
by cuongtl1992
import pkg from 'mongodb'; const { MongoClient } = pkg; import type { Collection, Db } from 'mongodb'; import { Database, SchemaInfo, TableSchema, ColumnInfo } from '../interfaces/database.js'; /** * Configuration for MongoDB database connection */ export interface MongoDBConfig { /** * Connection URI for MongoDB */ uri: string; /** * Database name to connect to */ database: string; /** * Connection options */ options?: { /** * Maximum connection pool size */ maxPoolSize?: number; /** * Whether to use unified topology */ useUnifiedTopology?: boolean; }; } /** * MongoDB database implementation */ export class MongoDBDatabase implements Database { private client: pkg.MongoClient | null = null; private db: Db | null = null; private config: MongoDBConfig; /** * Create a new MongoDB database connection * @param config Connection configuration */ constructor(config: MongoDBConfig) { this.config = config; } /** * Connect to the MongoDB database */ async connect(): Promise<void> { const options = { maxPoolSize: this.config.options?.maxPoolSize || 10, useUnifiedTopology: this.config.options?.useUnifiedTopology !== false }; this.client = new MongoClient(this.config.uri, options); await this.client.connect(); this.db = this.client.db(this.config.database); } /** * Disconnect from the MongoDB database */ async disconnect(): Promise<void> { if (this.client) { await this.client.close(); this.client = null; this.db = null; } } /** * Parse MongoDB shell syntax string to extract collection name, method, and arguments * Now supports cursor methods like sort(), limit(), skip(), and project() * @param query Query string in MongoDB shell syntax * @returns Object with collection name, method, and arguments if valid, null otherwise */ private parseShellSyntax(query: string): { collectionName: string; method: string; args: any[] } | null { // Pattern for db.collection.method(args) format // Support both db.getCollection('name') and direct db.collectionName const getCollectionPattern = /db\.getCollection\(['"]([^'"]+)['"]\)\.(\w+)\((.*)\)/; const directCollectionPattern = /db\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\((.*)\)/; // Match the query with both patterns const getCollectionMatch = query.match(getCollectionPattern); const directCollectionMatch = query.match(directCollectionPattern); let collectionName: string; let method: string; let argsStr: string; if (getCollectionMatch) { [, collectionName, method, argsStr] = getCollectionMatch; } else if (directCollectionMatch) { [, collectionName, method, argsStr] = directCollectionMatch; } else { return null; // Not a MongoDB shell syntax } // Check for cursor methods by searching for pattern .method() in the argsStr const cursorMethodsPattern = /\.(\w+)\(([^)]*)\)/g; const cursorMethods: { method: string, args: string }[] = []; // Replace cursor method calls to simplify argument extraction for the main method let cleanArgsStr = argsStr; let match; // Extract cursor methods from the end of the string // This handles chained cursor methods like find().sort().limit() while ((match = cursorMethodsPattern.exec(argsStr)) !== null) { const methodName = match[1]; const methodArgs = match[2]; // Only add valid cursor methods if (['sort', 'limit', 'skip', 'project', 'count'].includes(methodName)) { cursorMethods.push({ method: methodName, args: methodArgs }); // Remove the cursor method call from argsStr to get clean args for the main method cleanArgsStr = cleanArgsStr.replace(match[0], ''); } } // Process the main method arguments let args: any[] = []; try { // First try with the simplified args string if (cleanArgsStr.trim()) { args = this.splitArgs(cleanArgsStr); } } catch (e) { // If that fails, try with the original args string // This is a fallback in case our cursor method extraction has issues if (argsStr.trim()) { try { args = this.splitArgs(argsStr); } catch (e) { // If we still can't parse, return with empty args args = []; } } } // For find method, handle cursor methods by adding options if (method === 'find' && cursorMethods.length > 0) { // Ensure we have at least one argument for find if (args.length === 0) { args.push({}); } // Ensure we have an options object as the second argument if (args.length === 1) { args.push({}); } // Process each