
by cuongtl1992
# MCP Database Server (mcp-dbs) Specification ## 1. Overview The MCP Database Server (mcp-dbs) is a Model Context Protocol (MCP) implementation designed to provide a standardized interface for interacting with various database systems. It allows AI assistants and applications to connect to databases, execute queries, and retrieve schema information through a consistent API layer. ## 2. Architecture ### 2.1 Core Components - **Database Interface**: A common interface implemented by all database adapters. - **Database Implementations**: Concrete implementations for supported database systems (SQLite, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, MongoDB). - **DatabaseFactory**: Factory class for creating database instances. - **McpDatabaseServer**: Main server class that handles MCP tools and resources. - **Command-Line Interface**: CLI utilities for running the server. ### 2.2 Implementation The project is implemented as a TypeScript Node.js application with the following characteristics: - ECMAScript Modules (ESM) for module loading - Strict typing through TypeScript - Compatible with both server-side event (SSE) and standard I/O (stdio) communication modes - Dependency injection pattern for database connections ### 2.3 Integration Models The server can be used in two primary modes: 1. **SSE Mode**: For web-based applications, running as an HTTP server with SSE endpoint. 2. **STDIO Mode**: For CLI tools and desktop applications, communicating through standard input/output. ## 3. Database Interface ### 3.1 Core Interface ```typescript export interface Database { connect(): Promise<void>; disconnect(): Promise<void>; query(query: string, params?: any[]): Promise<any>; execute(query: string, params?: any[]): Promise<void>; getTables(): Promise<string[]>; getTableSchema(tableName: string): Promise<TableSchema>; getSchema(): Promise<SchemaInfo>; } ``` ### 3.2 Schema Interfaces ```typescript export interface SchemaInfo { databaseName: string; tables: TableSchema[]; } export interface TableSchema { tableName: string; columns: ColumnInfo[]; } export interface ColumnInfo { name: string; type: string; nullable: boolean; isPrimaryKey: boolean; defaultValue?: any; } ``` ## 4. Supported Databases ### 4.1 SQLite #### Configuration ```typescript export interface SQLiteConfig { filename: string; createIfNotExists?: boolean; readOnly?: boolean; } ``` #### Implementation Details - Uses `sqlite3` Node.js package - Supports file-based database access - Handles connection lifecycle with proper resource management - Implements schema discovery using SQLite system tables ### 4.2 PostgreSQL #### Configuration ```typescript export interface PostgresConfig { host: string; port?: number; database: string; user: string; password: string; ssl?: boolean; } ``` #### Implementation Details - Uses `pg` Node.js package - Connection pooling for improved performance - Schema discovery using PostgreSQL information_schema - Parameterized queries for SQL injection prevention ### 4.3 Microsoft SQL Server #### Configuration ```typescript export interface MssqlConfig { server: string; port?: number; database: string; user: string; password: string; encrypt?: boolean; trustServerCertificate?: boolean; } ``` #### Implementation Details - Uses `mssql` Node.js package - Connection pooling for improved performance - Schema discovery using SQL Server system views - Handles SQL Server specific error scenarios ### 4.4 MongoDB #### Configuration ```typescript export interface MongoDBConfig { uri: string; database: string; options?: { maxPoolSize?: number; useUnifiedTopology?: boolean; }; } ``` #### Implementation Details - Uses `mongodb` Node.js package - Supports replica sets through connection string URI - Schema inference by sampling documents (MongoDB is schemaless) - Adapts MongoDB's document model to the relational table/column concepts - Support for MongoDB-specific operations through JSON-based command interface - Flexible query format supporting: - Legacy: Array pipeline with collection name as first parameter - New: Object with embedded collection name and pipeline/operation - MongoDB shell syntax: - Native MongoDB shell format with `getCollection()` (e.g., `db.getCollection('users').find({})`) - Direct collection reference format (e.g., `db.users.find({})`) - Raw MongoDB command documents (e.g., `{"find": "users", "filter": {"age": {"$gt": 