-mongodb-db", "query": "db.users.find({\"age\": {\"$gt\": 21}})" } ``` Example for MongoDB (raw command): ```json { "connectionId": "my-mongodb-db", "query": "{\"find\": \"users\", \"filter\": {\"age\": {\"$gt\": 21}}}" } ``` ### execute-update Execute a query that doesn't return results (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). Parameters: - `connectionId`: The connection ID - `query`: SQL query or MongoDB command (as JSON string) - `params`: (Optional) Array of parameters for the query. For MongoDB, the first parameter is the collection name. Example for SQL: ```json { "connectionId": "my-postgres-db", "query": "INSERT INTO users (name, age) VALUES ($1, $2)", "params": ["John Doe", 30] } ``` Example for MongoDB: ```json { "connectionId": "my-mongodb-db", "query": "{\"insertOne\": {\"name\": \"John Doe\", \"age\": 30}}", "params": ["users"] } ``` Example for MongoDB (new format with embedded collection): ```json { "connectionId": "my-mongodb-db", "query": "{\"collection\": \"users\", \"operation\": {\"insertOne\": {\"name\": \"John Doe\", \"age\": 30}}}" } ``` Example for MongoDB (shell syntax): ```json { "connectionId": "my-mongodb-db", "query": "db.getCollection('users').insertOne({\"name\": \"John Doe\", \"age\": 30})" } ``` Example for MongoDB (direct collection reference shell syntax): ```json { "connectionId": "my-mongodb-db", "query": "db.users.insertOne({\"name\": \"John Doe\", \"age\": 30})" } ``` Example for MongoDB (raw command): ```json { "connectionId": "my-mongodb-db", "query": "{\"insert\": \"users\", \"documents\": [{\"name\": \"John Doe\", \"age\": 30}]}" } ``` ## MCP Resources The server exposes the following MCP resources: ### Database Schema URI: `database://{connectionId}/schema` Returns schema information about the database, including all tables and their columns. ### Table Schema URI: `database://{connectionId}/tables/{tableName}` Returns schema information about a specific table, including its columns. ### Tables List URI: `database://{connectionId}/tables` Returns a list of all tables in the database. ## Development ### Testing Run the tests: ```bash npm test ``` ## Support the Project If you find this project helpful, consider buying me a coffee! <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Buy Me A Coffee QR Code" width="200"> </p> Scan the QR code above or [click here]( to support the development of this project. ## License MIT