cursor method for (const cursorMethod of cursorMethods) { switch (cursorMethod.method) { case 'sort': try { args[1].sort = JSON.parse(cursorMethod.args); } catch (e) { // If parsing fails, try with enclosing braces try { args[1].sort = JSON.parse(`{${cursorMethod.args}}`); } catch (e) { // Skip if we can't parse } } break; case 'limit': args[1].limit = parseInt(cursorMethod.args, 10); break; case 'skip': args[1].skip = parseInt(cursorMethod.args, 10); break; case 'project': try { args[1].projection = JSON.parse(cursorMethod.args); } catch (e) { // If parsing fails, try with enclosing braces try { args[1].projection = JSON.parse(`{${cursorMethod.args}}`); } catch (e) { // Skip if we can't parse } } break; // Add more cursor methods as needed } } } return { collectionName, method, args }; } /** * Split MongoDB shell syntax arguments into array * Handles complex cases like multiple objects, nested structures * @param argsStr String containing comma-separated arguments * @returns Array of parsed arguments */ private splitArgs(argsStr: string): any[] { if (!argsStr.trim()) { return []; } // For simple cases, try direct JSON parsing with brackets try { return [JSON.parse(`[${argsStr}]`)]; } catch (e) { // Continue with more complex parsing if direct JSON fails } const args: any[] = []; let currentArg = ''; let braceCount = 0; let squareBracketCount = 0; let inQuotes = false; let quoteChar = ''; // Handle escaped quotes and complex nested structures for (let i = 0; i < argsStr.length; i++) { const char = argsStr[i]; // Handle quotes (both single and double) if ((char === '"' || char === "'") && (i === 0 || argsStr[i - 1] !== '\\')) { if (!inQuotes) { inQuotes = true; quoteChar = char; } else if (char === quoteChar) { inQuotes = false; } } // Count braces and brackets, but only if not inside quotes if (!inQuotes) { if (char === '{') braceCount++; else if (char === '}') braceCount--; else if (char === '[') squareBracketCount++; else if (char === ']') squareBracketCount--; // Split arguments at commas, but only if not within an object or array if (char === ',' && braceCount === 0 && squareBracketCount === 0) { // Try to parse the current argument try { // Try to parse as JSON args.push(JSON.parse(currentArg.trim())); } catch (e) { // If JSON parsing fails, try to handle some common MongoDB syntax // Try to convert MongoDB ObjectId syntax if (currentArg.includes('ObjectId(')) { currentArg = currentArg.replace(/ObjectId\(['"]([^'"]+)['"]\)/g, '"$1"'); try { args.push(JSON.parse(currentArg.trim())); } catch (e) { // If still can't parse, add as string args.push(currentArg.trim()); } } else { // Add as string if all else fails args.push(currentArg.trim()); } } currentArg = ''; continue; } } currentArg += char; } // Handle the last argument if (currentArg.trim()) { try { args.push(JSON.parse(currentArg.trim())); } catch (e) { // Handle ObjectId conversion as above if (currentArg.includes('ObjectId(')) { currentArg = currentArg.replace(/ObjectId\(['"]([^'"]+)['"]\)/g, '"$1"'); try { args.push(JSON.parse(currentArg.trim())); } catch (e) { args.push(currentArg.trim()); } } else { args.push(currentArg.trim()); } } } return args; } /** * Process and normalize a MongoDB query object to ensure it works with all formats * This helps with accepting various formats users might provide * @param queryObj The query object to normalize * @returns Normalized query object */ private normalizeQueryObject(queryObj: any): any { // If the input is already in pipeline format (array), return it if (Array.isArray(queryObj)) { return queryObj; } // Handle different simplified formats to make it easier for users // If query has direct pipeline stages at the top level (like match, sort, limit) const pipelineStages = ['$match', '$sort', '$limit', '$skip', '$project', '$group', '$unwind', '$lookup', '$count', '$facet', '$addFields', '$replaceRoot', '$sample']; const hasPipelineStages = Object.keys(queryObj).some(key => pipelineStages.includes(key)); if (hasPipelineStages && !queryObj.collection && !queryObj.pipeline) { // Convert direct pipeline stages to proper pipeline format const pipeline = []; for (const key of Object.keys(queryObj)) { if (pipelineStages.includes(key)) { const stage: Record<string, any> = {}; stage[key] = queryObj[key]; pipeline.push(stage); } } return pipeline; } // Handle query with collection and direct operations (without pipeline wrapper) if (queryObj.collection && !queryObj.pipeline) { const hasQuery = Object.keys(queryObj).some(key => key !