21}}}`) ## 5. MCP Integration ### 5.1 Server Tools #### 5.1.1 connect-database Connects to a database. **Parameters:** - `connectionId`: A unique identifier for the connection - `type`: Database type (`sqlite`, `postgres`, `mssql`, or `mongodb`) - `config`: Database-specific configuration #### 5.1.2 disconnect-database Disconnects from a database. **Parameters:** - `connectionId`: The connection ID to disconnect #### 5.1.3 execute-query Executes a query that returns results. **Parameters:** - `connectionId`: The connection ID - `query`: - SQL databases: SQL query string - MongoDB: JSON string in one of these formats: - Legacy format: Array of aggregation pipeline stages with collection name in `params[0]` - New format: Object with `collection` and `pipeline` properties: `{collection: string, pipeline: array}` - MongoDB shell syntax with `getCollection()`: `db.getCollection('collectionName').find({})` - MongoDB shell syntax with direct collection reference: `db.collectionName.find({})` - Raw MongoDB command document: `{"find": "collectionName", "filter": {...}}` - `params`: (Optional) Array of parameters - SQL databases: Query parameters - MongoDB: - Legacy format: Collection name as first parameter - New format, shell syntax, or raw command: Not required #### 5.1.4 execute-update Executes a query that doesn't return results (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). **Parameters:** - `connectionId`: The connection ID - `query`: - SQL databases: SQL query string - MongoDB: JSON string in one of these formats: - Legacy format: Command object with collection name in `params[0]` - New format: Object with `collection` and `operation` properties: `{collection: string, operation: object}` - MongoDB shell syntax with `getCollection()`: `db.getCollection('collectionName').insertOne({})` - MongoDB shell syntax with direct collection reference: `db.collectionName.insertOne({})` - Raw MongoDB command document: `{"insert": "collectionName", "documents": [...]}` - `params`: (Optional) Array of parameters - SQL databases: Query parameters - MongoDB: - Legacy format: Collection name as first parameter - New format, shell syntax, or raw command: Not required ### 5.2 Server Resources #### 5.2.1 Database Schema **URI:** `database://{connectionId}/schema` Returns schema information about the database, including all tables and their columns. #### 5.2.2 Table Schema **URI:** `database://{connectionId}/tables/{tableName}` Returns schema information about a specific table, including its columns. #### 5.2.3 Tables List **URI:** `database://{connectionId}/tables` Returns a list of all tables in the database. ## 6. Configuration ### 6.1 Environment Variables The server supports configuration through environment variables: #### SQLite - `MCP_SQLITE_FILENAME`: Path to the SQLite database file - `MCP_SQLITE_CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS`: Whether to create the database if it doesn't exist #### PostgreSQL - `MCP_POSTGRES_HOST`: PostgreSQL host - `MCP_POSTGRES_PORT`: PostgreSQL port (default: 5432) - `MCP_POSTGRES_DATABASE`: Database name - `MCP_POSTGRES_USER`: Username - `MCP_POSTGRES_PASSWORD`: Password - `MCP_POSTGRES_SSL`: Whether to use SSL #### SQL Server - `MCP_MSSQL_SERVER`: SQL Server address - `MCP_MSSQL_PORT`: SQL Server port (default: 1433) - `MCP_MSSQL_DATABASE`: Database name - `MCP_MSSQL_USER`: Username - `MCP_MSSQL_PASSWORD`: Password - `MCP_MSSQL_ENCRYPT`: Whether to encrypt the connection - `MCP_MSSQL_TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE`: Whether to trust the server certificate #### MongoDB - `MCP_MONGODB_URI`: MongoDB connection URI (e.g., `mongodb://server1:27017,server2:27017/?replicaSet=myReplicaSet`) - `MCP_MONGODB_DATABASE`: Database name - `MCP_MONGODB_MAX_POOL_SIZE`: Connection pool size - `MCP_MONGODB_USE_UNIFIED_TOPOLOGY`: Whether to use unified topology ### 6.2 CLI Options - `--stdio`: Run in stdio mode - `--port NUMBER`: Set custom port for SSE mode (default: 3001) - `--help`, `-h`: Show help message ## 7. Security Considerations - **Parameterized Queries**: All database implementations use parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection. - **Environment Variables**: Sensitive information like passwords can be provided through environment variables. - **Connection Management**: Connections are properly closed to prevent resource