== 'collection' && pipelineStages.includes(`$${key}`)); if (hasQuery) { const pipeline = []; for (const key of Object.keys(queryObj)) { if (key !== 'collection' && pipelineStages.includes(`$${key}`)) { const stage: Record<string, any> = {}; stage[`$${key}`] = queryObj[key]; pipeline.push(stage); } } return { collection: queryObj.collection, pipeline: pipeline }; } } // If it's already in {collection, pipeline} format, return as is if (queryObj.collection && Array.isArray(queryObj.pipeline)) { return queryObj; } // Default - return the original object return queryObj; } /** * Execute a query and return results * Note: In MongoDB, this executes queries, finds, or aggregation pipelines * @param query JSON string of MongoDB aggregation pipeline, object with collection and pipeline, or MongoDB shell syntax * @param params Optional parameters (collection name as first parameter for backward compatibility) */ async query(query: string, params: any[] = []): Promise<any> { this.ensureConnected(); try { // Check for MongoDB shell syntax const shellParsed = this.parseShellSyntax(query); if (shellParsed) { const { collectionName, method, args } = shellParsed; const collection = this.db!.collection(collectionName); // Handle different methods using direct driver methods switch (method) { case 'find': const filter = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : {}; const options = args.length > 1 ? args[1] : {}; const cursor = collection.find(filter, options); return await cursor.toArray(); case 'findOne': return await collection.findOne(args.length > 0 ? args[0] : {}, args.length > 1 ? args[1] : {}); case 'aggregate': const pipeline = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : []; return await collection.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(); case 'count': case 'countDocuments': return await collection.countDocuments(args.length > 0 ? args[0] : {}); case 'distinct': if (args.length < 1) { throw new Error('distinct requires a field parameter'); } return await collection.distinct(args[0], args.length > 1 ? args[1] : {}); default: // For methods not directly supported, try using the command interface try { const cmdObj: any = { [method]: collectionName }; // Add arguments to the command if (args.length > 0) { // Different commands handle arguments differently if (['find', 'findOne', 'count', 'countDocuments'].includes(method)) { cmdObj.filter = args[0]; if (args.length > 1 && method === 'find') { cmdObj.projection = args[1].projection; cmdObj.limit = args[1].limit; cmdObj.skip = args[1].skip; cmdObj.sort = args[1].sort; } } else if (method === 'aggregate') { cmdObj.pipeline = args[0]; } else { // Generic argument handling for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { cmdObj[`arg${i}`] = args[i]; } } } return await this.db!.command(cmdObj); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Unsupported MongoDB shell method: ${method}`); } } } // If it's not shell syntax, try to parse as JSON try { const parsedQuery = JSON.parse(query); // Normalize query format to make it more user-friendly const normalizedQuery = this.normalizeQueryObject(parsedQuery); // Handle different formats if (parsedQuery.runCommand) { // Direct database command return await this.db!.command(parsedQuery.runCommand); } else if (Array.isArray(normalizedQuery)) { // Pipeline array format // Check if collection is in the params (for backward compatibility) if (!params || params.length === 0) { // Try to find collection in the first stage if it exists const firstStage = normalizedQuery[0]; if (firstStage && firstStage.collection) { const collectionName = firstStage.collection; const pipeline = normalizedQuery.slice(1); const collection = this.db!.collection(collectionName); return await collection.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(); } else { throw new Error('Collection name is required as the first parameter when pipeline is an array'); } } const collectionName = params[0]; const collection = this.db!.collection(collectionName); return await collection.aggregate(normalizedQuery).toArray(); } else if (normalizedQuery.collection && Array.isArray(normalizedQuery.pipeline)) { // {collection, pipeline} format const collection = this.db!.collection(normalizedQuery.collection); return await collection.aggregate(normalizedQuery.pipeline).toArray(); } else if (parsedQuery.collection && parsedQuery.method) { // Alternative format with method specification const collection = this.db!.collection(parsedQuery.collection); const method = parsedQuery.method; const args = parsedQuery.args || []; switch (method) { case 'find': const cursor = collection.find(args[0] || {}, args[1] || {}); return await cursor.toArray(); case 'findOne': return await collection.findOne(args[0] || {}, args[1] || {}); case 'aggregate': return await collection.aggregate(args[0] || []).toArray(); case 'count': case 'countDocuments': return await collection.countDocuments(args[0] || {}); case 'distinct': if (args.length < 1) { throw new Error('distinct requires a field parameter'); } return await collection.distinct(args[0], args[1] || {}); default: // For methods not directly supported, try using the command interface const cmdObj: any = { [method]: parsedQuery.collection }; // Add arguments to the command if (args.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { cmdObj[`arg${i}`] = args[i]; } } return await this.db!.command(cmdObj); } } else if (typeof parsedQuery === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parsedQuery)) { // Try direct find operation if the object has a collection property if (parsedQuery.collection && !parsedQuery.pipeline && !parsedQuery.operation && !parsedQuery.method) { // Extract the filter criteria const filter = Object.keys(parsedQuery) .filter(key => key !== 'collection') .reduce((obj: Record<string, any>, key) => { obj[key] = parsedQuery[key]; return obj; }, {}); const collection = this.db!.collection(parsedQuery.collection); return await collection.find(filter).toArray(); } // Might be a raw command, try to execute it directly try { return await this.db!.command(parsedQuery); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Invalid query format. Expected an array pipeline with collection name in params[0], {collection: string, pipeline: array}, MongoDB shell syntax, or a valid command document'); } } else { throw new Error('Invalid query format. Expected an array pipeline with collection name in params[0], {collection: string, pipeline: array}, MongoDB shell syntax, or a valid command document'); } } catch (parseError: any) { // If JSON parsing fails, it could be an invalid or malformed query throw new Error(`Invalid query format: ${parseError.message}`); } } catch (error: any) { throw new Error(`Query execution failed: ${error.message}`); } } /** * Execute a command that doesn't return results * Note: In MongoDB, this executes updates or other operations * @param query JSON string of MongoDB command, object with collection and command, or MongoDB shell syntax * @param params Optional parameters (collection name as first parameter for backward compatibility) */ async execute(query: string, params: any[] = []): Promise<void> { this.ensureConnected(); try { // Check for MongoDB shell syntax const shellParsed = this.parseShellSyntax(query); if (shellParsed) { const { collectionName, method, args } = shellParsed; const collection = this.db!.collection(collectionName); // Handle different write methods switch (method) { case 'insertOne': if (args.length < 1) { throw new Error('insertOne requires a document parameter'); } await collection.insertOne(args[0]); return; case 'insertMany': if (args.length < 1) { throw new Error('insertMany requires an array of documents'); } await collection.insertMany(args[0]); return; case 'updateOne': if (args.length < 2) { throw new Error('updateOne requires filter and update parameters'); } await collection.updateOne(args[0], args[1], args.length > 2 ? args[2] : undefined); return; case 'updateMany': if (args.length < 2) { throw new Error('updateMany requires filter and update parameters'); } await collection.updateMany(args[0], args[1], args.length > 2 ? args[2] : undefined); return; case 'deleteOne': if (args.length < 1) { throw new Error('deleteOne requires a filter parameter'); } await collection.deleteOne(args[0]); return; case 