leaks. - **Error Handling**: Database errors are appropriately captured and returned. ## 8. Usage Patterns ### 8.1 Basic Usage Flow 1. Connect to a database using the `connect-database` tool 2. Execute queries using `execute-query` or `execute-update` 3. Access schema information using the provided resources 4. Disconnect when done using `disconnect-database` ### 8.2 Integration with Claude Desktop Integration with Claude Desktop is done by adding the server to the Claude configuration file: ```json { "mcpServers": { "mcp-dbs": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/path/to/your/mcp-dbs/dist/cli.js", "--stdio" ], "env": { "MCP_MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://localhost:27017", "MCP_MONGODB_DATABASE": "your-database-name" } } } } ``` ## 9. Error Handling The server implements comprehensive error handling: - Database connection errors - Query execution errors - Schema retrieval errors - Parameter validation errors All errors are properly formatted and returned according to the MCP specification. ## 10. Future Enhancements Potential areas for future development: - Support for additional database systems (MySQL, Oracle, etc.) - Connection pooling and performance optimizations - Enhanced security features (encryption, authentication) - Support for complex data types and data transformation - Transaction management - Query builder functionality ## MongoDB Support ### Implementation Details MongoDB is implemented using the `mongodb` Node.js package and provides: - Connection to standalone MongoDB instances and replica sets via connection string URI - Schema inference by sampling documents in collections - Adapting MongoDB's document model to relational concepts like tables and columns - Support for MongoDB-specific operations through a JSON-based command interface - Flexible query formats to accommodate different use cases: - Legacy array pipelines (using `query` parameter as aggregation pipeline) - New object formats (using `collection` and `pipeline` keys) - Native MongoDB shell syntax (`db.collection.method()` format) - MongoDB shell syntax with cursor methods (`db.collection.find().sort().limit()` etc.) - Simplified aggregation pipeline format (direct pipeline stages as object keys) - Direct collection with pipeline stages (collection key with stage keys) - Direct collection with filter criteria (for find operations) - Raw command documents (passing commands directly to the MongoDB driver) ### Flexible Query Input MongoDB operations can be performed using multiple syntax formats: 1. **MongoDB Shell Syntax**: ``` db.getCollection('users').find({age: {$gt: 25}}) ``` 2. **MongoDB Shell Syntax with Cursor Methods**: ``` db.users.find({age: {$gt: 25}}).sort({name: 1}).limit(10).skip(20) ``` 3. **Direct Collection Reference**: ``` db.users.find({age: {$gt: 25}}) ``` 4. **Simplified Aggregation Pipeline**: ```json { "$match": {"age": {"$gt": 25}}, "$sort": {"name": 1}, "$limit": 10 } ``` 5. **Collection with Pipeline Stages**: ```json { "collection": "users", "match": {"age": {"$gt": 25}}, "sort": {"name": 1}, "limit": 10 } ``` 6. **Collection with Filter Criteria**: ```json { "collection": "users", "age": {"$gt": 25}, "status": "active" } ``` 7. **Raw Command Document**: ```json { "find": "users", "filter": {"age": {"$gt": 25}}, "sort": {"name": 1}, "limit": 10 } ``` ### Supported Cursor Methods For `find()` operations, the following cursor methods are supported in a chained format: - `sort(sortObject)`: Sort the results by specified fields - `limit(n)`: Limit the number of results - `skip(n)`: Skip a specified number of results - `project(projectionObject)`: Specify which fields to include/exclude ### Supported Aggregation Pipeline Stages The simplified aggregation pipeline syntax supports common stages: - `$match`: Filter documents - `$sort`: Sort documents - `$limit`: Limit documents - `$skip`: Skip documents - `$project`: Reshape documents - `$group`: Group documents - `$unwind`: Deconstruct arrays - `$lookup`: Perform joins - `$count`: Count documents - `$facet`: Multiple aggregations - `$addFields`: Add fields - `$replaceRoot`: Replace document - `$sample`: Random sample ### Additional MongoDB Commands Beyond basic CRUD operations, the following MongoDB commands are supported: - `findOne` - `count`/`countDocuments` - `distinct` - Other commands via the raw command interface