'deleteMany': if (args.length < 1) { throw new Error('deleteMany requires a filter parameter'); } await collection.deleteMany(args[0]); return; case 'replaceOne': if (args.length < 2) { throw new Error('replaceOne requires filter and replacement document parameters'); } await collection.replaceOne(args[0], args[1], args.length > 2 ? args[2] : undefined); return; default: // For methods not directly supported, try using the command interface try { const cmdObj: any = { [method]: collectionName }; // Add arguments to the command for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { cmdObj[`arg${i}`] = args[i]; } await this.db!.command(cmdObj); return; } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Unsupported MongoDB shell method: ${method}`); } } } // If it's not shell syntax, try to parse as JSON try { const parsedCommand = JSON.parse(query); // Handle different formats if (parsedCommand.runCommand) { // Direct database command await this.db!.command(parsedCommand.runCommand); return; } else if (parsedCommand.collection && parsedCommand.operation) { // New format: {collection: string, operation: {type: string, ...}} const collection = this.db!.collection(parsedCommand.collection); const operation = parsedCommand.operation; if (operation.insertOne) { await collection.insertOne(operation.insertOne); } else if (operation.insertMany) { await collection.insertMany(operation.insertMany); } else if (operation.updateOne) { await collection.updateOne( operation.updateOne.filter, operation.updateOne.update, operation.updateOne.options ); } else if (operation.updateMany) { await collection.updateMany( operation.updateMany.filter, operation.updateMany.update, operation.updateMany.options ); } else if (operation.deleteOne) { await collection.deleteOne(operation.deleteOne); } else if (operation.deleteMany) { await collection.deleteMany(operation.deleteMany); } else if (operation.replaceOne) { await collection.replaceOne( operation.replaceOne.filter, operation.replaceOne.replacement, operation.replaceOne.options ); } else { // Try to execute as raw command await this.db!.command(operation); } return; } else if (parsedCommand.collection && parsedCommand.method) { // Alternative format with method specification const collection = this.db!.collection(parsedCommand.collection); const method = parsedCommand.method; const args = parsedCommand.args || []; switch (method) { case 'insertOne': await collection.insertOne(args[0]); break; case 'insertMany': await collection.insertMany(args[0]); break; case 'updateOne': await collection.updateOne(args[0], args[1], args.length > 2 ? args[2] : undefined); break; case 'updateMany': await collection.updateMany(args[0], args[1], args.length > 2 ? args[2] : undefined); break; case 'deleteOne': await collection.deleteOne(args[0]); break; case 'deleteMany': await collection.deleteMany(args[0]); break; case 'replaceOne': await collection.replaceOne(args[0], args[1], args.length > 2 ? args[2] : undefined); break; default: // For methods not directly supported, try using the command interface const cmdObj: any = { [method]: parsedCommand.collection }; // Add arguments to the command for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { cmdObj[`arg${i}`] = args[i]; } await this.db!.command(cmdObj); } return; } else if (typeof parsedCommand === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parsedCommand)) { // Old format: command object with collection in params[0] if (!params || params.length === 0) { // Try to execute as raw command if no collection is provided try { await this.db!.command(parsedCommand); return; } catch (e) { throw new Error('Collection name is required as the first parameter when using direct command object, or provide a valid MongoDB command document'); } } const collectionName = params[0]; const collection = this.db!.collection(collectionName); if (parsedCommand.insertOne) { await collection.insertOne(parsedCommand.insertOne); } else if (parsedCommand.insertMany) { await collection.insertMany(parsedCommand.insertMany); } else if (parsedCommand.updateOne) { await collection.updateOne( parsedCommand.updateOne.filter, parsedCommand.updateOne.update, parsedCommand.updateOne.options ); } else if (parsedCommand.updateMany) { await collection.updateMany( parsedCommand.updateMany.filter, parsedCommand.updateMany.update, parsedCommand.updateMany.options ); } else if (parsedCommand.deleteOne) { await collection.deleteOne(parsedCommand.deleteOne); } else if (parsedCommand.deleteMany) { await collection.deleteMany(parsedCommand.deleteMany); } else if (parsedCommand.replaceOne) { await collection.replaceOne( parsedCommand.replaceOne.filter, parsedCommand.replaceOne.replacement, parsedCommand.replaceOne.options ); } else { // If no specific command is recognized, try using the entire command // with the collection name const cmdObj = { ...parsedCommand, collection: collectionName }; await this.db!.command(cmdObj); } return; } else { throw new Error('Invalid command format. Expected an object with command operations, {collection: string, operation: object}, MongoDB shell syntax, or a valid command document'); } } catch (parseError: any) { // If JSON parsing fails, it could be an invalid or malformed command throw new Error(`Invalid command format: ${parseError.message}`); } } catch (error: any) { throw new Error(`Command execution failed: ${error.message}`); } } /** * Get all collection names (tables in relational DB terms) */ async getTables(): Promise<string[]> { this.ensureConnected(); const collections = await this.db!.listCollections().toArray(); return =>; } /** * Get schema information for a specific collection * Note: MongoDB is schemaless, so this samples documents to infer schema * @param tableName Name of the collection */ async getTableSchema(tableName: string): Promise<TableSchema> { this.ensureConnected(); const collection: Collection = this.db!.collection(tableName); // Sample documents to infer schema const sampleDocs = await collection.find().limit(10).toArray(); // Infer schema from sampled documents const columns: ColumnInfo[] = []; const fieldTypes = new Map<string, Set<string>>(); const nullableFields = new Set<string>(); // Track all fields and their types across samples for (const doc of sampleDocs) { this.extractFields('', doc, fieldTypes, nullableFields); } // Convert to ColumnInfo format for (const [fieldPath, types] of fieldTypes.entries()) { columns.push({ name: fieldPath, // Join types with '|' if multiple types detected type: Array.from(types).join(' | '), nullable: nullableFields.has(fieldPath), isPrimaryKey: fieldPath === '_id', defaultValue: fieldPath === '_id' ? 'ObjectId' : undefined }); } return { tableName, columns }; } /** * Recursively extract field paths and types from a document */ private extractFields( prefix: string, obj: any, fieldTypes: Map<string, Set<string>>, nullableFields: Set<string> ): void { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { const fieldPath = prefix ? `${prefix}.${key}` : key; if (value === null) { nullableFields.add(fieldPath); this.addFieldType(fieldTypes, fieldPath, 'null'); } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { this.addFieldType(fieldTypes, fieldPath, 'array'); // Sample the first array item if it exists if (value.length > 0) { const firstItem = value[0]; if (typeof firstItem === 'object' && firstItem !== null) { this.extractFields(`${fieldPath}[]`, firstItem, fieldTypes, nullableFields); } else { this.addFieldType(fieldTypes, `${fieldPath}[]`, typeof firstItem); } } } else if (typeof value === 'object') { this.addFieldType(fieldTypes, fieldPath, 'object'); this.extractFields(fieldPath, value, fieldTypes, nullableFields); } else { this.addFieldType(fieldTypes, fieldPath, typeof value); } } } /** * Add a field type to the type map */ private addFieldType( fieldTypes: Map<string, Set<string>>, fieldPath: string, type: string ): void { if (!fieldTypes.has(fieldPath)) { fieldTypes.set(fieldPath, new Set()); } fieldTypes.get(fieldPath)!.add(type); } /** * Get database schema information for all collections */ async getSchema(): Promise<SchemaInfo> { const tables = await this.getTables(); const tableSchemas = await Promise.all( => this.getTableSchema(tableName)) ); return { databaseName: this.config.database, tables: tableSchemas }; } /** * Ensure the database connection is established * @throws Error if not connected */ private ensureConnected(): void { if (!this.client || !this.db) { throw new Error('Database not connected. Call connect() first.'); } } }